diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index c8c1539..6b6e486 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ foundryconfig.json # Distribution files dist +# Compiled Vue files +src/components + # ESLint .eslintcache diff --git a/src/components/components.vue.es.js b/src/components/components.vue.es.js deleted file mode 100644 index d497628..0000000 --- a/src/components/components.vue.es.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4062 +0,0 @@ -import { openBlock as re, createElementBlock as ie, normalizeClass as de, Fragment as st, renderList as pt, createCommentVNode as oe, toDisplayString as Ce, renderSlot as Be, toRefs as Me, ref as he, computed as K, onMounted as pa, onUnmounted as Tr, watch as ge, mergeProps as ua, createElementVNode as G, withModifiers as Vt, withKeys as Ja, createBlock as ur, Teleport as Dr, getCurrentInstance as Zt, nextTick as Yt, onBeforeUnmount as Nr, onUpdated as Br, resolveComponent as Rt, withDirectives as Qa, vModelText as Mr, vModelSelect as Vr, createVNode as ft, createTextVNode as La, withCtx as Kt } from "../lib/vue.esm-browser.js"; -function Rr(...e) { - return e.reduce((a, t) => a + t, ""); -} -function Za(e) { - const a = e.uuid.replace(".Actor", ""), t = game.dnd5e.moduleArt.map.get(a); - return (t == null ? void 0 : t.actor) ?? e.img; -} -async function jr(e = [], a = []) { - if (!e || !a || a.length < 1) - return; - let t = []; - for (let s of e) { - const m = await game.packs.get(s).getIndex({ fields: a }); - t = t.concat(m.contents); - } - return t; -} -function qr(e, a = "Actor") { - getDocumentClass(a).fromDropData({ - type: a, - uuid: e - }).then((t) => { - t != null && t.sheet ? t.sheet.render(!0) : console.warn(`No document found for ${e}`); - }); -} -function Ir(e, a, t = "Actor") { - e.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify({ - type: t, - uuid: a.uuid - })); -} -const ea = (e, a) => { - const t = e.__vccOpts || e; - for (const [s, n] of a) - t[s] = n; - return t; -}, zr = { - name: "Tabs", - props: ["context", "actor", "group", "tabs", "flags"], - setup() { - return { concat: Rr }; - }, - data() { - return { - currentTab: "creatures" - }; - }, - methods: { - changeTab(e) { - e && e.currentTarget && (this.currentTab = e.currentTarget.dataset.tab); - for (let [a, t] of Object.entries(this.tabs)) - this.tabs[a].active = !1; - this.tabs[this.currentTab] && (this.tabs[this.currentTab].active = !0); - }, - getTabClass(e, a) { - return `tab-link tab-link--${a}${e.active ? " active" : ""}`; - } - }, - async mounted() { - var a; - const e = (a = Object.values(this.tabs)) == null ? void 0 : a.find((t) => t.active); - Object.values(this.tabs).forEach((t) => console.log(t)), console.log("Active", e), this.currentTab = (e == null ? void 0 : e.key) ?? "creatures", this.changeTab(!1); - } -}, Fr = ["data-group"], Ur = ["data-tab"], Hr = { key: 1 }; -function Wr(e, a, t, s, n, m) { - return re(), ie("nav", { - class: de(`tabs tabs--${t.group}`), - "data-group": t.group - }, [ - (re(!0), ie(st, null, pt(t.tabs, (l, d) => (re(), ie("span", { - key: "tab-" + t.group + "-" + d - }, [ - l.hidden ? oe("", !0) : (re(), ie("a", { - key: 0, - onClick: a[0] || (a[0] = (...p) => m.changeTab && m.changeTab(...p)), - class: de(m.getTabClass(l, d)), - "data-tab": d - }, [ - l.icon ? (re(), ie("i", { - key: 0, - class: de(s.concat("fas ", l.icon)) - }, null, 2)) : oe("", !0), - l.hideLabel ? oe("", !0) : (re(), ie("span", Hr, Ce(l.label), 1)) - ], 10, Ur)) - ]))), 128)) - ], 10, Fr); -} -const _r = /* @__PURE__ */ ea(zr, [["render", Wr]]), Gr = { - name: "Tab", - props: ["context", "actor", "tab", "group", "classes"] -}, $r = ["data-group", "data-tab"]; -function Kr(e, a, t, s, n, m) { - return re(), ie("div", { - class: de("tab " + t.tab.key + (t.tab.active ? " active" : "") + (t.classes ? " " + t.classes : "")), - "data-group": t.group, - "data-tab": t.tab.key - }, [ - Be(e.$slots, "default") - ], 10, $r); -} -const Xr = /* @__PURE__ */ ea(Gr, [["render", Kr]]); -function sa(e) { - return [null, void 0, !1].indexOf(e) !== -1; -} -function Yr(e) { - return e && e.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "default") ? e.default : e; -} -function cr(e) { - var a = { exports: {} }; - return e(a, a.exports), a.exports; -} -var er = cr(function(e, a) { - e.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - var t = ["decimals", "thousand", "mark", "prefix", "suffix", "encoder", "decoder", "negativeBefore", "negative", "edit", "undo"]; - function s(g) { - return g.split("").reverse().join(""); - } - function n(g, w) { - return g.substring(0, w.length) === w; - } - function m(g, w) { - return g.slice(-1 * w.length) === w; - } - function l(g, w, S) { - if ((g[w] || g[S]) && g[w] === g[S]) - throw new Error(w); - } - function d(g) { - return typeof g == "number" && isFinite(g); - } - function p(g, w) { - return g = g.toString().split("e"), (+((g = (g = Math.round(+(g[0] + "e" + (g[1] ? +g[1] + w : w)))).toString().split("e"))[0] + "e" + (g[1] ? +g[1] - w : -w))).toFixed(w); - } - function y(g, w, S, k, V, b, D, R, P, U, F, T) { - var J, X, N, H = T, ne = "", $ = ""; - return b && (T = b(T)), !!d(T) && (g !== !1 && parseFloat(T.toFixed(g)) === 0 && (T = 0), T < 0 && (J = !0, T = Math.abs(T)), g !== !1 && (T = p(T, g)), (T = T.toString()).indexOf(".") !== -1 ? (N = (X = T.split("."))[0], S && (ne = S + X[1])) : N = T, w && (N = s(N).match(/.{1,3}/g), N = s(N.join(s(w)))), J && R && ($ += R), k && ($ += k), J && P && ($ += P), $ += N, $ += ne, V && ($ += V), U && ($ = U($, H)), $); - } - function v(g, w, S, k, V, b, D, R, P, U, F, T) { - var J, X = ""; - return F && (T = F(T)), !(!T || typeof T != "string") && (R && n(T, R) && (T = T.replace(R, ""), J = !0), k && n(T, k) && (T = T.replace(k, "")), P && n(T, P) && (T = T.replace(P, ""), J = !0), V && m(T, V) && (T = T.slice(0, -1 * V.length)), w && (T = T.split(w).join("")), S && (T = T.replace(S, ".")), J && (X += "-"), (X = (X += T).replace(/[^0-9\.\-.]/g, "")) !== "" && (X = Number(X), D && (X = D(X)), !!d(X) && X)); - } - function x(g) { - var w, S, k, V = {}; - for (g.suffix === void 0 && (g.suffix = g.postfix), w = 0; w < t.length; w += 1) - if ((k = g[S = t[w]]) === void 0) - S !== "negative" || V.negativeBefore ? S === "mark" && V.thousand !== "." ? V[S] = "." : V[S] = !1 : V[S] = "-"; - else if (S === "decimals") { - if (!(k >= 0 && k < 8)) - throw new Error(S); - V[S] = k; - } else if (S === "encoder" || S === "decoder" || S === "edit" || S === "undo") { - if (typeof k != "function") - throw new Error(S); - V[S] = k; - } else { - if (typeof k != "string") - throw new Error(S); - V[S] = k; - } - return l(V, "mark", "thousand"), l(V, "prefix", "negative"), l(V, "prefix", "negativeBefore"), V; - } - function A(g, w, S) { - var k, V = []; - for (k = 0; k < t.length; k += 1) - V.push(g[t[k]]); - return V.push(S), w.apply("", V); - } - function E(g) { - if (!(this instanceof E)) - return new E(g); - typeof g == "object" && (g = x(g), this.to = function(w) { - return A(g, y, w); - }, this.from = function(w) { - return A(g, v, w); - }); - } - return E; - }(); -}), Jr = Yr(cr(function(e, a) { - (function(t) { - function s(o) { - return n(o) && typeof o.from == "function"; - } - function n(o) { - return typeof o == "object" && typeof o.to == "function"; - } - function m(o) { - o.parentElement.removeChild(o); - } - function l(o) { - return o != null; - } - function d(o) { - o.preventDefault(); - } - function p(o) { - return o.filter(function(r) { - return !this[r] && (this[r] = !0); - }, {}); - } - function y(o, r) { - return Math.round(o / r) * r; - } - function v(o, r) { - var L = o.getBoundingClientRect(), z = o.ownerDocument, B = z.documentElement, W = b(z); - return /webkit.*Chrome.*Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && (W.x = 0), r ? L.top + W.y - B.clientTop : L.left + W.x - B.clientLeft; - } - function x(o) { - return typeof o == "number" && !isNaN(o) && isFinite(o); - } - function A(o, r, L) { - L > 0 && (S(o, r), setTimeout(function() { - k(o, r); - }, L)); - } - function E(o) { - return Math.max(Math.min(o, 100), 0); - } - function g(o) { - return Array.isArray(o) ? o : [o]; - } - function w(o) { - var r = (o = String(o)).split("."); - return r.length > 1 ? r[1].length : 0; - } - function S(o, r) { - o.classList && !/\s/.test(r) ? o.classList.add(r) : o.className += " " + r; - } - function k(o, r) { - o.classList && !/\s/.test(r) ? o.classList.remove(r) : o.className = o.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\b)" + r.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\b|$)", "gi"), " "); - } - function V(o, r) { - return o.classList ? o.classList.contains(r) : new RegExp("\\b" + r + "\\b").test(o.className); - } - function b(o) { - var r = window.pageXOffset !== void 0, L = (o.compatMode || "") === "CSS1Compat"; - return { x: r ? window.pageXOffset : L ? o.documentElement.scrollLeft : o.body.scrollLeft, y: r ? window.pageYOffset : L ? o.documentElement.scrollTop : o.body.scrollTop }; - } - function D() { - return window.navigator.pointerEnabled ? { start: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove", end: "pointerup" } : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? { start: "MSPointerDown", move: "MSPointerMove", end: "MSPointerUp" } : { start: "mousedown touchstart", move: "mousemove touchmove", end: "mouseup touchend" }; - } - function R() { - var o = !1; - try { - var r = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function() { - o = !0; - } }); - window.addEventListener("test", null, r); - } catch { - } - return o; - } - function P() { - return window.CSS && CSS.supports && CSS.supports("touch-action", "none"); - } - function U(o, r) { - return 100 / (r - o); - } - function F(o, r, L) { - return 100 * r / (o[L + 1] - o[L]); - } - function T(o, r) { - return F(o, o[0] < 0 ? r + Math.abs(o[0]) : r - o[0], 0); - } - function J(o, r) { - return r * (o[1] - o[0]) / 100 + o[0]; - } - function X(o, r) { - for (var L = 1; o >= r[L]; ) - L += 1; - return L; - } - function N(o, r, L) { - if (L >= o.slice(-1)[0]) - return 100; - var z = X(L, o), B = o[z - 1], W = o[z], ue = r[z - 1], xe = r[z]; - return ue + T([B, W], L) / U(ue, xe); - } - function H(o, r, L) { - if (L >= 100) - return o.slice(-1)[0]; - var z = X(L, r), B = o[z - 1], W = o[z], ue = r[z - 1]; - return J([B, W], (L - ue) * U(ue, r[z])); - } - function ne(o, r, L, z) { - if (z === 100) - return z; - var B = X(z, o), W = o[B - 1], ue = o[B]; - return L ? z - W > (ue - W) / 2 ? ue : W : r[B - 1] ? o[B - 1] + y(z - o[B - 1], r[B - 1]) : z; - } - var $, ee; - t.PipsMode = void 0, (ee = t.PipsMode || (t.PipsMode = {})).Range = "range", ee.Steps = "steps", ee.Positions = "positions", ee.Count = "count", ee.Values = "values", t.PipsType = void 0, ($ = t.PipsType || (t.PipsType = {}))[$.None = -1] = "None", $[$.NoValue = 0] = "NoValue", $[$.LargeValue = 1] = "LargeValue", $[$.SmallValue = 2] = "SmallValue"; - var se = function() { - function o(r, L, z) { - var B; - this.xPct = [], this.xVal = [], this.xSteps = [], this.xNumSteps = [], this.xHighestCompleteStep = [], this.xSteps = [z || !1], this.xNumSteps = [!1], this.snap = L; - var W = []; - for (Object.keys(r).forEach(function(ue) { - W.push([g(r[ue]), ue]); - }), W.sort(function(ue, xe) { - return ue[0][0] - xe[0][0]; - }), B = 0; B < W.length; B++) - this.handleEntryPoint(W[B][1], W[B][0]); - for (this.xNumSteps = this.xSteps.slice(0), B = 0; B < this.xNumSteps.length; B++) - this.handleStepPoint(B, this.xNumSteps[B]); - } - return o.prototype.getDistance = function(r) { - for (var L = [], z = 0; z < this.xNumSteps.length - 1; z++) - L[z] = F(this.xVal, r, z); - return L; - }, o.prototype.getAbsoluteDistance = function(r, L, z) { - var B, W = 0; - if (r < this.xPct[this.xPct.length - 1]) - for (; r > this.xPct[W + 1]; ) - W++; - else - r === this.xPct[this.xPct.length - 1] && (W = this.xPct.length - 2); - z || r !== this.xPct[W + 1] || W++, L === null && (L = []); - var ue = 1, xe = L[W], ye = 0, Ve = 0, me = 0, Q = 0; - for (B = z ? (r - this.xPct[W]) / (this.xPct[W + 1] - this.xPct[W]) : (this.xPct[W + 1] - r) / (this.xPct[W + 1] - this.xPct[W]); xe > 0; ) - ye = this.xPct[W + 1 + Q] - this.xPct[W + Q], L[W + Q] * ue + 100 - 100 * B > 100 ? (Ve = ye * B, ue = (xe - 100 * B) / L[W + Q], B = 1) : (Ve = L[W + Q] * ye / 100 * ue, ue = 0), z ? (me -= Ve, this.xPct.length + Q >= 1 && Q--) : (me += Ve, this.xPct.length - Q >= 1 && Q++), xe = L[W + Q] * ue; - return r + me; - }, o.prototype.toStepping = function(r) { - return r = N(this.xVal, this.xPct, r); - }, o.prototype.fromStepping = function(r) { - return H(this.xVal, this.xPct, r); - }, o.prototype.getStep = function(r) { - return r = ne(this.xPct, this.xSteps, this.snap, r); - }, o.prototype.getDefaultStep = function(r, L, z) { - var B = X(r, this.xPct); - return (r === 100 || L && r === this.xPct[B - 1]) && (B = Math.max(B - 1, 1)), (this.xVal[B] - this.xVal[B - 1]) / z; - }, o.prototype.getNearbySteps = function(r) { - var L = X(r, this.xPct); - return { stepBefore: { startValue: this.xVal[L - 2], step: this.xNumSteps[L - 2], highestStep: this.xHighestCompleteStep[L - 2] }, thisStep: { startValue: this.xVal[L - 1], step: this.xNumSteps[L - 1], highestStep: this.xHighestCompleteStep[L - 1] }, stepAfter: { startValue: this.xVal[L], step: this.xNumSteps[L], highestStep: this.xHighestCompleteStep[L] } }; - }, o.prototype.countStepDecimals = function() { - var r = this.xNumSteps.map(w); - return Math.max.apply(null, r); - }, o.prototype.hasNoSize = function() { - return this.xVal[0] === this.xVal[this.xVal.length - 1]; - }, o.prototype.convert = function(r) { - return this.getStep(this.toStepping(r)); - }, o.prototype.handleEntryPoint = function(r, L) { - var z; - if (!x(z = r === "min" ? 0 : r === "max" ? 100 : parseFloat(r)) || !x(L[0])) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'range' value isn't numeric."); - this.xPct.push(z), this.xVal.push(L[0]); - var B = Number(L[1]); - z ? this.xSteps.push(!isNaN(B) && B) : isNaN(B) || (this.xSteps[0] = B), this.xHighestCompleteStep.push(0); - }, o.prototype.handleStepPoint = function(r, L) { - if (L) - if (this.xVal[r] !== this.xVal[r + 1]) { - this.xSteps[r] = F([this.xVal[r], this.xVal[r + 1]], L, 0) / U(this.xPct[r], this.xPct[r + 1]); - var z = (this.xVal[r + 1] - this.xVal[r]) / this.xNumSteps[r], B = Math.ceil(Number(z.toFixed(3)) - 1), W = this.xVal[r] + this.xNumSteps[r] * B; - this.xHighestCompleteStep[r] = W; - } else - this.xSteps[r] = this.xHighestCompleteStep[r] = this.xVal[r]; - }, o; - }(), Te = { to: function(o) { - return o === void 0 ? "" : o.toFixed(2); - }, from: Number }, Y = { target: "target", base: "base", origin: "origin", handle: "handle", handleLower: "handle-lower", handleUpper: "handle-upper", touchArea: "touch-area", horizontal: "horizontal", vertical: "vertical", background: "background", connect: "connect", connects: "connects", ltr: "ltr", rtl: "rtl", textDirectionLtr: "txt-dir-ltr", textDirectionRtl: "txt-dir-rtl", draggable: "draggable", drag: "state-drag", tap: "state-tap", active: "active", tooltip: "tooltip", pips: "pips", pipsHorizontal: "pips-horizontal", pipsVertical: "pips-vertical", marker: "marker", markerHorizontal: "marker-horizontal", markerVertical: "marker-vertical", markerNormal: "marker-normal", markerLarge: "marker-large", markerSub: "marker-sub", value: "value", valueHorizontal: "value-horizontal", valueVertical: "value-vertical", valueNormal: "value-normal", valueLarge: "value-large", valueSub: "value-sub" }, Z = { tooltips: ".__tooltips", aria: ".__aria" }; - function te(o, r) { - if (!x(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'step' is not numeric."); - o.singleStep = r; - } - function pe(o, r) { - if (!x(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardPageMultiplier' is not numeric."); - o.keyboardPageMultiplier = r; - } - function Le(o, r) { - if (!x(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardMultiplier' is not numeric."); - o.keyboardMultiplier = r; - } - function ce(o, r) { - if (!x(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardDefaultStep' is not numeric."); - o.keyboardDefaultStep = r; - } - function _(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "object" || Array.isArray(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'range' is not an object."); - if (r.min === void 0 || r.max === void 0) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: Missing 'min' or 'max' in 'range'."); - o.spectrum = new se(r, o.snap || !1, o.singleStep); - } - function h(o, r) { - if (r = g(r), !Array.isArray(r) || !r.length) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'start' option is incorrect."); - o.handles = r.length, o.start = r; - } - function j(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "boolean") - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'snap' option must be a boolean."); - o.snap = r; - } - function be(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "boolean") - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'animate' option must be a boolean."); - o.animate = r; - } - function Re(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "number") - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'animationDuration' option must be a number."); - o.animationDuration = r; - } - function gt(o, r) { - var L, z = [!1]; - if (r === "lower" ? r = [!0, !1] : r === "upper" && (r = [!1, !0]), r === !0 || r === !1) { - for (L = 1; L < o.handles; L++) - z.push(r); - z.push(!1); - } else { - if (!Array.isArray(r) || !r.length || r.length !== o.handles + 1) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'connect' option doesn't match handle count."); - z = r; - } - o.connect = z; - } - function bt(o, r) { - switch (r) { - case "horizontal": - o.ort = 0; - break; - case "vertical": - o.ort = 1; - break; - default: - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'orientation' option is invalid."); - } - } - function Ke(o, r) { - if (!x(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'margin' option must be numeric."); - r !== 0 && (o.margin = o.spectrum.getDistance(r)); - } - function kt(o, r) { - if (!x(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'limit' option must be numeric."); - if (o.limit = o.spectrum.getDistance(r), !o.limit || o.handles < 2) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'limit' option is only supported on linear sliders with 2 or more handles."); - } - function Ft(o, r) { - var L; - if (!x(r) && !Array.isArray(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must be numeric or array of exactly 2 numbers."); - if (Array.isArray(r) && r.length !== 2 && !x(r[0]) && !x(r[1])) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must be numeric or array of exactly 2 numbers."); - if (r !== 0) { - for (Array.isArray(r) || (r = [r, r]), o.padding = [o.spectrum.getDistance(r[0]), o.spectrum.getDistance(r[1])], L = 0; L < o.spectrum.xNumSteps.length - 1; L++) - if (o.padding[0][L] < 0 || o.padding[1][L] < 0) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must be a positive number(s)."); - var z = r[0] + r[1], B = o.spectrum.xVal[0]; - if (z / (o.spectrum.xVal[o.spectrum.xVal.length - 1] - B) > 1) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must not exceed 100% of the range."); - } - } - function Qe(o, r) { - switch (r) { - case "ltr": - o.dir = 0; - break; - case "rtl": - o.dir = 1; - break; - default: - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'direction' option was not recognized."); - } - } - function Pt(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "string") - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'behaviour' must be a string containing options."); - var L = r.indexOf("tap") >= 0, z = r.indexOf("drag") >= 0, B = r.indexOf("fixed") >= 0, W = r.indexOf("snap") >= 0, ue = r.indexOf("hover") >= 0, xe = r.indexOf("unconstrained") >= 0, ye = r.indexOf("drag-all") >= 0, Ve = r.indexOf("smooth-steps") >= 0; - if (B) { - if (o.handles !== 2) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'fixed' behaviour must be used with 2 handles"); - Ke(o, o.start[1] - o.start[0]); - } - if (xe && (o.margin || o.limit)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'unconstrained' behaviour cannot be used with margin or limit"); - o.events = { tap: L || W, drag: z, dragAll: ye, smoothSteps: Ve, fixed: B, snap: W, hover: ue, unconstrained: xe }; - } - function Ze(o, r) { - if (r !== !1) - if (r === !0 || n(r)) { - o.tooltips = []; - for (var L = 0; L < o.handles; L++) - o.tooltips.push(r); - } else { - if ((r = g(r)).length !== o.handles) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: must pass a formatter for all handles."); - r.forEach(function(z) { - if (typeof z != "boolean" && !n(z)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'tooltips' must be passed a formatter or 'false'."); - }), o.tooltips = r; - } - } - function _e(o, r) { - if (r.length !== o.handles) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: must pass a attributes for all handles."); - o.handleAttributes = r; - } - function qe(o, r) { - if (!n(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'ariaFormat' requires 'to' method."); - o.ariaFormat = r; - } - function ze(o, r) { - if (!s(r)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'format' requires 'to' and 'from' methods."); - o.format = r; - } - function Xe(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "boolean") - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardSupport' option must be a boolean."); - o.keyboardSupport = r; - } - function yt(o, r) { - o.documentElement = r; - } - function Ct(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "string" && r !== !1) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'cssPrefix' must be a string or `false`."); - o.cssPrefix = r; - } - function Ie(o, r) { - if (typeof r != "object") - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'cssClasses' must be an object."); - typeof o.cssPrefix == "string" ? (o.cssClasses = {}, Object.keys(r).forEach(function(L) { - o.cssClasses[L] = o.cssPrefix + r[L]; - })) : o.cssClasses = r; - } - function ct(o) { - var r = { margin: null, limit: null, padding: null, animate: !0, animationDuration: 300, ariaFormat: Te, format: Te }, L = { step: { r: !1, t: te }, keyboardPageMultiplier: { r: !1, t: pe }, keyboardMultiplier: { r: !1, t: Le }, keyboardDefaultStep: { r: !1, t: ce }, start: { r: !0, t: h }, connect: { r: !0, t: gt }, direction: { r: !0, t: Qe }, snap: { r: !1, t: j }, animate: { r: !1, t: be }, animationDuration: { r: !1, t: Re }, range: { r: !0, t: _ }, orientation: { r: !1, t: bt }, margin: { r: !1, t: Ke }, limit: { r: !1, t: kt }, padding: { r: !1, t: Ft }, behaviour: { r: !0, t: Pt }, ariaFormat: { r: !1, t: qe }, format: { r: !1, t: ze }, tooltips: { r: !1, t: Ze }, keyboardSupport: { r: !0, t: Xe }, documentElement: { r: !1, t: yt }, cssPrefix: { r: !0, t: Ct }, cssClasses: { r: !0, t: Ie }, handleAttributes: { r: !1, t: _e } }, z = { connect: !1, direction: "ltr", behaviour: "tap", orientation: "horizontal", keyboardSupport: !0, cssPrefix: "noUi-", cssClasses: Y, keyboardPageMultiplier: 5, keyboardMultiplier: 1, keyboardDefaultStep: 10 }; - o.format && !o.ariaFormat && (o.ariaFormat = o.format), Object.keys(L).forEach(function(ye) { - if (l(o[ye]) || z[ye] !== void 0) - L[ye].t(r, l(o[ye]) ? o[ye] : z[ye]); - else if (L[ye].r) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: '" + ye + "' is required."); - }), r.pips = o.pips; - var B = document.createElement("div"), W = B.style.msTransform !== void 0, ue = B.style.transform !== void 0; - r.transformRule = ue ? "transform" : W ? "msTransform" : "webkitTransform"; - var xe = [["left", "top"], ["right", "bottom"]]; - return r.style = xe[r.dir][r.ort], r; - } - function et(o, r, L) { - var z, B, W, ue, xe, ye = D(), Ve = P() && R(), me = o, Q = r.spectrum, Ge = [], we = [], Ne = [], Fe = 0, Ue = {}, at = o.ownerDocument, At = r.documentElement || at.documentElement, wt = at.body, ga = at.dir === "rtl" || r.ort === 1 ? 0 : 100; - function He(i, c) { - var f = at.createElement("div"); - return c && S(f, c), i.appendChild(f), f; - } - function ba(i, c) { - var f = He(i, r.cssClasses.origin), O = He(f, r.cssClasses.handle); - if (He(O, r.cssClasses.touchArea), O.setAttribute("data-handle", String(c)), r.keyboardSupport && (O.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), O.addEventListener("keydown", function(M) { - return wr(M, c); - })), r.handleAttributes !== void 0) { - var q = r.handleAttributes[c]; - Object.keys(q).forEach(function(M) { - O.setAttribute(M, q[M]); - }); - } - return O.setAttribute("role", "slider"), O.setAttribute("aria-orientation", r.ort ? "vertical" : "horizontal"), c === 0 ? S(O, r.cssClasses.handleLower) : c === r.handles - 1 && S(O, r.cssClasses.handleUpper), f; - } - function ta(i, c) { - return !!c && He(i, r.cssClasses.connect); - } - function ya(i, c) { - var f = He(c, r.cssClasses.connects); - B = [], (W = []).push(ta(f, i[0])); - for (var O = 0; O < r.handles; O++) - B.push(ba(c, O)), Ne[O] = O, W.push(ta(f, i[O + 1])); - } - function Ye(i) { - return S(i, r.cssClasses.target), r.dir === 0 ? S(i, r.cssClasses.ltr) : S(i, r.cssClasses.rtl), r.ort === 0 ? S(i, r.cssClasses.horizontal) : S(i, r.cssClasses.vertical), S(i, getComputedStyle(i).direction === "rtl" ? r.cssClasses.textDirectionRtl : r.cssClasses.textDirectionLtr), He(i, r.cssClasses.base); - } - function wa(i, c) { - return !(!r.tooltips || !r.tooltips[c]) && He(i.firstChild, r.cssClasses.tooltip); - } - function aa() { - return me.hasAttribute("disabled"); - } - function Ut(i) { - return B[i].hasAttribute("disabled"); - } - function Ht() { - xe && ($t("update" + Z.tooltips), xe.forEach(function(i) { - i && m(i); - }), xe = null); - } - function Tt() { - Ht(), xe = B.map(wa), Oa("update" + Z.tooltips, function(i, c, f) { - if (xe && r.tooltips && xe[c] !== !1) { - var O = i[c]; - r.tooltips[c] !== !0 && (O = r.tooltips[c].to(f[c])), xe[c].innerHTML = O; - } - }); - } - function Wt() { - $t("update" + Z.aria), Oa("update" + Z.aria, function(i, c, f, O, q) { - Ne.forEach(function(M) { - var ae = B[M], I = na(we, M, 0, !0, !0, !0), Pe = na(we, M, 100, !0, !0, !0), Ee = q[M], ve = String(r.ariaFormat.to(f[M])); - I = Q.fromStepping(I).toFixed(1), Pe = Q.fromStepping(Pe).toFixed(1), Ee = Q.fromStepping(Ee).toFixed(1), ae.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuemin", I), ae.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuemax", Pe), ae.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuenow", Ee), ae.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuetext", ve); - }); - }); - } - function Dt(i) { - if (i.mode === t.PipsMode.Range || i.mode === t.PipsMode.Steps) - return Q.xVal; - if (i.mode === t.PipsMode.Count) { - if (i.values < 2) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'values' (>= 2) required for mode 'count'."); - for (var c = i.values - 1, f = 100 / c, O = []; c--; ) - O[c] = c * f; - return O.push(100), St(O, i.stepped); - } - return i.mode === t.PipsMode.Positions ? St(i.values, i.stepped) : i.mode === t.PipsMode.Values ? i.stepped ? i.values.map(function(q) { - return Q.fromStepping(Q.getStep(Q.toStepping(q))); - }) : i.values : []; - } - function St(i, c) { - return i.map(function(f) { - return Q.fromStepping(c ? Q.getStep(f) : f); - }); - } - function _t(i) { - function c(Ee, ve) { - return Number((Ee + ve).toFixed(7)); - } - var f = Dt(i), O = {}, q = Q.xVal[0], M = Q.xVal[Q.xVal.length - 1], ae = !1, I = !1, Pe = 0; - return (f = p(f.slice().sort(function(Ee, ve) { - return Ee - ve; - })))[0] !== q && (f.unshift(q), ae = !0), f[f.length - 1] !== M && (f.push(M), I = !0), f.forEach(function(Ee, ve) { - var Oe, fe, De, je, Ae, Ga, ka, $a, Ka, Xa, Pa = Ee, Mt = f[ve + 1], Ya = i.mode === t.PipsMode.Steps; - for (Ya && (Oe = Q.xNumSteps[ve]), Oe || (Oe = Mt - Pa), Mt === void 0 && (Mt = Pa), Oe = Math.max(Oe, 1e-7), fe = Pa; fe <= Mt; fe = c(fe, Oe)) { - for ($a = (Ae = (je = Q.toStepping(fe)) - Pe) / (i.density || 1), Xa = Ae / (Ka = Math.round($a)), De = 1; De <= Ka; De += 1) - O[(Ga = Pe + De * Xa).toFixed(5)] = [Q.fromStepping(Ga), 0]; - ka = f.indexOf(fe) > -1 ? t.PipsType.LargeValue : Ya ? t.PipsType.SmallValue : t.PipsType.NoValue, !ve && ae && fe !== Mt && (ka = 0), fe === Mt && I || (O[je.toFixed(5)] = [fe, ka]), Pe = je; - } - }), O; - } - function Sa(i, c, f) { - var O, q, M = at.createElement("div"), ae = ((O = {})[t.PipsType.None] = "", O[t.PipsType.NoValue] = r.cssClasses.valueNormal, O[t.PipsType.LargeValue] = r.cssClasses.valueLarge, O[t.PipsType.SmallValue] = r.cssClasses.valueSub, O), I = ((q = {})[t.PipsType.None] = "", q[t.PipsType.NoValue] = r.cssClasses.markerNormal, q[t.PipsType.LargeValue] = r.cssClasses.markerLarge, q[t.PipsType.SmallValue] = r.cssClasses.markerSub, q), Pe = [r.cssClasses.valueHorizontal, r.cssClasses.valueVertical], Ee = [r.cssClasses.markerHorizontal, r.cssClasses.markerVertical]; - function ve(fe, De) { - var je = De === r.cssClasses.value, Ae = je ? ae : I; - return De + " " + (je ? Pe : Ee)[r.ort] + " " + Ae[fe]; - } - function Oe(fe, De, je) { - if ((je = c ? c(De, je) : je) !== t.PipsType.None) { - var Ae = He(M, !1); - Ae.className = ve(je, r.cssClasses.marker), Ae.style[r.style] = fe + "%", je > t.PipsType.NoValue && ((Ae = He(M, !1)).className = ve(je, r.cssClasses.value), Ae.setAttribute("data-value", String(De)), Ae.style[r.style] = fe + "%", Ae.innerHTML = String(f.to(De))); - } - } - return S(M, r.cssClasses.pips), S(M, r.ort === 0 ? r.cssClasses.pipsHorizontal : r.cssClasses.pipsVertical), Object.keys(i).forEach(function(fe) { - Oe(fe, i[fe][0], i[fe][1]); - }), M; - } - function dt() { - ue && (m(ue), ue = null); - } - function Nt(i) { - dt(); - var c = _t(i), f = i.filter, O = i.format || { to: function(q) { - return String(Math.round(q)); - } }; - return ue = me.appendChild(Sa(c, f, O)); - } - function u() { - var i = z.getBoundingClientRect(), c = "offset" + ["Width", "Height"][r.ort]; - return r.ort === 0 ? i.width || z[c] : i.height || z[c]; - } - function C(i, c, f, O) { - var q = function(ae) { - var I = le(ae, O.pageOffset, O.target || c); - return !!I && !(aa() && !O.doNotReject) && !(V(me, r.cssClasses.tap) && !O.doNotReject) && !(i === ye.start && I.buttons !== void 0 && I.buttons > 1) && (!O.hover || !I.buttons) && (Ve || I.preventDefault(), I.calcPoint = I.points[r.ort], void f(I, O)); - }, M = []; - return i.split(" ").forEach(function(ae) { - c.addEventListener(ae, q, !!Ve && { passive: !0 }), M.push([ae, q]); - }), M; - } - function le(i, c, f) { - var O = i.type.indexOf("touch") === 0, q = i.type.indexOf("mouse") === 0, M = i.type.indexOf("pointer") === 0, ae = 0, I = 0; - if (i.type.indexOf("MSPointer") === 0 && (M = !0), i.type === "mousedown" && !i.buttons && !i.touches) - return !1; - if (O) { - var Pe = function(Oe) { - var fe = Oe.target; - return fe === f || f.contains(fe) || i.composed && i.composedPath().shift() === f; - }; - if (i.type === "touchstart") { - var Ee = Array.prototype.filter.call(i.touches, Pe); - if (Ee.length > 1) - return !1; - ae = Ee[0].pageX, I = Ee[0].pageY; - } else { - var ve = Array.prototype.find.call(i.changedTouches, Pe); - if (!ve) - return !1; - ae = ve.pageX, I = ve.pageY; - } - } - return c = c || b(at), (q || M) && (ae = i.clientX + c.x, I = i.clientY + c.y), i.pageOffset = c, i.points = [ae, I], i.cursor = q || M, i; - } - function Se(i) { - var c = 100 * (i - v(z, r.ort)) / u(); - return c = E(c), r.dir ? 100 - c : c; - } - function lt(i) { - var c = 100, f = !1; - return B.forEach(function(O, q) { - if (!Ut(q)) { - var M = we[q], ae = Math.abs(M - i); - (ae < c || ae <= c && i > M || ae === 100 && c === 100) && (f = q, c = ae); - } - }), f; - } - function ra(i, c) { - i.type === "mouseout" && i.target.nodeName === "HTML" && i.relatedTarget === null && Gt(i, c); - } - function Ia(i, c) { - if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 9") === -1 && i.buttons === 0 && c.buttonsProperty !== 0) - return Gt(i, c); - var f = (r.dir ? -1 : 1) * (i.calcPoint - c.startCalcPoint); - za(f > 0, 100 * f / c.baseSize, c.locations, c.handleNumbers, c.connect); - } - function Gt(i, c) { - c.handle && (k(c.handle, r.cssClasses.active), Fe -= 1), c.listeners.forEach(function(f) { - At.removeEventListener(f[0], f[1]); - }), Fe === 0 && (k(me, r.cssClasses.drag), Ea(), i.cursor && (wt.style.cursor = "", wt.removeEventListener("selectstart", d))), r.events.smoothSteps && (c.handleNumbers.forEach(function(f) { - Ot(f, we[f], !0, !0, !1, !1); - }), c.handleNumbers.forEach(function(f) { - ke("update", f); - })), c.handleNumbers.forEach(function(f) { - ke("change", f), ke("set", f), ke("end", f); - }); - } - function Bt(i, c) { - if (!c.handleNumbers.some(Ut)) { - var f; - c.handleNumbers.length === 1 && (f = B[c.handleNumbers[0]].children[0], Fe += 1, S(f, r.cssClasses.active)), i.stopPropagation(); - var O = [], q = C(ye.move, At, Ia, { target: i.target, handle: f, connect: c.connect, listeners: O, startCalcPoint: i.calcPoint, baseSize: u(), pageOffset: i.pageOffset, handleNumbers: c.handleNumbers, buttonsProperty: i.buttons, locations: we.slice() }), M = C(ye.end, At, Gt, { target: i.target, handle: f, listeners: O, doNotReject: !0, handleNumbers: c.handleNumbers }), ae = C("mouseout", At, ra, { target: i.target, handle: f, listeners: O, doNotReject: !0, handleNumbers: c.handleNumbers }); - O.push.apply(O, q.concat(M, ae)), i.cursor && (wt.style.cursor = getComputedStyle(i.target).cursor, B.length > 1 && S(me, r.cssClasses.drag), wt.addEventListener("selectstart", d, !1)), c.handleNumbers.forEach(function(I) { - ke("start", I); - }); - } - } - function br(i) { - i.stopPropagation(); - var c = Se(i.calcPoint), f = lt(c); - f !== !1 && (r.events.snap || A(me, r.cssClasses.tap, r.animationDuration), Ot(f, c, !0, !0), Ea(), ke("slide", f, !0), ke("update", f, !0), r.events.snap ? Bt(i, { handleNumbers: [f] }) : (ke("change", f, !0), ke("set", f, !0))); - } - function yr(i) { - var c = Se(i.calcPoint), f = Q.getStep(c), O = Q.fromStepping(f); - Object.keys(Ue).forEach(function(q) { - q.split(".")[0] === "hover" && Ue[q].forEach(function(M) { - M.call(la, O); - }); - }); - } - function wr(i, c) { - if (aa() || Ut(c)) - return !1; - var f = ["Left", "Right"], O = ["Down", "Up"], q = ["PageDown", "PageUp"], M = ["Home", "End"]; - r.dir && !r.ort ? f.reverse() : r.ort && !r.dir && (O.reverse(), q.reverse()); - var ae, I = i.key.replace("Arrow", ""), Pe = I === q[0], Ee = I === q[1], ve = I === O[0] || I === f[0] || Pe, Oe = I === O[1] || I === f[1] || Ee, fe = I === M[0], De = I === M[1]; - if (!(ve || Oe || fe || De)) - return !0; - if (i.preventDefault(), Oe || ve) { - var je = ve ? 0 : 1, Ae = _a(c)[je]; - if (Ae === null) - return !1; - Ae === !1 && (Ae = Q.getDefaultStep(we[c], ve, r.keyboardDefaultStep)), Ae *= Ee || Pe ? r.keyboardPageMultiplier : r.keyboardMultiplier, Ae = Math.max(Ae, 1e-7), Ae *= ve ? -1 : 1, ae = Ge[c] + Ae; - } else - ae = De ? r.spectrum.xVal[r.spectrum.xVal.length - 1] : r.spectrum.xVal[0]; - return Ot(c, Q.toStepping(ae), !0, !0), ke("slide", c), ke("update", c), ke("change", c), ke("set", c), !1; - } - function Sr(i) { - i.fixed || B.forEach(function(c, f) { - C(ye.start, c.children[0], Bt, { handleNumbers: [f] }); - }), i.tap && C(ye.start, z, br, {}), i.hover && C(ye.move, z, yr, { hover: !0 }), i.drag && W.forEach(function(c, f) { - if (c !== !1 && f !== 0 && f !== W.length - 1) { - var O = B[f - 1], q = B[f], M = [c], ae = [O, q], I = [f - 1, f]; - S(c, r.cssClasses.draggable), i.fixed && (M.push(O.children[0]), M.push(q.children[0])), i.dragAll && (ae = B, I = Ne), M.forEach(function(Pe) { - C(ye.start, Pe, Bt, { handles: ae, handleNumbers: I, connect: c }); - }); - } - }); - } - function Oa(i, c) { - Ue[i] = Ue[i] || [], Ue[i].push(c), i.split(".")[0] === "update" && B.forEach(function(f, O) { - ke("update", O); - }); - } - function Or(i) { - return i === Z.aria || i === Z.tooltips; - } - function $t(i) { - var c = i && i.split(".")[0], f = c ? i.substring(c.length) : i; - Object.keys(Ue).forEach(function(O) { - var q = O.split(".")[0], M = O.substring(q.length); - c && c !== q || f && f !== M || Or(M) && f !== M || delete Ue[O]; - }); - } - function ke(i, c, f) { - Object.keys(Ue).forEach(function(O) { - var q = O.split(".")[0]; - i === q && Ue[O].forEach(function(M) { - M.call(la, Ge.map(r.format.to), c, Ge.slice(), f || !1, we.slice(), la); - }); - }); - } - function na(i, c, f, O, q, M, ae) { - var I; - return B.length > 1 && !r.events.unconstrained && (O && c > 0 && (I = Q.getAbsoluteDistance(i[c - 1], r.margin, !1), f = Math.max(f, I)), q && c < B.length - 1 && (I = Q.getAbsoluteDistance(i[c + 1], r.margin, !0), f = Math.min(f, I))), B.length > 1 && r.limit && (O && c > 0 && (I = Q.getAbsoluteDistance(i[c - 1], r.limit, !1), f = Math.min(f, I)), q && c < B.length - 1 && (I = Q.getAbsoluteDistance(i[c + 1], r.limit, !0), f = Math.max(f, I))), r.padding && (c === 0 && (I = Q.getAbsoluteDistance(0, r.padding[0], !1), f = Math.max(f, I)), c === B.length - 1 && (I = Q.getAbsoluteDistance(100, r.padding[1], !0), f = Math.min(f, I))), ae || (f = Q.getStep(f)), !((f = E(f)) === i[c] && !M) && f; - } - function xa(i, c) { - var f = r.ort; - return (f ? c : i) + ", " + (f ? i : c); - } - function za(i, c, f, O, q) { - var M = f.slice(), ae = O[0], I = r.events.smoothSteps, Pe = [!i, i], Ee = [i, !i]; - O = O.slice(), i && O.reverse(), O.length > 1 ? O.forEach(function(Oe, fe) { - var De = na(M, Oe, M[Oe] + c, Pe[fe], Ee[fe], !1, I); - De === !1 ? c = 0 : (c = De - M[Oe], M[Oe] = De); - }) : Pe = Ee = [!0]; - var ve = !1; - O.forEach(function(Oe, fe) { - ve = Ot(Oe, f[Oe] + c, Pe[fe], Ee[fe], !1, I) || ve; - }), ve && (O.forEach(function(Oe) { - ke("update", Oe), ke("slide", Oe); - }), q != null && ke("drag", ae)); - } - function Fa(i, c) { - return r.dir ? 100 - i - c : i; - } - function xr(i, c) { - we[i] = c, Ge[i] = Q.fromStepping(c); - var f = "translate(" + xa(Fa(c, 0) - ga + "%", "0") + ")"; - B[i].style[r.transformRule] = f, Ua(i), Ua(i + 1); - } - function Ea() { - Ne.forEach(function(i) { - var c = we[i] > 50 ? -1 : 1, f = 3 + (B.length + c * i); - B[i].style.zIndex = String(f); - }); - } - function Ot(i, c, f, O, q, M) { - return q || (c = na(we, i, c, f, O, !1, M)), c !== !1 && (xr(i, c), !0); - } - function Ua(i) { - if (W[i]) { - var c = 0, f = 100; - i !== 0 && (c = we[i - 1]), i !== W.length - 1 && (f = we[i]); - var O = f - c, q = "translate(" + xa(Fa(c, O) + "%", "0") + ")", M = "scale(" + xa(O / 100, "1") + ")"; - W[i].style[r.transformRule] = q + " " + M; - } - } - function Ha(i, c) { - return i === null || i === !1 || i === void 0 ? we[c] : (typeof i == "number" && (i = String(i)), (i = r.format.from(i)) !== !1 && (i = Q.toStepping(i)), i === !1 || isNaN(i) ? we[c] : i); - } - function ia(i, c, f) { - var O = g(i), q = we[0] === void 0; - c = c === void 0 || c, r.animate && !q && A(me, r.cssClasses.tap, r.animationDuration), Ne.forEach(function(I) { - Ot(I, Ha(O[I], I), !0, !1, f); - }); - var M = Ne.length === 1 ? 0 : 1; - if (q && Q.hasNoSize() && (f = !0, we[0] = 0, Ne.length > 1)) { - var ae = 100 / (Ne.length - 1); - Ne.forEach(function(I) { - we[I] = I * ae; - }); - } - for (; M < Ne.length; ++M) - Ne.forEach(function(I) { - Ot(I, we[I], !0, !0, f); - }); - Ea(), Ne.forEach(function(I) { - ke("update", I), O[I] !== null && c && ke("set", I); - }); - } - function Er(i) { - ia(r.start, i); - } - function kr(i, c, f, O) { - if (!((i = Number(i)) >= 0 && i < Ne.length)) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: invalid handle number, got: " + i); - Ot(i, Ha(c, i), !0, !0, O), ke("update", i), f && ke("set", i); - } - function Wa(i) { - if (i === void 0 && (i = !1), i) - return Ge.length === 1 ? Ge[0] : Ge.slice(0); - var c = Ge.map(r.format.to); - return c.length === 1 ? c[0] : c; - } - function Pr() { - for ($t(Z.aria), $t(Z.tooltips), Object.keys(r.cssClasses).forEach(function(i) { - k(me, r.cssClasses[i]); - }); me.firstChild; ) - me.removeChild(me.firstChild); - delete me.noUiSlider; - } - function _a(i) { - var c = we[i], f = Q.getNearbySteps(c), O = Ge[i], q = f.thisStep.step, M = null; - if (r.snap) - return [O - f.stepBefore.startValue || null, f.stepAfter.startValue - O || null]; - q !== !1 && O + q > f.stepAfter.startValue && (q = f.stepAfter.startValue - O), M = O > f.thisStep.startValue ? f.thisStep.step : f.stepBefore.step !== !1 && O - f.stepBefore.highestStep, c === 100 ? q = null : c === 0 && (M = null); - var ae = Q.countStepDecimals(); - return q !== null && q !== !1 && (q = Number(q.toFixed(ae))), M !== null && M !== !1 && (M = Number(M.toFixed(ae))), [M, q]; - } - function Cr() { - return Ne.map(_a); - } - function Lr(i, c) { - var f = Wa(), O = ["margin", "limit", "padding", "range", "animate", "snap", "step", "format", "pips", "tooltips"]; - O.forEach(function(M) { - i[M] !== void 0 && (L[M] = i[M]); - }); - var q = ct(L); - O.forEach(function(M) { - i[M] !== void 0 && (r[M] = q[M]); - }), Q = q.spectrum, r.margin = q.margin, r.limit = q.limit, r.padding = q.padding, r.pips ? Nt(r.pips) : dt(), r.tooltips ? Tt() : Ht(), we = [], ia(l(i.start) ? i.start : f, c); - } - function Ar() { - z = Ye(me), ya(r.connect, z), Sr(r.events), ia(r.start), r.pips && Nt(r.pips), r.tooltips && Tt(), Wt(); - } - Ar(); - var la = { destroy: Pr, steps: Cr, on: Oa, off: $t, get: Wa, set: ia, setHandle: kr, reset: Er, __moveHandles: function(i, c, f) { - za(i, c, we, f); - }, options: L, updateOptions: Lr, target: me, removePips: dt, removeTooltips: Ht, getPositions: function() { - return we.slice(); - }, getTooltips: function() { - return xe; - }, getOrigins: function() { - return B; - }, pips: Nt }; - return la; - } - function tt(o, r) { - if (!o || !o.nodeName) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: create requires a single element, got: " + o); - if (o.noUiSlider) - throw new Error("noUiSlider: Slider was already initialized."); - var L = et(o, ct(r), r); - return o.noUiSlider = L, L; - } - var Lt = { __spectrum: se, cssClasses: Y, create: tt }; - t.create = tt, t.cssClasses = Y, t.default = Lt, Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - })(a); -})); -function tr(e, a) { - if (!Array.isArray(e) || !Array.isArray(a)) - return !1; - const t = a.slice().sort(); - return e.length === a.length && e.slice().sort().every(function(s, n) { - return s === t[n]; - }); -} -var Aa = { name: "Slider", emits: ["input", "update:modelValue", "start", "slide", "drag", "update", "change", "set", "end"], props: { value: { validator: function(e) { - return (a) => typeof a == "number" || a instanceof Array || a == null || a === !1; -}, required: !1 }, modelValue: { validator: function(e) { - return (a) => typeof a == "number" || a instanceof Array || a == null || a === !1; -}, required: !1 }, id: { type: [String, Number], required: !1 }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: !1, default: !1 }, min: { type: Number, required: !1, default: 0 }, max: { type: Number, required: !1, default: 100 }, step: { type: Number, required: !1, default: 1 }, orientation: { type: String, required: !1, default: "horizontal" }, direction: { type: String, required: !1, default: "ltr" }, tooltips: { type: Boolean, required: !1, default: !0 }, options: { type: Object, required: !1, default: () => ({}) }, merge: { type: Number, required: !1, default: -1 }, format: { type: [Object, Function, Boolean], required: !1, default: null }, classes: { type: Object, required: !1, default: () => ({}) }, showTooltip: { type: String, required: !1, default: "always" }, tooltipPosition: { type: String, required: !1, default: null }, lazy: { type: Boolean, required: !1, default: !0 }, ariaLabelledby: { type: String, required: !1, default: void 0 }, aria: { required: !1, type: Object, default: () => ({}) } }, setup(e, a) { - const t = function(l, d, p) { - const { value: y, modelValue: v, min: x } = Me(l); - let A = v && v.value !== void 0 ? v : y; - const E = he(A.value); - if (sa(A.value) && (A = he(x.value)), Array.isArray(A.value) && A.value.length == 0) - throw new Error("Slider v-model must not be an empty array"); - return { value: A, initialValue: E }; - }(e), s = function(l, d, p) { - const { classes: y, showTooltip: v, tooltipPosition: x, orientation: A } = Me(l), E = K(() => ({ target: "slider-target", focused: "slider-focused", tooltipFocus: "slider-tooltip-focus", tooltipDrag: "slider-tooltip-drag", ltr: "slider-ltr", rtl: "slider-rtl", horizontal: "slider-horizontal", vertical: "slider-vertical", textDirectionRtl: "slider-txt-dir-rtl", textDirectionLtr: "slider-txt-dir-ltr", base: "slider-base", connects: "slider-connects", connect: "slider-connect", origin: "slider-origin", handle: "slider-handle", handleLower: "slider-handle-lower", handleUpper: "slider-handle-upper", touchArea: "slider-touch-area", tooltip: "slider-tooltip", tooltipTop: "slider-tooltip-top", tooltipBottom: "slider-tooltip-bottom", tooltipLeft: "slider-tooltip-left", tooltipRight: "slider-tooltip-right", tooltipHidden: "slider-tooltip-hidden", active: "slider-active", draggable: "slider-draggable", tap: "slider-state-tap", drag: "slider-state-drag", pips: "slider-pips", pipsHorizontal: "slider-pips-horizontal", pipsVertical: "slider-pips-vertical", marker: "slider-marker", markerHorizontal: "slider-marker-horizontal", markerVertical: "slider-marker-vertical", markerNormal: "slider-marker-normal", markerLarge: "slider-marker-large", markerSub: "slider-marker-sub", value: "slider-value", valueHorizontal: "slider-value-horizontal", valueVertical: "slider-value-vertical", valueNormal: "slider-value-normal", valueLarge: "slider-value-large", valueSub: "slider-value-sub", ...y.value })); - return { classList: K(() => { - const g = { ...E.value }; - return Object.keys(g).forEach((w) => { - g[w] = Array.isArray(g[w]) ? g[w].filter((S) => S !== null).join(" ") : g[w]; - }), v.value !== "always" && (g.target += ` ${v.value === "drag" ? g.tooltipDrag : g.tooltipFocus}`), A.value === "horizontal" && (g.tooltip += x.value === "bottom" ? ` ${g.tooltipBottom}` : ` ${g.tooltipTop}`), A.value === "vertical" && (g.tooltip += x.value === "right" ? ` ${g.tooltipRight}` : ` ${g.tooltipLeft}`), g; - }) }; - }(e), n = function(l, d, p) { - const { format: y, step: v } = Me(l), x = p.value, A = p.classList, E = K(() => y && y.value ? typeof y.value == "function" ? { to: y.value } : er({ ...y.value }) : er({ decimals: v.value >= 0 ? 0 : 2 })), g = K(() => Array.isArray(x.value) ? x.value.map((w) => E.value) : E.value); - return { tooltipFormat: E, tooltipsFormat: g, tooltipsMerge: (w, S, k) => { - var V = getComputedStyle(w).direction === "rtl", b = w.noUiSlider.options.direction === "rtl", D = w.noUiSlider.options.orientation === "vertical", R = w.noUiSlider.getTooltips(), P = w.noUiSlider.getOrigins(); - R.forEach(function(U, F) { - U && P[F].appendChild(U); - }), w.noUiSlider.on("update", function(U, F, T, J, X) { - var N = [[]], H = [[]], ne = [[]], $ = 0; - R[0] && (N[0][0] = 0, H[0][0] = X[0], ne[0][0] = E.value.to(parseFloat(U[0]))); - for (var ee = 1; ee < U.length; ee++) - (!R[ee] || U[ee] - U[ee - 1] > S) && (N[++$] = [], ne[$] = [], H[$] = []), R[ee] && (N[$].push(ee), ne[$].push(E.value.to(parseFloat(U[ee]))), H[$].push(X[ee])); - N.forEach(function(se, Te) { - for (var Y = se.length, Z = 0; Z < Y; Z++) { - var te = se[Z]; - if (Z === Y - 1) { - var pe = 0; - H[Te].forEach(function(h) { - pe += 1e3 - h; - }); - var Le = D ? "bottom" : "right", ce = b ? 0 : Y - 1, _ = 1e3 - H[Te][ce]; - pe = (V && !D ? 100 : 0) + pe / Y - _, R[te].innerHTML = ne[Te].join(k), R[te].style.display = "block", R[te].style[Le] = pe + "%", A.value.tooltipHidden.split(" ").forEach((h) => { - R[te].classList.contains(h) && R[te].classList.remove(h); - }); - } else - R[te].style.display = "none", A.value.tooltipHidden.split(" ").forEach((h) => { - R[te].classList.add(h); - }); - } - }); - }); - } }; - }(e, 0, { value: t.value, classList: s.classList }), m = function(l, d, p) { - const { orientation: y, direction: v, tooltips: x, step: A, min: E, max: g, merge: w, id: S, disabled: k, options: V, classes: b, format: D, lazy: R, ariaLabelledby: P, aria: U } = Me(l), F = p.value, T = p.initialValue, J = p.tooltipsFormat, X = p.tooltipsMerge, N = p.tooltipFormat, H = p.classList, ne = he(null), $ = he(null), ee = he(!1), se = K(() => { - let h = { cssPrefix: "", cssClasses: H.value, orientation: y.value, direction: v.value, tooltips: !!x.value && J.value, connect: "lower", start: sa(F.value) ? E.value : F.value, range: { min: E.value, max: g.value } }; - if (A.value > 0 && (h.step = A.value), Array.isArray(F.value) && (h.connect = !0), P && P.value || U && Object.keys(U.value).length) { - let j = Array.isArray(F.value) ? F.value : [F.value]; - h.handleAttributes = j.map((be) => Object.assign({}, U.value, P && P.value ? { "aria-labelledby": P.value } : {})); - } - return D.value && (h.ariaFormat = N.value), h; - }), Te = K(() => { - let h = { id: S && S.value ? S.value : void 0 }; - return k.value && (h.disabled = !0), h; - }), Y = K(() => Array.isArray(F.value)), Z = () => { - let h = $.value.get(); - return Array.isArray(h) ? h.map((j) => parseFloat(j)) : parseFloat(h); - }, te = function(h) { - let j = !(arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0) || arguments[1]; - $.value.set(h, j); - }, pe = (h) => { - d.emit("input", h), d.emit("update:modelValue", h), d.emit("update", h); - }, Le = () => { - $.value = Jr.create(ne.value, Object.assign({}, se.value, V.value)), x.value && Y.value && w.value >= 0 && X(ne.value, w.value, " - "), $.value.on("set", () => { - const h = Z(); - d.emit("change", h), d.emit("set", h), R.value && pe(h); - }), $.value.on("update", () => { - if (!ee.value) - return; - const h = Z(); - Y.value && tr(F.value, h) || !Y.value && F.value == h ? d.emit("update", h) : R.value || pe(h); - }), $.value.on("start", () => { - d.emit("start", Z()); - }), $.value.on("end", () => { - d.emit("end", Z()); - }), $.value.on("slide", () => { - d.emit("slide", Z()); - }), $.value.on("drag", () => { - d.emit("drag", Z()); - }), ne.value.querySelectorAll("[data-handle]").forEach((h) => { - h.onblur = () => { - ne.value && H.value.focused.split(" ").forEach((j) => { - ne.value.classList.remove(j); - }); - }, h.onfocus = () => { - H.value.focused.split(" ").forEach((j) => { - ne.value.classList.add(j); - }); - }; - }), ee.value = !0; - }, ce = () => { - $.value.off(), $.value.destroy(), $.value = null; - }, _ = (h, j) => { - ee.value = !1, ce(), Le(); - }; - return pa(Le), Tr(ce), ge(Y, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(E, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(g, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(A, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(y, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(v, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(x, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(w, _, { immediate: !1 }), ge(D, _, { immediate: !1, deep: !0 }), ge(V, _, { immediate: !1, deep: !0 }), ge(b, _, { immediate: !1, deep: !0 }), ge(F, (h, j) => { - j && (typeof j == "object" && typeof h == "object" && h && Object.keys(j) > Object.keys(h) || typeof j == "object" && typeof h != "object" || sa(h)) && _(); - }, { immediate: !1 }), ge(F, (h) => { - if (sa(h)) - return void te(E.value, !1); - let j = Z(); - Y.value && !Array.isArray(j) && (j = [j]), (Y.value && !tr(h, j) || !Y.value && h != j) && te(h, !1); - }, { deep: !0 }), { slider: ne, slider$: $, isRange: Y, sliderProps: Te, init: Le, destroy: ce, refresh: _, update: te, reset: () => { - pe(T.value); - } }; - }(e, a, { value: t.value, initialValue: t.initialValue, tooltipFormat: n.tooltipFormat, tooltipsFormat: n.tooltipsFormat, tooltipsMerge: n.tooltipsMerge, classList: s.classList }); - return { ...s, ...n, ...m }; -} }; -Aa.render = function(e, a, t, s, n, m) { - return re(), ie("div", ua(e.sliderProps, { ref: "slider" }), null, 16); -}, Aa.__file = "src/Slider.vue"; -function rt(e) { - return [null, void 0].indexOf(e) !== -1; -} -function Qr(e, a, t) { - const { object: s, valueProp: n, mode: m } = Me(e), l = Zt().proxy, d = t.iv, p = (x, A = !0) => { - d.value = v(x); - const E = y(x); - a.emit("change", E, l), A && (a.emit("input", E), a.emit("update:modelValue", E)); - }, y = (x) => s.value || rt(x) ? x : Array.isArray(x) ? x.map((A) => A[n.value]) : x[n.value], v = (x) => rt(x) ? m.value === "single" ? {} : [] : x; - return { - update: p - }; -} -function Zr(e, a) { - const { value: t, modelValue: s, mode: n, valueProp: m } = Me(e), l = he(n.value !== "single" ? [] : {}), d = K(() => s && s.value !== void 0 ? s.value : t.value), p = K(() => n.value === "single" ? l.value[m.value] : l.value.map((v) => v[m.value])), y = K(() => n.value !== "single" ? l.value.map((v) => v[m.value]).join(",") : l.value[m.value]); - return { - iv: l, - internalValue: l, - ev: d, - externalValue: d, - textValue: y, - plainValue: p - }; -} -function en(e, a, t) { - const { regex: s } = Me(e), n = Zt().proxy, m = t.isOpen, l = t.open, d = he(null), p = () => { - d.value = ""; - }, y = (A) => { - d.value = A.target.value; - }, v = (A) => { - if (s && s.value) { - let E = s.value; - typeof E == "string" && (E = new RegExp(E)), A.key.match(E) || A.preventDefault(); - } - }, x = (A) => { - if (s && s.value) { - let g = (A.clipboardData || /* istanbul ignore next */ - window.clipboardData).getData("Text"), w = s.value; - typeof w == "string" && (w = new RegExp(w)), g.split("").every((S) => !!S.match(w)) || A.preventDefault(); - } - a.emit("paste", A, n); - }; - return ge(d, (A) => { - !m.value && A && l(), a.emit("search-change", A, n); - }), { - search: d, - clearSearch: p, - handleSearchInput: y, - handleKeypress: v, - handlePaste: x - }; -} -function tn(e, a, t) { - const { groupSelect: s, mode: n, groups: m, disabledProp: l } = Me(e), d = he(null), p = (v) => { - v === void 0 || v !== null && v[l.value] || m.value && v && v.group && (n.value === "single" || !s.value) || (d.value = v); - }; - return { - pointer: d, - setPointer: p, - clearPointer: () => { - p(null); - } - }; -} -function Ca(e, a = !0) { - return a ? String(e).toLowerCase().trim() : String(e).toLowerCase().normalize("NFD").trim().replace(new RegExp(/æ/g), "ae").replace(new RegExp(/œ/g), "oe").replace(new RegExp(/ø/g), "o").replace(new RegExp("\\p{Diacritic}", "gu"), ""); -} -function an(e) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Object]"; -} -function rn(e, a) { - const t = a.slice().sort(); - return e.length === a.length && e.slice().sort().every(function(s, n) { - return s === t[n]; - }); -} -function nn(e, a, t) { - const { - options: s, - mode: n, - trackBy: m, - limit: l, - hideSelected: d, - createTag: p, - createOption: y, - label: v, - appendNewTag: x, - appendNewOption: A, - multipleLabel: E, - object: g, - loading: w, - delay: S, - resolveOnLoad: k, - minChars: V, - filterResults: b, - clearOnSearch: D, - clearOnSelect: R, - valueProp: P, - allowAbsent: U, - groupLabel: F, - canDeselect: T, - max: J, - strict: X, - closeOnSelect: N, - closeOnDeselect: H, - groups: ne, - reverse: $, - infinite: ee, - groupOptions: se, - groupHideEmpty: Te, - groupSelect: Y, - onCreate: Z, - disabledProp: te, - searchStart: pe, - searchFilter: Le - } = Me(e), ce = Zt().proxy, _ = t.iv, h = t.ev, j = t.search, be = t.clearSearch, Re = t.update, gt = t.pointer, bt = t.setPointer, Ke = t.clearPointer, kt = t.focus, Ft = t.deactivate, Qe = t.close, Pt = t.localize, Ze = he([]), _e = he([]), qe = he(!1), ze = he(null), Xe = he(ee.value && l.value === -1 ? 10 : l.value), yt = K(() => p.value || y.value || !1), Ct = K(() => x.value !== void 0 ? x.value : A.value !== void 0 ? A.value : !0), Ie = K(() => { - if (ne.value) { - let u = tt.value || /* istanbul ignore next */ - [], C = []; - return u.forEach((le) => { - Wt(le[se.value]).forEach((Se) => { - C.push(Object.assign({}, Se, le[te.value] ? { [te.value]: !0 } : {})); - }); - }), C; - } else { - let u = Wt(_e.value || /* istanbul ignore next */ - []); - return Ze.value.length && (u = u.concat(Ze.value)), u; - } - }), ct = K(() => { - let u = Ie.value; - return $.value && (u = u.reverse()), W.value.length && (u = W.value.concat(u)), Tt(u); - }), et = K(() => { - let u = ct.value; - return Xe.value > 0 && (u = u.slice(0, Xe.value)), u; - }), tt = K(() => { - if (!ne.value) - return []; - let u = [], C = _e.value || /* istanbul ignore next */ - []; - return Ze.value.length && u.push({ - [F.value]: " ", - [se.value]: [...Ze.value], - __CREATE__: !0 - }), u.concat(C); - }), Lt = K(() => { - let u = [...tt.value].map((C) => ({ ...C })); - return W.value.length && (u[0] && u[0].__CREATE__ ? u[0][se.value] = [...W.value, ...u[0][se.value]] : u = [{ - [F.value]: " ", - [se.value]: [...W.value], - __CREATE__: !0 - }].concat(u)), u; - }), o = K(() => { - if (!ne.value) - return []; - let u = Lt.value; - return Ht((u || /* istanbul ignore next */ - []).map((C, le) => { - const Se = Wt(C[se.value]); - return { - ...C, - index: le, - group: !0, - [se.value]: Tt(Se, !1).map((lt) => Object.assign({}, lt, C[te.value] ? { [te.value]: !0 } : {})), - __VISIBLE__: Tt(Se).map((lt) => Object.assign({}, lt, C[te.value] ? { [te.value]: !0 } : {})) - }; - })); - }), r = K(() => { - switch (n.value) { - case "single": - return !rt(_.value[P.value]); - case "multiple": - case "tags": - return !rt(_.value) && _.value.length > 0; - } - }), L = K(() => E !== void 0 && E.value !== void 0 ? E.value(_.value, ce) : _.value && _.value.length > 1 ? `${_.value.length} options selected` : "1 option selected"), z = K(() => !Ie.value.length && !qe.value && !W.value.length), B = K(() => Ie.value.length > 0 && et.value.length == 0 && (j.value && ne.value || !ne.value)), W = K(() => yt.value === !1 || !j.value ? [] : wa(j.value) !== -1 ? [] : [{ - [P.value]: j.value, - [ue.value[0]]: j.value, - [v.value]: j.value, - __CREATE__: !0 - }]), ue = K(() => m.value ? Array.isArray(m.value) ? m.value : [m.value] : [v.value]), xe = K(() => { - switch (n.value) { - case "single": - return null; - case "multiple": - case "tags": - return []; - } - }), ye = K(() => w.value || qe.value), Ve = (u) => { - switch (typeof u != "object" && (u = Ye(u)), n.value) { - case "single": - Re(u); - break; - case "multiple": - case "tags": - Re(_.value.concat(u)); - break; - } - a.emit("select", Q(u), u, ce); - }, me = (u) => { - switch (typeof u != "object" && (u = Ye(u)), n.value) { - case "single": - Ne(); - break; - case "tags": - case "multiple": - Re(Array.isArray(u) ? _.value.filter((C) => u.map((le) => le[P.value]).indexOf(C[P.value]) === -1) : _.value.filter((C) => C[P.value] != u[P.value])); - break; - } - a.emit("deselect", Q(u), u, ce); - }, Q = (u) => g.value ? u : u[P.value], Ge = (u) => { - me(u); - }, we = (u, C) => { - if (C.button !== 0) { - C.preventDefault(); - return; - } - Ge(u); - }, Ne = () => { - Re(xe.value), a.emit("clear", ce); - }, Fe = (u) => { - if (u.group !== void 0) - return n.value === "single" ? !1 : ya(u[se.value]) && u[se.value].length; - switch (n.value) { - case "single": - return !rt(_.value) && _.value[P.value] == u[P.value]; - case "tags": - case "multiple": - return !rt(_.value) && _.value.map((C) => C[P.value]).indexOf(u[P.value]) !== -1; - } - }, Ue = (u) => u[te.value] === !0, at = () => J === void 0 || J.value === -1 || !r.value && J.value > 0 ? !1 : _.value.length >= J.value, At = (u) => { - if (!Ue(u)) { - if (Z && Z.value && !Fe(u) && u.__CREATE__ && (u = { ...u }, delete u.__CREATE__, u = Z.value(u, ce), u instanceof Promise)) { - qe.value = !0, u.then((C) => { - qe.value = !1, wt(C); - }); - return; - } - wt(u); - } - }, wt = (u) => { - switch (u.__CREATE__ && (u = { ...u }, delete u.__CREATE__), n.value) { - case "single": - if (u && Fe(u)) { - T.value && me(u), H.value && (Ke(), Qe()); - return; - } - u && He(u), R.value && be(), N.value && (Ke(), Qe()), u && Ve(u); - break; - case "multiple": - if (u && Fe(u)) { - me(u), H.value && (Ke(), Qe()); - return; - } - if (at()) { - a.emit("max", ce); - return; - } - u && (He(u), Ve(u)), R.value && be(), d.value && Ke(), N.value && Qe(); - break; - case "tags": - if (u && Fe(u)) { - me(u), H.value && (Ke(), Qe()); - return; - } - if (at()) { - a.emit("max", ce); - return; - } - u && He(u), R.value && be(), u && Ve(u), d.value && Ke(), N.value && Qe(); - break; - } - N.value || kt(); - }, ga = (u) => { - if (!(Ue(u) || n.value === "single" || !Y.value)) { - switch (n.value) { - case "multiple": - case "tags": - ta(u[se.value]) ? me(u[se.value]) : Ve( - u[se.value].filter((C) => _.value.map((le) => le[P.value]).indexOf(C[P.value]) === -1).filter((C) => !C[te.value]).filter((C, le) => _.value.length + 1 + le <= J.value || J.value === -1) - ), d.value && gt.value && bt(o.value.filter((C) => !C[te.value])[gt.value.index]); - break; - } - N.value && Ft(); - } - }, He = (u) => { - Ye(u[P.value]) === void 0 && yt.value && (a.emit("tag", u[P.value], ce), a.emit("option", u[P.value], ce), a.emit("create", u[P.value], ce), Ct.value && Ut(u), be()); - }, ba = () => { - n.value !== "single" && Ve(et.value.filter((u) => !u.disabled && !Fe(u))); - }, ta = (u) => u.find((C) => !Fe(C) && !C[te.value]) === void 0, ya = (u) => u.find((C) => !Fe(C)) === void 0, Ye = (u) => Ie.value[Ie.value.map((C) => String(C[P.value])).indexOf(String(u))], wa = (u) => Ie.value.findIndex((C) => ue.value.some((le) => (parseInt(C[le]) == C[le] ? parseInt(C[le]) : C[le]) === (parseInt(u) == u ? parseInt(u) : u))), aa = (u) => ["tags", "multiple"].indexOf(n.value) !== -1 && d.value && Fe(u), Ut = (u) => { - Ze.value.push(u); - }, Ht = (u) => Te.value ? u.filter( - (C) => j.value ? C.__VISIBLE__.length : C[se.value].length - ) : u.filter((C) => j.value ? C.__VISIBLE__.length : !0), Tt = (u, C = !0) => { - let le = u; - if (j.value && b.value) { - let Se = Le.value; - Se || (Se = (lt, ra, Ia) => ue.value.some((Gt) => { - let Bt = Ca(Pt(lt[Gt]), X.value); - return pe.value ? Bt.startsWith(Ca(ra, X.value)) : Bt.indexOf(Ca(ra, X.value)) !== -1; - })), le = le.filter((lt) => Se(lt, j.value, ce)); - } - return d.value && C && (le = le.filter((Se) => !aa(Se))), le; - }, Wt = (u) => { - let C = u; - return an(C) && (C = Object.keys(C).map((le) => { - let Se = C[le]; - return { [P.value]: le, [ue.value[0]]: Se, [v.value]: Se }; - })), C = C.map((le) => typeof le == "object" ? le : { [P.value]: le, [ue.value[0]]: le, [v.value]: le }), C; - }, Dt = () => { - rt(h.value) || (_.value = dt(h.value)); - }, St = (u) => (qe.value = !0, new Promise((C, le) => { - s.value(j.value, ce).then((Se) => { - _e.value = Se || [], typeof u == "function" && u(Se), qe.value = !1; - }).catch((Se) => { - console.error(Se), _e.value = [], qe.value = !1; - }).finally(() => { - C(); - }); - })), _t = () => { - if (r.value) - if (n.value === "single") { - let u = Ye(_.value[P.value]); - if (u !== void 0) { - let C = u[v.value]; - _.value[v.value] = C, g.value && (h.value[v.value] = C); - } - } else - _.value.forEach((u, C) => { - let le = Ye(_.value[C][P.value]); - if (le !== void 0) { - let Se = le[v.value]; - _.value[C][v.value] = Se, g.value && (h.value[C][v.value] = Se); - } - }); - }, Sa = (u) => { - St(u); - }, dt = (u) => rt(u) ? n.value === "single" ? {} : [] : g.value ? u : n.value === "single" ? Ye(u) || (U.value ? { - [v.value]: u, - [P.value]: u, - [ue.value[0]]: u - } : {}) : u.filter((C) => !!Ye(C) || U.value).map((C) => Ye(C) || { - [v.value]: C, - [P.value]: C, - [ue.value[0]]: C - }), Nt = () => { - ze.value = ge(j, (u) => { - u.length < V.value || !u && V.value !== 0 || (qe.value = !0, D.value && (_e.value = []), setTimeout(() => { - u == j.value && s.value(j.value, ce).then((C) => { - (u == j.value || !j.value) && (_e.value = C, gt.value = et.value.filter((le) => le[te.value] !== !0)[0] || null, qe.value = !1); - }).catch( - /* istanbul ignore next */ - (C) => { - console.error(C); - } - ); - }, S.value)); - }, { flush: "sync" }); - }; - if (n.value !== "single" && !rt(h.value) && !Array.isArray(h.value)) - throw new Error(`v-model must be an array when using "${n.value}" mode`); - return s && typeof s.value == "function" ? k.value ? St(Dt) : g.value == !0 && Dt() : (_e.value = s.value, Dt()), S.value > -1 && Nt(), ge(S, (u, C) => { - ze.value && ze.value(), u >= 0 && Nt(); - }), ge(h, (u) => { - if (rt(u)) { - Re(dt(u), !1); - return; - } - switch (n.value) { - case "single": - (g.value ? u[P.value] != _.value[P.value] : u != _.value[P.value]) && Re(dt(u), !1); - break; - case "multiple": - case "tags": - rn(g.value ? u.map((C) => C[P.value]) : u, _.value.map((C) => C[P.value])) || Re(dt(u), !1); - break; - } - }, { deep: !0 }), ge(s, (u, C) => { - typeof e.options == "function" ? k.value && (!C || u && u.toString() !== C.toString()) && St() : (_e.value = e.options, Object.keys(_.value).length || Dt(), _t()); - }), ge(v, _t), ge(l, (u, C) => { - Xe.value = ee.value && u === -1 ? 10 : u; - }), { - pfo: ct, - fo: et, - filteredOptions: et, - hasSelected: r, - multipleLabelText: L, - eo: Ie, - extendedOptions: Ie, - eg: tt, - extendedGroups: tt, - fg: o, - filteredGroups: o, - noOptions: z, - noResults: B, - resolving: qe, - busy: ye, - offset: Xe, - select: Ve, - deselect: me, - remove: Ge, - selectAll: ba, - clear: Ne, - isSelected: Fe, - isDisabled: Ue, - isMax: at, - getOption: Ye, - handleOptionClick: At, - handleGroupClick: ga, - handleTagRemove: we, - refreshOptions: Sa, - resolveOptions: St, - refreshLabels: _t - }; -} -function ln(e, a, t) { - const { - valueProp: s, - showOptions: n, - searchable: m, - groupLabel: l, - groups: d, - mode: p, - groupSelect: y, - disabledProp: v, - groupOptions: x - } = Me(e), A = t.fo, E = t.fg, g = t.handleOptionClick, w = t.handleGroupClick, S = t.search, k = t.pointer, V = t.setPointer, b = t.clearPointer, D = t.multiselect, R = t.isOpen, P = K(() => A.value.filter((h) => !h[v.value])), U = K(() => E.value.filter((h) => !h[v.value])), F = K(() => p.value !== "single" && y.value), T = K(() => k.value && k.value.group), J = K(() => ce(k.value)), X = K(() => { - const h = T.value ? k.value : ( - /* istanbul ignore next */ - ce(k.value) - ), j = U.value.map((Re) => Re[l.value]).indexOf(h[l.value]); - let be = U.value[j - 1]; - return be === void 0 && (be = H.value), be; - }), N = K(() => { - let h = U.value.map((j) => j.label).indexOf(T.value ? k.value[l.value] : ce(k.value)[l.value]) + 1; - return U.value.length <= h && (h = 0), U.value[h]; - }), H = K(() => [...U.value].slice(-1)[0]), ne = K(() => k.value.__VISIBLE__.filter((h) => !h[v.value])[0]), $ = K(() => { - const h = J.value.__VISIBLE__.filter((j) => !j[v.value]); - return h[h.map((j) => j[s.value]).indexOf(k.value[s.value]) - 1]; - }), ee = K(() => { - const h = ce(k.value).__VISIBLE__.filter((j) => !j[v.value]); - return h[h.map((j) => j[s.value]).indexOf(k.value[s.value]) + 1]; - }), se = K(() => [...X.value.__VISIBLE__.filter((h) => !h[v.value])].slice(-1)[0]), Te = K(() => [...H.value.__VISIBLE__.filter((h) => !h[v.value])].slice(-1)[0]), Y = (h) => k.value && (!h.group && k.value[s.value] === h[s.value] || h.group !== void 0 && k.value[l.value] === h[l.value]) ? !0 : void 0, Z = () => { - V(P.value[0] || null); - }, te = () => { - !k.value || k.value[v.value] === !0 || (T.value ? w(k.value) : g(k.value)); - }, pe = () => { - if (k.value === null) - V((d.value && F.value ? U.value[0].__CREATE__ ? P.value[0] : U.value[0] : P.value[0]) || null); - else if (d.value && F.value) { - let h = T.value ? ne.value : ee.value; - h === void 0 && (h = N.value, h.__CREATE__ && (h = h[x.value][0])), V(h || /* istanbul ignore next */ - null); - } else { - let h = P.value.map((j) => j[s.value]).indexOf(k.value[s.value]) + 1; - P.value.length <= h && (h = 0), V(P.value[h] || null); - } - Yt(() => { - _(); - }); - }, Le = () => { - if (k.value === null) { - let h = P.value[P.value.length - 1]; - d.value && F.value && (h = Te.value, h === void 0 && (h = H.value)), V(h || null); - } else if (d.value && F.value) { - let h = T.value ? se.value : $.value; - h === void 0 && (h = T.value ? X.value : J.value, h.__CREATE__ && (h = se.value, h === void 0 && (h = X.value))), V(h || /* istanbul ignore next */ - null); - } else { - let h = P.value.map((j) => j[s.value]).indexOf(k.value[s.value]) - 1; - h < 0 && (h = P.value.length - 1), V(P.value[h] || null); - } - Yt(() => { - _(); - }); - }, ce = (h) => U.value.find((j) => j.__VISIBLE__.map((be) => be[s.value]).indexOf(h[s.value]) !== -1), _ = () => { - let h = D.value.querySelector("[data-pointed]"); - if (!h) - return; - let j = h.parentElement.parentElement; - d.value && (j = T.value ? h.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement : h.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement), h.offsetTop + h.offsetHeight > j.clientHeight + j.scrollTop && (j.scrollTop = h.offsetTop + h.offsetHeight - j.clientHeight), h.offsetTop < j.scrollTop && (j.scrollTop = h.offsetTop); - }; - return ge(S, (h) => { - m.value && (h.length && n.value ? Z() : b()); - }), ge(R, (h) => { - if (h && (D != null && D.value)) { - let j = D.value.querySelectorAll("[data-selected]")[0]; - if (!j) - return; - let be = j.parentElement.parentElement; - Yt(() => { - be.scrollTop > 0 || (be.scrollTop = j.offsetTop); - }); - } - }), { - pointer: k, - canPointGroups: F, - isPointed: Y, - setPointerFirst: Z, - selectPointer: te, - forwardPointer: pe, - backwardPointer: Le - }; -} -function We(e) { - if (e == null) - return window; - if (e.toString() !== "[object Window]") { - var a = e.ownerDocument; - return a && a.defaultView || window; - } - return e; -} -function Et(e) { - var a = We(e).Element; - return e instanceof a || e instanceof Element; -} -function $e(e) { - var a = We(e).HTMLElement; - return e instanceof a || e instanceof HTMLElement; -} -function Na(e) { - if (typeof ShadowRoot > "u") - return !1; - var a = We(e).ShadowRoot; - return e instanceof a || e instanceof ShadowRoot; -} -var xt = Math.max, fa = Math.min, jt = Math.round; -function Ta() { - var e = navigator.userAgentData; - return e != null && e.brands && Array.isArray(e.brands) ? e.brands.map(function(a) { - return a.brand + "/" + a.version; - }).join(" ") : navigator.userAgent; -} -function dr() { - return !/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(Ta()); -} -function qt(e, a, t) { - a === void 0 && (a = !1), t === void 0 && (t = !1); - var s = e.getBoundingClientRect(), n = 1, m = 1; - a && $e(e) && (n = e.offsetWidth > 0 && jt(s.width) / e.offsetWidth || 1, m = e.offsetHeight > 0 && jt(s.height) / e.offsetHeight || 1); - var l = Et(e) ? We(e) : window, d = l.visualViewport, p = !dr() && t, y = (s.left + (p && d ? d.offsetLeft : 0)) / n, v = (s.top + (p && d ? d.offsetTop : 0)) / m, x = s.width / n, A = s.height / m; - return { - width: x, - height: A, - top: v, - right: y + x, - bottom: v + A, - left: y, - x: y, - y: v - }; -} -function Ba(e) { - var a = We(e), t = a.pageXOffset, s = a.pageYOffset; - return { - scrollLeft: t, - scrollTop: s - }; -} -function sn(e) { - return { - scrollLeft: e.scrollLeft, - scrollTop: e.scrollTop - }; -} -function on(e) { - return e === We(e) || !$e(e) ? Ba(e) : sn(e); -} -function nt(e) { - return e ? (e.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : null; -} -function mt(e) { - return ((Et(e) ? e.ownerDocument : ( - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - e.document - )) || window.document).documentElement; -} -function Ma(e) { - return qt(mt(e)).left + Ba(e).scrollLeft; -} -function ut(e) { - return We(e).getComputedStyle(e); -} -function Va(e) { - var a = ut(e), t = a.overflow, s = a.overflowX, n = a.overflowY; - return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(t + n + s); -} -function un(e) { - var a = e.getBoundingClientRect(), t = jt(a.width) / e.offsetWidth || 1, s = jt(a.height) / e.offsetHeight || 1; - return t !== 1 || s !== 1; -} -function cn(e, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = !1); - var s = $e(a), n = $e(a) && un(a), m = mt(a), l = qt(e, n, t), d = { - scrollLeft: 0, - scrollTop: 0 - }, p = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - return (s || !s && !t) && ((nt(a) !== "body" || // https://github.com/popperjs/popper-core/issues/1078 - Va(m)) && (d = on(a)), $e(a) ? (p = qt(a, !0), p.x += a.clientLeft, p.y += a.clientTop) : m && (p.x = Ma(m))), { - x: l.left + d.scrollLeft - p.x, - y: l.top + d.scrollTop - p.y, - width: l.width, - height: l.height - }; -} -function fr(e) { - var a = qt(e), t = e.offsetWidth, s = e.offsetHeight; - return Math.abs(a.width - t) <= 1 && (t = a.width), Math.abs(a.height - s) <= 1 && (s = a.height), { - x: e.offsetLeft, - y: e.offsetTop, - width: t, - height: s - }; -} -function va(e) { - return nt(e) === "html" ? e : ( - // this is a quicker (but less type safe) way to save quite some bytes from the bundle - // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - e.assignedSlot || // step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node - e.parentNode || // DOM Element detected - (Na(e) ? e.host : null) || // ShadowRoot detected - // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: HTMLElement is a Node - mt(e) - ); -} -function pr(e) { - return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(nt(e)) >= 0 ? e.ownerDocument.body : $e(e) && Va(e) ? e : pr(va(e)); -} -function Jt(e, a) { - var t; - a === void 0 && (a = []); - var s = pr(e), n = s === ((t = e.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : t.body), m = We(s), l = n ? [m].concat(m.visualViewport || [], Va(s) ? s : []) : s, d = a.concat(l); - return n ? d : ( - // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: isBody tells us target will be an HTMLElement here - d.concat(Jt(va(l))) - ); -} -function dn(e) { - return ["table", "td", "th"].indexOf(nt(e)) >= 0; -} -function ar(e) { - return !$e(e) || // https://github.com/popperjs/popper-core/issues/837 - ut(e).position === "fixed" ? null : e.offsetParent; -} -function fn(e) { - var a = /firefox/i.test(Ta()), t = /Trident/i.test(Ta()); - if (t && $e(e)) { - var s = ut(e); - if (s.position === "fixed") - return null; - } - var n = va(e); - for (Na(n) && (n = n.host); $e(n) && ["html", "body"].indexOf(nt(n)) < 0; ) { - var m = ut(n); - if (m.transform !== "none" || m.perspective !== "none" || m.contain === "paint" || ["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(m.willChange) !== -1 || a && m.willChange === "filter" || a && m.filter && m.filter !== "none") - return n; - n = n.parentNode; - } - return null; -} -function ha(e) { - for (var a = We(e), t = ar(e); t && dn(t) && ut(t).position === "static"; ) - t = ar(t); - return t && (nt(t) === "html" || nt(t) === "body" && ut(t).position === "static") ? a : t || fn(e) || a; -} -var Je = "top", it = "bottom", ht = "right", ot = "left", Ra = "auto", ma = [Je, it, ht, ot], It = "start", Qt = "end", pn = "clippingParents", vr = "viewport", Xt = "popper", vn = "reference", rr = /* @__PURE__ */ ma.reduce(function(e, a) { - return e.concat([a + "-" + It, a + "-" + Qt]); -}, []), hn = /* @__PURE__ */ [].concat(ma, [Ra]).reduce(function(e, a) { - return e.concat([a, a + "-" + It, a + "-" + Qt]); -}, []), mn = "beforeRead", gn = "read", bn = "afterRead", yn = "beforeMain", wn = "main", Sn = "afterMain", On = "beforeWrite", xn = "write", En = "afterWrite", kn = [mn, gn, bn, yn, wn, Sn, On, xn, En]; -function Pn(e) { - var a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), s = []; - e.forEach(function(m) { - a.set(m.name, m); - }); - function n(m) { - t.add(m.name); - var l = [].concat(m.requires || [], m.requiresIfExists || []); - l.forEach(function(d) { - if (!t.has(d)) { - var p = a.get(d); - p && n(p); - } - }), s.push(m); - } - return e.forEach(function(m) { - t.has(m.name) || n(m); - }), s; -} -function Cn(e) { - var a = Pn(e); - return kn.reduce(function(t, s) { - return t.concat(a.filter(function(n) { - return n.phase === s; - })); - }, []); -} -function Ln(e) { - var a; - return function() { - return a || (a = new Promise(function(t) { - Promise.resolve().then(function() { - a = void 0, t(e()); - }); - })), a; - }; -} -function An(e) { - var a = e.reduce(function(t, s) { - var n = t[s.name]; - return t[s.name] = n ? Object.assign({}, n, s, { - options: Object.assign({}, n.options, s.options), - data: Object.assign({}, n.data, s.data) - }) : s, t; - }, {}); - return Object.keys(a).map(function(t) { - return a[t]; - }); -} -function Tn(e, a) { - var t = We(e), s = mt(e), n = t.visualViewport, m = s.clientWidth, l = s.clientHeight, d = 0, p = 0; - if (n) { - m = n.width, l = n.height; - var y = dr(); - (y || !y && a === "fixed") && (d = n.offsetLeft, p = n.offsetTop); - } - return { - width: m, - height: l, - x: d + Ma(e), - y: p - }; -} -function Dn(e) { - var a, t = mt(e), s = Ba(e), n = (a = e.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : a.body, m = xt(t.scrollWidth, t.clientWidth, n ? n.scrollWidth : 0, n ? n.clientWidth : 0), l = xt(t.scrollHeight, t.clientHeight, n ? n.scrollHeight : 0, n ? n.clientHeight : 0), d = -s.scrollLeft + Ma(e), p = -s.scrollTop; - return ut(n || t).direction === "rtl" && (d += xt(t.clientWidth, n ? n.clientWidth : 0) - m), { - width: m, - height: l, - x: d, - y: p - }; -} -function Nn(e, a) { - var t = a.getRootNode && a.getRootNode(); - if (e.contains(a)) - return !0; - if (t && Na(t)) { - var s = a; - do { - if (s && e.isSameNode(s)) - return !0; - s = s.parentNode || s.host; - } while (s); - } - return !1; -} -function Da(e) { - return Object.assign({}, e, { - left: e.x, - top: e.y, - right: e.x + e.width, - bottom: e.y + e.height - }); -} -function Bn(e, a) { - var t = qt(e, !1, a === "fixed"); - return t.top = t.top + e.clientTop, t.left = t.left + e.clientLeft, t.bottom = t.top + e.clientHeight, t.right = t.left + e.clientWidth, t.width = e.clientWidth, t.height = e.clientHeight, t.x = t.left, t.y = t.top, t; -} -function nr(e, a, t) { - return a === vr ? Da(Tn(e, t)) : Et(a) ? Bn(a, t) : Da(Dn(mt(e))); -} -function Mn(e) { - var a = Jt(va(e)), t = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(ut(e).position) >= 0, s = t && $e(e) ? ha(e) : e; - return Et(s) ? a.filter(function(n) { - return Et(n) && Nn(n, s) && nt(n) !== "body"; - }) : []; -} -function Vn(e, a, t, s) { - var n = a === "clippingParents" ? Mn(e) : [].concat(a), m = [].concat(n, [t]), l = m[0], d = m.reduce(function(p, y) { - var v = nr(e, y, s); - return p.top = xt(v.top, p.top), p.right = fa(v.right, p.right), p.bottom = fa(v.bottom, p.bottom), p.left = xt(v.left, p.left), p; - }, nr(e, l, s)); - return d.width = d.right - d.left, d.height = d.bottom - d.top, d.x = d.left, d.y = d.top, d; -} -function vt(e) { - return e.split("-")[0]; -} -function zt(e) { - return e.split("-")[1]; -} -function hr(e) { - return ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? "x" : "y"; -} -function mr(e) { - var a = e.reference, t = e.element, s = e.placement, n = s ? vt(s) : null, m = s ? zt(s) : null, l = a.x + a.width / 2 - t.width / 2, d = a.y + a.height / 2 - t.height / 2, p; - switch (n) { - case Je: - p = { - x: l, - y: a.y - t.height - }; - break; - case it: - p = { - x: l, - y: a.y + a.height - }; - break; - case ht: - p = { - x: a.x + a.width, - y: d - }; - break; - case ot: - p = { - x: a.x - t.width, - y: d - }; - break; - default: - p = { - x: a.x, - y: a.y - }; - } - var y = n ? hr(n) : null; - if (y != null) { - var v = y === "y" ? "height" : "width"; - switch (m) { - case It: - p[y] = p[y] - (a[v] / 2 - t[v] / 2); - break; - case Qt: - p[y] = p[y] + (a[v] / 2 - t[v] / 2); - break; - } - } - return p; -} -function gr() { - return { - top: 0, - right: 0, - bottom: 0, - left: 0 - }; -} -function Rn(e) { - return Object.assign({}, gr(), e); -} -function jn(e, a) { - return a.reduce(function(t, s) { - return t[s] = e, t; - }, {}); -} -function ja(e, a) { - a === void 0 && (a = {}); - var t = a, s = t.placement, n = s === void 0 ? e.placement : s, m = t.strategy, l = m === void 0 ? e.strategy : m, d = t.boundary, p = d === void 0 ? pn : d, y = t.rootBoundary, v = y === void 0 ? vr : y, x = t.elementContext, A = x === void 0 ? Xt : x, E = t.altBoundary, g = E === void 0 ? !1 : E, w = t.padding, S = w === void 0 ? 0 : w, k = Rn(typeof S != "number" ? S : jn(S, ma)), V = A === Xt ? vn : Xt, b = e.rects.popper, D = e.elements[g ? V : A], R = Vn(Et(D) ? D : D.contextElement || mt(e.elements.popper), p, v, l), P = qt(e.elements.reference), U = mr({ - reference: P, - element: b, - strategy: "absolute", - placement: n - }), F = Da(Object.assign({}, b, U)), T = A === Xt ? F : P, J = { - top: R.top - T.top + k.top, - bottom: T.bottom - R.bottom + k.bottom, - left: R.left - T.left + k.left, - right: T.right - R.right + k.right - }, X = e.modifiersData.offset; - if (A === Xt && X) { - var N = X[n]; - Object.keys(J).forEach(function(H) { - var ne = [ht, it].indexOf(H) >= 0 ? 1 : -1, $ = [Je, it].indexOf(H) >= 0 ? "y" : "x"; - J[H] += N[$] * ne; - }); - } - return J; -} -var ir = { - placement: "bottom", - modifiers: [], - strategy: "absolute" -}; -function lr() { - for (var e = arguments.length, a = new Array(e), t = 0; t < e; t++) - a[t] = arguments[t]; - return !a.some(function(s) { - return !(s && typeof s.getBoundingClientRect == "function"); - }); -} -function qn(e) { - e === void 0 && (e = {}); - var a = e, t = a.defaultModifiers, s = t === void 0 ? [] : t, n = a.defaultOptions, m = n === void 0 ? ir : n; - return function(d, p, y) { - y === void 0 && (y = m); - var v = { - placement: "bottom", - orderedModifiers: [], - options: Object.assign({}, ir, m), - modifiersData: {}, - elements: { - reference: d, - popper: p - }, - attributes: {}, - styles: {} - }, x = [], A = !1, E = { - state: v, - setOptions: function(k) { - var V = typeof k == "function" ? k(v.options) : k; - w(), v.options = Object.assign({}, m, v.options, V), v.scrollParents = { - reference: Et(d) ? Jt(d) : d.contextElement ? Jt(d.contextElement) : [], - popper: Jt(p) - }; - var b = Cn(An([].concat(s, v.options.modifiers))); - return v.orderedModifiers = b.filter(function(D) { - return D.enabled; - }), g(), E.update(); - }, - // Sync update – it will always be executed, even if not necessary. This - // is useful for low frequency updates where sync behavior simplifies the - // logic. - // For high frequency updates (e.g. `resize` and `scroll` events), always - // prefer the async Popper#update method - forceUpdate: function() { - if (!A) { - var k = v.elements, V = k.reference, b = k.popper; - if (lr(V, b)) { - v.rects = { - reference: cn(V, ha(b), v.options.strategy === "fixed"), - popper: fr(b) - }, v.reset = !1, v.placement = v.options.placement, v.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(J) { - return v.modifiersData[J.name] = Object.assign({}, J.data); - }); - for (var D = 0; D < v.orderedModifiers.length; D++) { - if (v.reset === !0) { - v.reset = !1, D = -1; - continue; - } - var R = v.orderedModifiers[D], P = R.fn, U = R.options, F = U === void 0 ? {} : U, T = R.name; - typeof P == "function" && (v = P({ - state: v, - options: F, - name: T, - instance: E - }) || v); - } - } - } - }, - // Async and optimistically optimized update – it will not be executed if - // not necessary (debounced to run at most once-per-tick) - update: Ln(function() { - return new Promise(function(S) { - E.forceUpdate(), S(v); - }); - }), - destroy: function() { - w(), A = !0; - } - }; - if (!lr(d, p)) - return E; - E.setOptions(y).then(function(S) { - !A && y.onFirstUpdate && y.onFirstUpdate(S); - }); - function g() { - v.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(S) { - var k = S.name, V = S.options, b = V === void 0 ? {} : V, D = S.effect; - if (typeof D == "function") { - var R = D({ - state: v, - name: k, - instance: E, - options: b - }), P = function() { - }; - x.push(R || P); - } - }); - } - function w() { - x.forEach(function(S) { - return S(); - }), x = []; - } - return E; - }; -} -var oa = { - passive: !0 -}; -function In(e) { - var a = e.state, t = e.instance, s = e.options, n = s.scroll, m = n === void 0 ? !0 : n, l = s.resize, d = l === void 0 ? !0 : l, p = We(a.elements.popper), y = [].concat(a.scrollParents.reference, a.scrollParents.popper); - return m && y.forEach(function(v) { - v.addEventListener("scroll", t.update, oa); - }), d && p.addEventListener("resize", t.update, oa), function() { - m && y.forEach(function(v) { - v.removeEventListener("scroll", t.update, oa); - }), d && p.removeEventListener("resize", t.update, oa); - }; -} -var zn = { - name: "eventListeners", - enabled: !0, - phase: "write", - fn: function() { - }, - effect: In, - data: {} -}; -function Fn(e) { - var a = e.state, t = e.name; - a.modifiersData[t] = mr({ - reference: a.rects.reference, - element: a.rects.popper, - strategy: "absolute", - placement: a.placement - }); -} -var Un = { - name: "popperOffsets", - enabled: !0, - phase: "read", - fn: Fn, - data: {} -}, Hn = { - top: "auto", - right: "auto", - bottom: "auto", - left: "auto" -}; -function Wn(e, a) { - var t = e.x, s = e.y, n = a.devicePixelRatio || 1; - return { - x: jt(t * n) / n || 0, - y: jt(s * n) / n || 0 - }; -} -function sr(e) { - var a, t = e.popper, s = e.popperRect, n = e.placement, m = e.variation, l = e.offsets, d = e.position, p = e.gpuAcceleration, y = e.adaptive, v = e.roundOffsets, x = e.isFixed, A = l.x, E = A === void 0 ? 0 : A, g = l.y, w = g === void 0 ? 0 : g, S = typeof v == "function" ? v({ - x: E, - y: w - }) : { - x: E, - y: w - }; - E = S.x, w = S.y; - var k = l.hasOwnProperty("x"), V = l.hasOwnProperty("y"), b = ot, D = Je, R = window; - if (y) { - var P = ha(t), U = "clientHeight", F = "clientWidth"; - if (P === We(t) && (P = mt(t), ut(P).position !== "static" && d === "absolute" && (U = "scrollHeight", F = "scrollWidth")), P = P, n === Je || (n === ot || n === ht) && m === Qt) { - D = it; - var T = x && P === R && R.visualViewport ? R.visualViewport.height : ( - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - P[U] - ); - w -= T - s.height, w *= p ? 1 : -1; - } - if (n === ot || (n === Je || n === it) && m === Qt) { - b = ht; - var J = x && P === R && R.visualViewport ? R.visualViewport.width : ( - // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - P[F] - ); - E -= J - s.width, E *= p ? 1 : -1; - } - } - var X = Object.assign({ - position: d - }, y && Hn), N = v === !0 ? Wn({ - x: E, - y: w - }, We(t)) : { - x: E, - y: w - }; - if (E = N.x, w = N.y, p) { - var H; - return Object.assign({}, X, (H = {}, H[D] = V ? "0" : "", H[b] = k ? "0" : "", H.transform = (R.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1 ? "translate(" + E + "px, " + w + "px)" : "translate3d(" + E + "px, " + w + "px, 0)", H)); - } - return Object.assign({}, X, (a = {}, a[D] = V ? w + "px" : "", a[b] = k ? E + "px" : "", a.transform = "", a)); -} -function _n(e) { - var a = e.state, t = e.options, s = t.gpuAcceleration, n = s === void 0 ? !0 : s, m = t.adaptive, l = m === void 0 ? !0 : m, d = t.roundOffsets, p = d === void 0 ? !0 : d, y = { - placement: vt(a.placement), - variation: zt(a.placement), - popper: a.elements.popper, - popperRect: a.rects.popper, - gpuAcceleration: n, - isFixed: a.options.strategy === "fixed" - }; - a.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null && (a.styles.popper = Object.assign({}, a.styles.popper, sr(Object.assign({}, y, { - offsets: a.modifiersData.popperOffsets, - position: a.options.strategy, - adaptive: l, - roundOffsets: p - })))), a.modifiersData.arrow != null && (a.styles.arrow = Object.assign({}, a.styles.arrow, sr(Object.assign({}, y, { - offsets: a.modifiersData.arrow, - position: "absolute", - adaptive: !1, - roundOffsets: p - })))), a.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, a.attributes.popper, { - "data-popper-placement": a.placement - }); -} -var Gn = { - name: "computeStyles", - enabled: !0, - phase: "beforeWrite", - fn: _n, - data: {} -}; -function $n(e) { - var a = e.state; - Object.keys(a.elements).forEach(function(t) { - var s = a.styles[t] || {}, n = a.attributes[t] || {}, m = a.elements[t]; - !$e(m) || !nt(m) || (Object.assign(m.style, s), Object.keys(n).forEach(function(l) { - var d = n[l]; - d === !1 ? m.removeAttribute(l) : m.setAttribute(l, d === !0 ? "" : d); - })); - }); -} -function Kn(e) { - var a = e.state, t = { - popper: { - position: a.options.strategy, - left: "0", - top: "0", - margin: "0" - }, - arrow: { - position: "absolute" - }, - reference: {} - }; - return Object.assign(a.elements.popper.style, t.popper), a.styles = t, a.elements.arrow && Object.assign(a.elements.arrow.style, t.arrow), function() { - Object.keys(a.elements).forEach(function(s) { - var n = a.elements[s], m = a.attributes[s] || {}, l = Object.keys(a.styles.hasOwnProperty(s) ? a.styles[s] : t[s]), d = l.reduce(function(p, y) { - return p[y] = "", p; - }, {}); - !$e(n) || !nt(n) || (Object.assign(n.style, d), Object.keys(m).forEach(function(p) { - n.removeAttribute(p); - })); - }); - }; -} -var Xn = { - name: "applyStyles", - enabled: !0, - phase: "write", - fn: $n, - effect: Kn, - requires: ["computeStyles"] -}, Yn = [zn, Un, Gn, Xn], Jn = /* @__PURE__ */ qn({ - defaultModifiers: Yn -}); -function Qn(e) { - return e === "x" ? "y" : "x"; -} -function ca(e, a, t) { - return xt(e, fa(a, t)); -} -function Zn(e, a, t) { - var s = ca(e, a, t); - return s > t ? t : s; -} -function ei(e) { - var a = e.state, t = e.options, s = e.name, n = t.mainAxis, m = n === void 0 ? !0 : n, l = t.altAxis, d = l === void 0 ? !1 : l, p = t.boundary, y = t.rootBoundary, v = t.altBoundary, x = t.padding, A = t.tether, E = A === void 0 ? !0 : A, g = t.tetherOffset, w = g === void 0 ? 0 : g, S = ja(a, { - boundary: p, - rootBoundary: y, - padding: x, - altBoundary: v - }), k = vt(a.placement), V = zt(a.placement), b = !V, D = hr(k), R = Qn(D), P = a.modifiersData.popperOffsets, U = a.rects.reference, F = a.rects.popper, T = typeof w == "function" ? w(Object.assign({}, a.rects, { - placement: a.placement - })) : w, J = typeof T == "number" ? { - mainAxis: T, - altAxis: T - } : Object.assign({ - mainAxis: 0, - altAxis: 0 - }, T), X = a.modifiersData.offset ? a.modifiersData.offset[a.placement] : null, N = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - if (P) { - if (m) { - var H, ne = D === "y" ? Je : ot, $ = D === "y" ? it : ht, ee = D === "y" ? "height" : "width", se = P[D], Te = se + S[ne], Y = se - S[$], Z = E ? -F[ee] / 2 : 0, te = V === It ? U[ee] : F[ee], pe = V === It ? -F[ee] : -U[ee], Le = a.elements.arrow, ce = E && Le ? fr(Le) : { - width: 0, - height: 0 - }, _ = a.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"] ? a.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"].padding : gr(), h = _[ne], j = _[$], be = ca(0, U[ee], ce[ee]), Re = b ? U[ee] / 2 - Z - be - h - J.mainAxis : te - be - h - J.mainAxis, gt = b ? -U[ee] / 2 + Z + be + j + J.mainAxis : pe + be + j + J.mainAxis, bt = a.elements.arrow && ha(a.elements.arrow), Ke = bt ? D === "y" ? bt.clientTop || 0 : bt.clientLeft || 0 : 0, kt = (H = X == null ? void 0 : X[D]) != null ? H : 0, Ft = se + Re - kt - Ke, Qe = se + gt - kt, Pt = ca(E ? fa(Te, Ft) : Te, se, E ? xt(Y, Qe) : Y); - P[D] = Pt, N[D] = Pt - se; - } - if (d) { - var Ze, _e = D === "x" ? Je : ot, qe = D === "x" ? it : ht, ze = P[R], Xe = R === "y" ? "height" : "width", yt = ze + S[_e], Ct = ze - S[qe], Ie = [Je, ot].indexOf(k) !== -1, ct = (Ze = X == null ? void 0 : X[R]) != null ? Ze : 0, et = Ie ? yt : ze - U[Xe] - F[Xe] - ct + J.altAxis, tt = Ie ? ze + U[Xe] + F[Xe] - ct - J.altAxis : Ct, Lt = E && Ie ? Zn(et, ze, tt) : ca(E ? et : yt, ze, E ? tt : Ct); - P[R] = Lt, N[R] = Lt - ze; - } - a.modifiersData[s] = N; - } -} -var ti = { - name: "preventOverflow", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - fn: ei, - requiresIfExists: ["offset"] -}, ai = { - left: "right", - right: "left", - bottom: "top", - top: "bottom" -}; -function da(e) { - return e.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function(a) { - return ai[a]; - }); -} -var ri = { - start: "end", - end: "start" -}; -function or(e) { - return e.replace(/start|end/g, function(a) { - return ri[a]; - }); -} -function ni(e, a) { - a === void 0 && (a = {}); - var t = a, s = t.placement, n = t.boundary, m = t.rootBoundary, l = t.padding, d = t.flipVariations, p = t.allowedAutoPlacements, y = p === void 0 ? hn : p, v = zt(s), x = v ? d ? rr : rr.filter(function(g) { - return zt(g) === v; - }) : ma, A = x.filter(function(g) { - return y.indexOf(g) >= 0; - }); - A.length === 0 && (A = x); - var E = A.reduce(function(g, w) { - return g[w] = ja(e, { - placement: w, - boundary: n, - rootBoundary: m, - padding: l - })[vt(w)], g; - }, {}); - return Object.keys(E).sort(function(g, w) { - return E[g] - E[w]; - }); -} -function ii(e) { - if (vt(e) === Ra) - return []; - var a = da(e); - return [or(e), a, or(a)]; -} -function li(e) { - var a = e.state, t = e.options, s = e.name; - if (!a.modifiersData[s]._skip) { - for (var n = t.mainAxis, m = n === void 0 ? !0 : n, l = t.altAxis, d = l === void 0 ? !0 : l, p = t.fallbackPlacements, y = t.padding, v = t.boundary, x = t.rootBoundary, A = t.altBoundary, E = t.flipVariations, g = E === void 0 ? !0 : E, w = t.allowedAutoPlacements, S = a.options.placement, k = vt(S), V = k === S, b = p || (V || !g ? [da(S)] : ii(S)), D = [S].concat(b).reduce(function(ce, _) { - return ce.concat(vt(_) === Ra ? ni(a, { - placement: _, - boundary: v, - rootBoundary: x, - padding: y, - flipVariations: g, - allowedAutoPlacements: w - }) : _); - }, []), R = a.rects.reference, P = a.rects.popper, U = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), F = !0, T = D[0], J = 0; J < D.length; J++) { - var X = D[J], N = vt(X), H = zt(X) === It, ne = [Je, it].indexOf(N) >= 0, $ = ne ? "width" : "height", ee = ja(a, { - placement: X, - boundary: v, - rootBoundary: x, - altBoundary: A, - padding: y - }), se = ne ? H ? ht : ot : H ? it : Je; - R[$] > P[$] && (se = da(se)); - var Te = da(se), Y = []; - if (m && Y.push(ee[N] <= 0), d && Y.push(ee[se] <= 0, ee[Te] <= 0), Y.every(function(ce) { - return ce; - })) { - T = X, F = !1; - break; - } - U.set(X, Y); - } - if (F) - for (var Z = g ? 3 : 1, te = function(_) { - var h = D.find(function(j) { - var be = U.get(j); - if (be) - return be.slice(0, _).every(function(Re) { - return Re; - }); - }); - if (h) - return T = h, "break"; - }, pe = Z; pe > 0; pe--) { - var Le = te(pe); - if (Le === "break") - break; - } - a.placement !== T && (a.modifiersData[s]._skip = !0, a.placement = T, a.reset = !0); - } -} -var si = { - name: "flip", - enabled: !0, - phase: "main", - fn: li, - requiresIfExists: ["offset"], - data: { - _skip: !1 - } -}; -function oi(e, a, t) { - const { disabled: s, appendTo: n, appendToBody: m, openDirection: l } = Me(e), d = Zt().proxy, p = t.multiselect, y = t.dropdown, v = he(!1), x = he(null), A = he(null), E = K(() => n.value || m.value), g = K(() => l.value === "top" && A.value === "bottom" || l.value === "bottom" && A.value !== "top" ? "bottom" : "top"), w = () => { - v.value || s.value || (v.value = !0, a.emit("open", d), E.value && Yt(() => { - k(); - })); - }, S = () => { - v.value && (v.value = !1, a.emit("close", d)); - }, k = () => { - if (!x.value) - return; - let b = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(y.value).borderTopWidth.replace("px", "")), D = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(y.value).borderBottomWidth.replace("px", "")); - x.value.setOptions((R) => ({ - ...R, - modifiers: [ - ...R.modifiers, - { - name: "offset", - options: { - offset: [0, (g.value === "top" ? b : D) * -1] - } - } - ] - })), x.value.update(); - }, V = (b) => { - for (; b && b !== document.body; ) { - if (getComputedStyle(b).position === "fixed") - return !0; - b = b.parentElement; - } - return !1; - }; - return pa(() => { - E.value && (x.value = Jn(p.value, y.value, { - strategy: V(p.value) ? ( - /* istanbul ignore next: UI feature */ - "fixed" - ) : void 0, - placement: l.value, - modifiers: [ - ti, - si, - { - name: "sameWidth", - enabled: !0, - phase: "beforeWrite", - requires: ["computeStyles"], - fn: ({ state: b }) => { - b.styles.popper.width = `${b.rects.reference.width}px`; - }, - effect: ({ state: b }) => { - b.elements.popper.style.width = `${b.elements.reference.offsetWidth}px`; - } - }, - { - name: "toggleClass", - enabled: !0, - phase: "write", - fn({ state: b }) { - A.value = b.placement; - } - } - ] - })); - }), Nr(() => { - !E.value || !x.value || (x.value.destroy(), x.value = null); - }), { - popper: x, - isOpen: v, - open: w, - close: S, - placement: g, - updatePopper: k - }; -} -function ui(e, a, t) { - const { searchable: s, disabled: n, clearOnBlur: m } = Me(e), l = t.input, d = t.open, p = t.close, y = t.clearSearch, v = t.isOpen, x = t.wrapper, A = t.tags, E = he(!1), g = he(!1), w = K(() => s.value || n.value ? -1 : 0), S = () => { - s.value && l.value.blur(), x.value.blur(); - }, k = () => { - s.value && !n.value && l.value.focus(); - }, V = (F = !0) => { - n.value || (E.value = !0, F && d()); - }, b = () => { - E.value = !1, setTimeout(() => { - E.value || (p(), m.value && y()); - }, 1); - }; - return { - tabindex: w, - isActive: E, - mouseClicked: g, - blur: S, - focus: k, - activate: V, - deactivate: b, - handleFocusIn: (F) => { - F.target.closest("[data-tags]") && F.target.nodeName !== "INPUT" || F.target.closest("[data-clear]") || V(g.value); - }, - handleFocusOut: () => { - b(); - }, - handleCaretClick: () => { - b(), S(); - }, - handleMousedown: (F) => { - g.value = !0, v.value && (F.target.isEqualNode(x.value) || F.target.isEqualNode(A.value)) ? setTimeout(() => { - b(); - }, 0) : !v.value && (document.activeElement.isEqualNode(x.value) || document.activeElement.isEqualNode(l.value)) && V(), setTimeout(() => { - g.value = !1; - }, 0); - } - }; -} -function ci(e, a, t) { - const { - mode: s, - addTagOn: n, - openDirection: m, - searchable: l, - showOptions: d, - valueProp: p, - groups: y, - addOptionOn: v, - createTag: x, - createOption: A, - reverse: E - } = Me(e), g = Zt().proxy, w = t.iv, S = t.update, k = t.deselect, V = t.search, b = t.setPointer, D = t.selectPointer, R = t.backwardPointer, P = t.forwardPointer, U = t.multiselect, F = t.wrapper, T = t.tags, J = t.isOpen, X = t.open, N = t.blur, H = t.fo, ne = K(() => x.value || A.value || !1), $ = K(() => n.value !== void 0 ? n.value : v.value !== void 0 ? v.value : ["enter"]), ee = () => { - s.value === "tags" && !d.value && ne.value && l.value && !y.value && b(H.value[H.value.map((Y) => Y[p.value]).indexOf(V.value)]); - }; - return { - handleKeydown: (Y) => { - a.emit("keydown", Y, g); - let Z, te; - switch (["ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "Enter"].indexOf(Y.key) !== -1 && s.value === "tags" && (Z = [...U.value.querySelectorAll("[data-tags] > *")].filter((pe) => pe !== T.value), te = Z.findIndex((pe) => pe === document.activeElement)), Y.key) { - case "Backspace": - if (s.value === "single" || l.value && [null, ""].indexOf(V.value) === -1 || w.value.length === 0) - return; - let pe = w.value.filter((Le) => !Le.disabled && Le.remove !== !1); - pe.length && k(pe[pe.length - 1]); - break; - case "Enter": - if (Y.preventDefault(), Y.keyCode === 229) - return; - if (te !== -1 && te !== void 0) { - S([...w.value].filter((Le, ce) => ce !== te)), te === Z.length - 1 && (Z.length - 1 ? Z[Z.length - 2].focus() : l.value ? T.value.querySelector("input").focus() : F.value.focus()); - return; - } - if ($.value.indexOf("enter") === -1 && ne.value) - return; - ee(), D(); - break; - case " ": - if (!ne.value && !l.value) { - Y.preventDefault(), ee(), D(); - return; - } - if (!ne.value) - return !1; - if ($.value.indexOf("space") === -1 && ne.value) - return; - Y.preventDefault(), ee(), D(); - break; - case "Tab": - case ";": - case ",": - if ($.value.indexOf(Y.key.toLowerCase()) === -1 || !ne.value) - return; - ee(), D(), Y.preventDefault(); - break; - case "Escape": - N(); - break; - case "ArrowUp": - if (Y.preventDefault(), !d.value) - return; - J.value || X(), R(); - break; - case "ArrowDown": - if (Y.preventDefault(), !d.value) - return; - J.value || X(), P(); - break; - case "ArrowLeft": - if (l.value && T.value && T.value.querySelector("input").selectionStart || Y.shiftKey || s.value !== "tags" || !w.value || !w.value.length) - return; - Y.preventDefault(), te === -1 ? Z[Z.length - 1].focus() : te > 0 && Z[te - 1].focus(); - break; - case "ArrowRight": - if (te === -1 || Y.shiftKey || s.value !== "tags" || !w.value || !w.value.length) - return; - Y.preventDefault(), Z.length > te + 1 ? Z[te + 1].focus() : l.value ? T.value.querySelector("input").focus() : l.value || F.value.focus(); - break; - } - }, - handleKeyup: (Y) => { - a.emit("keyup", Y, g); - }, - preparePointer: ee - }; -} -function di(e, a, t) { - const { - classes: s, - disabled: n, - showOptions: m, - breakTags: l - } = Me(e), d = t.isOpen, p = t.isPointed, y = t.isSelected, v = t.isDisabled, x = t.isActive, A = t.canPointGroups, E = t.resolving, g = t.fo, w = t.placement, S = K(() => ({ - container: "multiselect", - containerDisabled: "is-disabled", - containerOpen: "is-open", - containerOpenTop: "is-open-top", - containerActive: "is-active", - wrapper: "multiselect-wrapper", - singleLabel: "multiselect-single-label", - singleLabelText: "multiselect-single-label-text", - multipleLabel: "multiselect-multiple-label", - search: "multiselect-search", - tags: "multiselect-tags", - tag: "multiselect-tag", - tagWrapper: "multiselect-tag-wrapper", - tagWrapperBreak: "multiselect-tag-wrapper-break", - tagDisabled: "is-disabled", - tagRemove: "multiselect-tag-remove", - tagRemoveIcon: "multiselect-tag-remove-icon", - tagsSearchWrapper: "multiselect-tags-search-wrapper", - tagsSearch: "multiselect-tags-search", - tagsSearchCopy: "multiselect-tags-search-copy", - placeholder: "multiselect-placeholder", - caret: "multiselect-caret", - caretOpen: "is-open", - clear: "multiselect-clear", - clearIcon: "multiselect-clear-icon", - spinner: "multiselect-spinner", - inifinite: "multiselect-inifite", - inifiniteSpinner: "multiselect-inifite-spinner", - dropdown: "multiselect-dropdown", - dropdownTop: "is-top", - dropdownHidden: "is-hidden", - options: "multiselect-options", - optionsTop: "is-top", - group: "multiselect-group", - groupLabel: "multiselect-group-label", - groupLabelPointable: "is-pointable", - groupLabelPointed: "is-pointed", - groupLabelSelected: "is-selected", - groupLabelDisabled: "is-disabled", - groupLabelSelectedPointed: "is-selected is-pointed", - groupLabelSelectedDisabled: "is-selected is-disabled", - groupOptions: "multiselect-group-options", - option: "multiselect-option", - optionPointed: "is-pointed", - optionSelected: "is-selected", - optionDisabled: "is-disabled", - optionSelectedPointed: "is-selected is-pointed", - optionSelectedDisabled: "is-selected is-disabled", - noOptions: "multiselect-no-options", - noResults: "multiselect-no-results", - fakeInput: "multiselect-fake-input", - assist: "multiselect-assistive-text", - spacer: "multiselect-spacer", - ...s.value - })), k = K(() => !!(d.value && m.value && (!E.value || E.value && g.value.length))); - return { - classList: K(() => { - const b = S.value; - return { - container: [b.container].concat(n.value ? b.containerDisabled : []).concat(k.value && w.value === "top" ? b.containerOpenTop : []).concat(k.value && w.value !== "top" ? b.containerOpen : []).concat(x.value ? b.containerActive : []), - wrapper: b.wrapper, - spacer: b.spacer, - singleLabel: b.singleLabel, - singleLabelText: b.singleLabelText, - multipleLabel: b.multipleLabel, - search: b.search, - tags: b.tags, - tag: [b.tag].concat(n.value ? b.tagDisabled : []), - tagWrapper: [b.tagWrapper, l.value ? b.tagWrapperBreak : null], - tagDisabled: b.tagDisabled, - tagRemove: b.tagRemove, - tagRemoveIcon: b.tagRemoveIcon, - tagsSearchWrapper: b.tagsSearchWrapper, - tagsSearch: b.tagsSearch, - tagsSearchCopy: b.tagsSearchCopy, - placeholder: b.placeholder, - caret: [b.caret].concat(d.value ? b.caretOpen : []), - clear: b.clear, - clearIcon: b.clearIcon, - spinner: b.spinner, - inifinite: b.inifinite, - inifiniteSpinner: b.inifiniteSpinner, - dropdown: [b.dropdown].concat(w.value === "top" ? b.dropdownTop : []).concat(!d.value || !m.value || !k.value ? b.dropdownHidden : []), - options: [b.options].concat(w.value === "top" ? b.optionsTop : []), - group: b.group, - groupLabel: (D) => { - let R = [b.groupLabel]; - return p(D) ? R.push(y(D) ? b.groupLabelSelectedPointed : b.groupLabelPointed) : y(D) && A.value ? R.push(v(D) ? b.groupLabelSelectedDisabled : b.groupLabelSelected) : v(D) && R.push(b.groupLabelDisabled), A.value && R.push(b.groupLabelPointable), R; - }, - groupOptions: b.groupOptions, - option: (D, R) => { - let P = [b.option]; - return p(D) ? P.push(y(D) ? b.optionSelectedPointed : b.optionPointed) : y(D) ? P.push(v(D) ? b.optionSelectedDisabled : b.optionSelected) : (v(D) || R && v(R)) && P.push(b.optionDisabled), P; - }, - noOptions: b.noOptions, - noResults: b.noResults, - assist: b.assist, - fakeInput: b.fakeInput - }; - }), - showDropdown: k - }; -} -function fi(e, a, t) { - const { - limit: s, - infinite: n - } = Me(e), m = t.isOpen, l = t.offset, d = t.search, p = t.pfo, y = t.eo, v = he(null), x = he(null), A = K(() => l.value < p.value.length), E = (w) => { - const { isIntersecting: S, target: k } = w[0]; - if (S) { - const V = k.offsetParent, b = V.scrollTop; - l.value += s.value == -1 ? 10 : s.value, Yt(() => { - V.scrollTop = b; - }); - } - }, g = () => { - m.value && l.value < p.value.length ? v.value.observe(x.value) : !m.value && v.value && v.value.disconnect(); - }; - return ge(m, () => { - n.value && g(); - }), ge(d, () => { - n.value && (l.value = s.value, g()); - }, { flush: "post" }), ge(y, () => { - n.value && g(); - }, { immediate: !1, flush: "post" }), pa(() => { - window && window.IntersectionObserver && (v.value = new IntersectionObserver(E)); - }), { - hasMore: A, - infiniteLoader: x - }; -} -function pi(e, a, t) { - const { - placeholder: s, - id: n, - valueProp: m, - label: l, - mode: d, - groupLabel: p, - aria: y, - searchable: v - } = Me(e), x = t.pointer, A = t.iv, E = t.hasSelected, g = t.multipleLabelText, w = he(null), S = K(() => { - let N = []; - return n && n.value && N.push(n.value), N.push("assist"), N.join("-"); - }), k = K(() => { - let N = []; - return n && n.value && N.push(n.value), N.push("multiselect-options"), N.join("-"); - }), V = K(() => { - let N = []; - if (n && n.value && N.push(n.value), x.value) - return N.push(x.value.group ? "multiselect-group" : "multiselect-option"), N.push(x.value.group ? x.value.index : x.value[m.value]), N.join("-"); - }), b = K(() => s.value), D = K(() => d.value !== "single"), R = K(() => { - let N = ""; - return d.value === "single" && E.value && (N += A.value[l.value]), d.value === "multiple" && E.value && (N += g.value), d.value === "tags" && E.value && (N += A.value.map((H) => H[l.value]).join(", ")), N; - }), P = K(() => { - let N = { ...y.value }; - return v.value && (N["aria-labelledby"] = N["aria-labelledby"] ? `${S.value} ${N["aria-labelledby"]}` : S.value, R.value && N["aria-label"] && (N["aria-label"] = `${R.value}, ${N["aria-label"]}`)), N; - }), U = (N) => { - let H = []; - return n && n.value && H.push(n.value), H.push("multiselect-option"), H.push(N[m.value]), H.join("-"); - }, F = (N) => { - let H = []; - return n && n.value && H.push(n.value), H.push("multiselect-group"), H.push(N.index), H.join("-"); - }, T = (N) => { - let H = []; - return H.push(N), H.join(" "); - }, J = (N) => { - let H = []; - return H.push(N), H.join(" "); - }, X = (N) => `${N} ❎`; - return pa(() => { - if (n && n.value && document && document.querySelector) { - let N = document.querySelector(`[for="${n.value}"]`); - w.value = N ? N.innerText : null; - } - }), { - arias: P, - ariaLabel: R, - ariaAssist: S, - ariaControls: k, - ariaPlaceholder: b, - ariaMultiselectable: D, - ariaActiveDescendant: V, - ariaOptionId: U, - ariaOptionLabel: T, - ariaGroupId: F, - ariaGroupLabel: J, - ariaTagLabel: X - }; -} -function vi(e, a, t) { - const { - locale: s, - fallbackLocale: n - } = Me(e); - return { - localize: (l) => !l || typeof l != "object" ? l : l && l[s.value] ? l[s.value] : l && s.value && l[s.value.toUpperCase()] ? l[s.value.toUpperCase()] : l && l[n.value] ? l[n.value] : l && n.value && l[n.value.toUpperCase()] ? l[n.value.toUpperCase()] : l && Object.keys(l)[0] ? l[Object.keys(l)[0]] : "" - }; -} -function hi(e, a, t) { - const s = he(null), n = he(null), m = he(null), l = he(null), d = he(null); - return { - multiselect: s, - wrapper: n, - tags: m, - input: l, - dropdown: d - }; -} -function mi(e, a, t, s = {}) { - return t.forEach((n) => { - n && (s = { - ...s, - ...n(e, a, s) - }); - }), s; -} -var qa = { - name: "Multiselect", - emits: [ - "paste", - "open", - "close", - "select", - "deselect", - "input", - "search-change", - "tag", - "option", - "update:modelValue", - "change", - "clear", - "keydown", - "keyup", - "max", - "create" - ], - props: { - value: { - required: !1 - }, - modelValue: { - required: !1 - }, - options: { - type: [Array, Object, Function], - required: !1, - default: () => [] - }, - id: { - type: [String, Number], - required: !1 - }, - name: { - type: [String, Number], - required: !1, - default: "multiselect" - }, - disabled: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - label: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "label" - }, - trackBy: { - type: [String, Array], - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - valueProp: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "value" - }, - placeholder: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: null - }, - mode: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "single" - // single|multiple|tags - }, - searchable: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - limit: { - type: Number, - required: !1, - default: -1 - }, - hideSelected: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - createTag: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - createOption: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - appendNewTag: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - appendNewOption: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - addTagOn: { - type: Array, - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - addOptionOn: { - type: Array, - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - caret: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - loading: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - noOptionsText: { - type: [String, Object], - required: !1, - default: "The list is empty" - }, - noResultsText: { - type: [String, Object], - required: !1, - default: "No results found" - }, - multipleLabel: { - type: Function, - required: !1 - }, - object: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - delay: { - type: Number, - required: !1, - default: -1 - }, - minChars: { - type: Number, - required: !1, - default: 0 - }, - resolveOnLoad: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - filterResults: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - clearOnSearch: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - clearOnSelect: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - canDeselect: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - canClear: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - max: { - type: Number, - required: !1, - default: -1 - }, - showOptions: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - required: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - openDirection: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "bottom" - }, - nativeSupport: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - classes: { - type: Object, - required: !1, - default: () => ({}) - }, - strict: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - closeOnSelect: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - closeOnDeselect: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - autocomplete: { - type: String, - required: !1 - }, - groups: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - groupLabel: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "label" - }, - groupOptions: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "options" - }, - groupHideEmpty: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - groupSelect: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !0 - }, - inputType: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "text" - }, - attrs: { - required: !1, - type: Object, - default: () => ({}) - }, - onCreate: { - required: !1, - type: Function - }, - disabledProp: { - type: String, - required: !1, - default: "disabled" - }, - searchStart: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - reverse: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - regex: { - type: [Object, String, RegExp], - required: !1, - default: void 0 - }, - rtl: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - infinite: { - type: Boolean, - required: !1, - default: !1 - }, - aria: { - required: !1, - type: Object, - default: () => ({}) - }, - clearOnBlur: { - required: !1, - type: Boolean, - default: !0 - }, - locale: { - required: !1, - type: String, - default: null - }, - fallbackLocale: { - required: !1, - type: String, - default: "en" - }, - searchFilter: { - required: !1, - type: Function, - default: null - }, - allowAbsent: { - required: !1, - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - appendToBody: { - required: !1, - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - closeOnScroll: { - required: !1, - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - breakTags: { - required: !1, - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - appendTo: { - required: !1, - type: String - } - }, - setup(e, a) { - return mi(e, a, [ - hi, - vi, - Zr, - tn, - oi, - en, - Qr, - ui, - nn, - fi, - ln, - ci, - di, - pi - ]); - }, - beforeMount() { - var e, a; - ((a = (e = this.$root.constructor) == null ? void 0 : e.version) != null && a.match(/^2\./) || this.vueVersionMs === 2) && (this.$options.components.Teleport || (this.$options.components.Teleport = { - render() { - return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default[0] : null; - } - })); - } -}; -const gi = ["id", "dir"], bi = ["tabindex", "aria-controls", "aria-placeholder", "aria-expanded", "aria-activedescendant", "aria-multiselectable", "role"], yi = ["type", "modelValue", "value", "autocomplete", "id", "aria-controls", "aria-placeholder", "aria-expanded", "aria-activedescendant", "aria-multiselectable"], wi = ["onKeyup", "aria-label"], Si = ["onClick"], Oi = ["type", "modelValue", "value", "id", "autocomplete", "aria-controls", "aria-placeholder", "aria-expanded", "aria-activedescendant", "aria-multiselectable"], xi = ["innerHTML"], Ei = ["id"], ki = ["id"], Pi = ["id", "aria-label", "aria-selected"], Ci = ["data-pointed", "onMouseenter", "onMousedown"], Li = ["innerHTML"], Ai = ["aria-label"], Ti = ["data-pointed", "data-selected", "onMouseenter", "onMousedown", "id", "aria-selected", "aria-label"], Di = ["data-pointed", "data-selected", "onMouseenter", "onMousedown", "id", "aria-selected", "aria-label"], Ni = ["innerHTML"], Bi = ["innerHTML"], Mi = ["value"], Vi = ["name", "value"], Ri = ["name", "value"], ji = ["id"]; -function qi(e, a, t, s, n, m) { - return re(), ie("div", { - ref: "multiselect", - class: de(e.classList.container), - id: t.searchable ? void 0 : t.id, - dir: t.rtl ? "rtl" : void 0, - onFocusin: a[12] || (a[12] = (...l) => e.handleFocusIn && e.handleFocusIn(...l)), - onFocusout: a[13] || (a[13] = (...l) => e.handleFocusOut && e.handleFocusOut(...l)), - onKeyup: a[14] || (a[14] = (...l) => e.handleKeyup && e.handleKeyup(...l)), - onKeydown: a[15] || (a[15] = (...l) => e.handleKeydown && e.handleKeydown(...l)) - }, [ - G("div", ua({ - class: e.classList.wrapper, - onMousedown: a[9] || (a[9] = (...l) => e.handleMousedown && e.handleMousedown(...l)), - ref: "wrapper", - tabindex: e.tabindex, - "aria-controls": t.searchable ? void 0 : e.ariaControls, - "aria-placeholder": t.searchable ? void 0 : e.ariaPlaceholder, - "aria-expanded": t.searchable ? void 0 : e.isOpen, - "aria-activedescendant": t.searchable ? void 0 : e.ariaActiveDescendant, - "aria-multiselectable": t.searchable ? void 0 : e.ariaMultiselectable, - role: t.searchable ? void 0 : "combobox" - }, t.searchable ? {} : e.arias), [ - oe(" Search "), - t.mode !== "tags" && t.searchable && !t.disabled ? (re(), ie("input", ua({ - key: 0, - type: t.inputType, - modelValue: e.search, - value: e.search, - class: e.classList.search, - autocomplete: t.autocomplete, - id: t.searchable ? t.id : void 0, - onInput: a[0] || (a[0] = (...l) => e.handleSearchInput && e.handleSearchInput(...l)), - onKeypress: a[1] || (a[1] = (...l) => e.handleKeypress && e.handleKeypress(...l)), - onPaste: a[2] || (a[2] = Vt((...l) => e.handlePaste && e.handlePaste(...l), ["stop"])), - ref: "input", - "aria-controls": e.ariaControls, - "aria-placeholder": e.ariaPlaceholder, - "aria-expanded": e.isOpen, - "aria-activedescendant": e.ariaActiveDescendant, - "aria-multiselectable": e.ariaMultiselectable, - role: "combobox" - }, { - ...t.attrs, - ...e.arias - }), null, 16, yi)) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Tags (with search) "), - t.mode == "tags" ? (re(), ie( - "div", - { - key: 1, - class: de(e.classList.tags), - "data-tags": "" - }, - [ - (re(!0), ie( - st, - null, - pt(e.iv, (l, d, p) => Be(e.$slots, "tag", { - option: l, - handleTagRemove: e.handleTagRemove, - disabled: t.disabled - }, () => [ - (re(), ie("span", { - class: de([ - e.classList.tag, - l.disabled ? e.classList.tagDisabled : null - ]), - tabindex: "-1", - onKeyup: Ja((y) => e.handleTagRemove(l, y), ["enter"]), - key: p, - "aria-label": e.ariaTagLabel(e.localize(l[t.label])) - }, [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.tagWrapper) - }, - Ce(e.localize(l[t.label])), - 3 - /* TEXT, CLASS */ - ), - !t.disabled && !l.disabled ? (re(), ie("span", { - key: 0, - class: de(e.classList.tagRemove), - onClick: Vt((y) => e.handleTagRemove(l, y), ["stop"]) - }, [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.tagRemoveIcon) - }, - null, - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ], 10, Si)) : oe("v-if", !0) - ], 42, wi)) - ])), - 256 - /* UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */ - )), - G( - "div", - { - class: de(e.classList.tagsSearchWrapper), - ref: "tags" - }, - [ - oe(" Used for measuring search width "), - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.tagsSearchCopy) - }, - Ce(e.search), - 3 - /* TEXT, CLASS */ - ), - oe(" Actual search input "), - t.searchable && !t.disabled ? (re(), ie("input", ua({ - key: 0, - type: t.inputType, - modelValue: e.search, - value: e.search, - class: e.classList.tagsSearch, - id: t.searchable ? t.id : void 0, - autocomplete: t.autocomplete, - onInput: a[3] || (a[3] = (...l) => e.handleSearchInput && e.handleSearchInput(...l)), - onKeypress: a[4] || (a[4] = (...l) => e.handleKeypress && e.handleKeypress(...l)), - onPaste: a[5] || (a[5] = Vt((...l) => e.handlePaste && e.handlePaste(...l), ["stop"])), - ref: "input", - "aria-controls": e.ariaControls, - "aria-placeholder": e.ariaPlaceholder, - "aria-expanded": e.isOpen, - "aria-activedescendant": e.ariaActiveDescendant, - "aria-multiselectable": e.ariaMultiselectable, - role: "combobox" - }, { - ...t.attrs, - ...e.arias - }), null, 16, Oi)) : oe("v-if", !0) - ], - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ], - 2 - /* CLASS */ - )) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Single label "), - t.mode == "single" && e.hasSelected && !e.search && e.iv ? Be(e.$slots, "singlelabel", { - key: 2, - value: e.iv - }, () => [ - G( - "div", - { - class: de(e.classList.singleLabel) - }, - [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.singleLabelText) - }, - Ce(e.localize(e.iv[t.label])), - 3 - /* TEXT, CLASS */ - ) - ], - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Multiple label "), - t.mode == "multiple" && e.hasSelected && !e.search ? Be(e.$slots, "multiplelabel", { - key: 3, - values: e.iv - }, () => [ - G("div", { - class: de(e.classList.multipleLabel), - innerHTML: e.multipleLabelText - }, null, 10, xi) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Placeholder "), - t.placeholder && !e.hasSelected && !e.search ? Be(e.$slots, "placeholder", { key: 4 }, () => [ - G( - "div", - { - class: de(e.classList.placeholder), - "aria-hidden": "true" - }, - Ce(t.placeholder), - 3 - /* TEXT, CLASS */ - ) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Spinner "), - t.loading || e.resolving ? Be(e.$slots, "spinner", { key: 5 }, () => [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.spinner), - "aria-hidden": "true" - }, - null, - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Clear "), - e.hasSelected && !t.disabled && t.canClear && !e.busy ? Be(e.$slots, "clear", { - key: 6, - clear: e.clear - }, () => [ - G( - "span", - { - "aria-hidden": "true", - tabindex: "0", - role: "button", - "data-clear": "", - "aria-roledescription": "❎", - class: de(e.classList.clear), - onClick: a[6] || (a[6] = (...l) => e.clear && e.clear(...l)), - onKeyup: a[7] || (a[7] = Ja((...l) => e.clear && e.clear(...l), ["enter"])) - }, - [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.clearIcon) - }, - null, - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ], - 34 - /* CLASS, NEED_HYDRATION */ - ) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Caret "), - t.caret && t.showOptions ? Be(e.$slots, "caret", { - key: 7, - handleCaretClick: e.handleCaretClick, - isOpen: e.isOpen - }, () => [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.caret), - onClick: a[8] || (a[8] = (...l) => e.handleCaretClick && e.handleCaretClick(...l)), - "aria-hidden": "true" - }, - null, - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0) - ], 16, bi), - oe(" Options "), - (re(), ur(Dr, { - to: t.appendTo || "body", - disabled: !t.appendToBody && !t.appendTo - }, [ - G("div", { - id: t.id ? `${t.id}-dropdown` : void 0, - class: de(e.classList.dropdown), - tabindex: "-1", - ref: "dropdown", - onFocusin: a[10] || (a[10] = (...l) => e.handleFocusIn && e.handleFocusIn(...l)), - onFocusout: a[11] || (a[11] = (...l) => e.handleFocusOut && e.handleFocusOut(...l)) - }, [ - Be(e.$slots, "beforelist", { options: e.fo }), - G("ul", { - class: de(e.classList.options), - id: e.ariaControls, - role: "listbox" - }, [ - t.groups ? (re(!0), ie( - st, - { key: 0 }, - pt(e.fg, (l, d, p) => (re(), ie("li", { - class: de(e.classList.group), - key: p, - id: e.ariaGroupId(l), - "aria-label": e.ariaGroupLabel(e.localize(l[t.groupLabel])), - "aria-selected": e.isSelected(l), - role: "option" - }, [ - l.__CREATE__ ? oe("v-if", !0) : (re(), ie("div", { - key: 0, - class: de(e.classList.groupLabel(l)), - "data-pointed": e.isPointed(l), - onMouseenter: (y) => e.setPointer(l, d), - onMousedown: Vt((y) => e.handleGroupClick(l), ["prevent"]) - }, [ - Be(e.$slots, "grouplabel", { - group: l, - isSelected: e.isSelected, - isPointed: e.isPointed - }, () => [ - G("span", { - innerHTML: e.localize(l[t.groupLabel]) - }, null, 8, Li) - ]) - ], 42, Ci)), - G("ul", { - class: de(e.classList.groupOptions), - "aria-label": e.ariaGroupLabel(e.localize(l[t.groupLabel])), - role: "group" - }, [ - (re(!0), ie( - st, - null, - pt(l.__VISIBLE__, (y, v, x) => (re(), ie("li", { - class: de(e.classList.option(y, l)), - "data-pointed": e.isPointed(y), - "data-selected": e.isSelected(y) || void 0, - key: x, - onMouseenter: (A) => e.setPointer(y), - onMousedown: Vt((A) => e.handleOptionClick(y), ["prevent"]), - id: e.ariaOptionId(y), - "aria-selected": e.isSelected(y), - "aria-label": e.ariaOptionLabel(e.localize(y[t.label])), - role: "option" - }, [ - Be(e.$slots, "option", { - option: y, - isSelected: e.isSelected, - isPointed: e.isPointed, - search: e.search - }, () => [ - G( - "span", - null, - Ce(e.localize(y[t.label])), - 1 - /* TEXT */ - ) - ]) - ], 42, Ti))), - 128 - /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */ - )) - ], 10, Ai) - ], 10, Pi))), - 128 - /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */ - )) : (re(!0), ie( - st, - { key: 1 }, - pt(e.fo, (l, d, p) => (re(), ie("li", { - class: de(e.classList.option(l)), - "data-pointed": e.isPointed(l), - "data-selected": e.isSelected(l) || void 0, - key: p, - onMouseenter: (y) => e.setPointer(l), - onMousedown: Vt((y) => e.handleOptionClick(l), ["prevent"]), - id: e.ariaOptionId(l), - "aria-selected": e.isSelected(l), - "aria-label": e.ariaOptionLabel(e.localize(l[t.label])), - role: "option" - }, [ - Be(e.$slots, "option", { - option: l, - isSelected: e.isSelected, - isPointed: e.isPointed, - search: e.search - }, () => [ - G( - "span", - null, - Ce(e.localize(l[t.label])), - 1 - /* TEXT */ - ) - ]) - ], 42, Di))), - 128 - /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */ - )) - ], 10, ki), - e.noOptions ? Be(e.$slots, "nooptions", { key: 0 }, () => [ - G("div", { - class: de(e.classList.noOptions), - innerHTML: e.localize(t.noOptionsText) - }, null, 10, Ni) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - e.noResults ? Be(e.$slots, "noresults", { key: 1 }, () => [ - G("div", { - class: de(e.classList.noResults), - innerHTML: e.localize(t.noResultsText) - }, null, 10, Bi) - ]) : oe("v-if", !0), - t.infinite && e.hasMore ? (re(), ie( - "div", - { - key: 2, - class: de(e.classList.inifinite), - ref: "infiniteLoader" - }, - [ - Be(e.$slots, "infinite", {}, () => [ - G( - "span", - { - class: de(e.classList.inifiniteSpinner) - }, - null, - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ]) - ], - 2 - /* CLASS */ - )) : oe("v-if", !0), - Be(e.$slots, "afterlist", { options: e.fo }) - ], 42, Ei) - ], 8, ["to", "disabled"])), - oe(" Hacky input element to show HTML5 required warning "), - t.required ? (re(), ie("input", { - key: 0, - class: de(e.classList.fakeInput), - tabindex: "-1", - value: e.textValue, - required: "" - }, null, 10, Mi)) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Native input support "), - t.nativeSupport ? (re(), ie( - st, - { key: 1 }, - [ - t.mode == "single" ? (re(), ie("input", { - key: 0, - type: "hidden", - name: t.name, - value: e.plainValue !== void 0 ? e.plainValue : "" - }, null, 8, Vi)) : (re(!0), ie( - st, - { key: 1 }, - pt(e.plainValue, (l, d) => (re(), ie("input", { - type: "hidden", - name: `${t.name}[]`, - value: l, - key: d - }, null, 8, Ri))), - 128 - /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */ - )) - ], - 64 - /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */ - )) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Screen reader assistive text "), - t.searchable && e.hasSelected ? (re(), ie("div", { - key: 2, - class: de(e.classList.assist), - id: e.ariaAssist, - "aria-hidden": "true" - }, Ce(e.ariaLabel), 11, ji)) : oe("v-if", !0), - oe(" Create height for empty input "), - G( - "div", - { - class: de(e.classList.spacer) - }, - null, - 2 - /* CLASS */ - ) - ], 42, gi); -} -qa.render = qi; -qa.__file = "src/Multiselect.vue"; -const Ii = { - name: "CompendiumBrowserPowers", - props: ["tab"], - // Imported components that need to be available in the