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2024-03-29 22:10:11 +00:00
import { openBlock as s, createElementBlock as r, createElementVNode as f, normalizeClass as l, Fragment as h, renderList as g, createCommentVNode as m, toDisplayString as T, renderSlot as k, resolveComponent as _, createVNode as p, withCtx as w } from "../lib/vue.esm-browser.js";
function y(...e) {
return e.reduce((a, t) => a + t, "");
const b = (e, a) => {
const t = e.__vccOpts || e;
for (const [c, o] of a)
t[c] = o;
return t;
}, C = {
name: "Tabs",
props: ["context", "actor", "group", "tabs", "flags"],
setup() {
return { concat: y };
data() {
return {
currentTab: "creatures"
methods: {
changeTab(e) {
e && e.currentTarget && (this.currentTab =;
for (let [a, t] of Object.entries(this.tabs))
this.tabs[a].active = !1;
this.tabs[this.currentTab] && (this.tabs[this.currentTab].active = !0);
getTabClass(e, a) {
return `tab-link tab-link--${a}${ ? " active" : ""}`;
async mounted() {
var e;
this.currentTab = this.tabs.defaultTab ?? "creatures", (e = this.tabs) != null && e[this.currentTab].hidden && (this.currentTab = "creatures"), this.changeTab(!1);
}, v = { class: "section section--tabs flexshrink" }, $ = ["data-group"], x = ["data-tab"], B = { key: 1 };
function S(e, a, t, c, o, i) {
return s(), r("section", v, [
f("nav", {
class: l("sheet-tabs tabs tabs--" +,
}, [
(s(!0), r(h, null, g(t.tabs, (n, u) => (s(), r("span", {
key: "tab-" + + "-" + u
}, [
n.hidden ? m("", !0) : (s(), r("a", {
key: 0,
onClick: a[0] || (a[0] = (...d) => i.changeTab && i.changeTab(...d)),
class: l(i.getTabClass(n, u)),
"data-tab": u
}, [
n.icon ? (s(), r("i", {
key: 0,
class: l(c.concat("fas ", n.icon))
}, null, 2)) : m("", !0),
n.hideLabel ? m("", !0) : (s(), r("span", B, T(n.label), 1))
], 10, x))
]))), 128))
], 10, $)
const N = /* @__PURE__ */ b(C, [["render", S]]), z = {
name: "Tab",
props: ["context", "actor", "tab", "group", "classes"]
}, P = ["data-group", "data-tab"];
function V(e, a, t, c, o, i) {
return s(), r("div", {
class: l("tab " + + ( ? " active" : "") + (t.classes ? " " + t.classes : "")),
}, [
k(e.$slots, "default")
], 10, P);
const F = /* @__PURE__ */ b(z, [["render", V]]), I = {
name: "Stub",
props: ["context"]
function M(e, a, t, c, o, i) {
return s(), r("h1", null, "Foobar");
const O = /* @__PURE__ */ b(I, [["render", M], ["__scopeId", "data-v-59ae215c"]]), E = {
name: "ArchmageCompendiumBrowser",
props: ["context"],
components: {
Tabs: N,
Tab: F,
Stub: O
// CompendiumBrowserCreatures,
// CompendiumBrowserPowers,
// CompendiumBrowserItems
setup() {
return {
data() {
return {
// The only variable we actually need to track is the active tab.
tabs: {
defaultTab: "creatures",
primary: {
// Default tab is assigned in the flags() computed property.
creatures: {
key: "creatures",
label: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser"),
active: !1,
opened: !1
powers: {
key: "powers",
label: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser"),
active: !1,
opened: !1
items: {
key: "items",
label: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser"),
active: !1,
opened: !1
methods: {},
computed: {},
watch: {},
async created() {
console.log("Creating compendium browser...");
async mounted() {
console.log("Compendium browser mounted.");
}, L = { class: "compendium-browser-vue flexcol" }, j = { class: "container container--top" }, A = { class: "container container--bottom" };
function D(e, a, t, c, o, i) {
const n = _("Tabs"), u = _("Stub"), d = _("Tab");
return s(), r("div", L, [
f("section", j, [
p(n, {
group: "primary",
tabs: o.tabs.primary,
flags: e.flags
}, null, 8, ["tabs", "flags"])
f("section", A, [
p(d, {
group: "primary",
tab: o.tabs.primary.creatures,
classes: "container container--bottom flexrow"
}, {
default: w(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["tab"])
const q = /* @__PURE__ */ b(E, [["render", D]]);
export {
q as VueCompendiumBrowser