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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Felix 0157b76f7d
Update module.json 2020-04-20 19:34:47 +02:00
56 changed files with 2189 additions and 16536 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
root = true
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

View File

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 David Archibald
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
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extends: ["eslint:recommended", "@typhonjs-fvtt/eslint-config-foundry.js/0.8.0"],
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"array-bracket-spacing": ["warn", "never"],
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node: true,

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ FUNDING.yml export-ignore export-ignore export-ignore
preview.jpg export-ignore preview.jpg export-ignore
compendium-browser.less export-ignore compendium-browser.less export-ignore export-ignore

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
name: Checks
- push
- pull_request
node_version: 16
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: ${{ env.node_version }}
- name: Cache Node.js modules
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: .npm
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.OS }}-node-
${{ runner.OS }}-
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline
- name: Lint
run: npm run lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: ${{ env.node_version }}
- name: Cache Node.js modules
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: .npm
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.OS }}-node-
${{ runner.OS }}-
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline
- name: Build
run: npm run build

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
name: Release
types: [published]
package_type: module
node_version: 16
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: ${{ env.node_version }}
- name: Cache Node.js modules
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: .npm
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.OS }}-node-
${{ runner.OS }}-
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline
- name: Lint
run: npm run lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: ${{ env.node_version }}
- name: Cache Node.js modules
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: .npm
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.OS }}-node-
${{ runner.OS }}-
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline
- name: Extract tag version number
id: get_version
uses: battila7/get-version-action@v2
- name: Substitute Manifest and Download Links For Versioned Ones
id: sub_manifest_link_version
uses: microsoft/variable-substitution@v1
files: 'src/${{ env.package_type }}.json'
version: ${{ steps.get_version.outputs.version-without-v }}
url:${{ github.repository }}
manifest:${{ github.repository }}/releases/latest/download/${{ env.package_type }}.json
download:${{ github.repository }}/releases/download/${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}/${{ env.package_type }}.zip
- name: Build
run: npm run build
- name: Archive production artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: dist
path: dist
- lint
- build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Download production artifacts for publication
uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: dist
path: dist
- name: Create zip file
working-directory: ./dist
run: zip -r ../${{ env.package_type }}.zip .
- name: Create release
id: create_version_release
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
allowUpdates: true
name: ${{ }}
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
artifacts: './dist/${{ env.package_type }}.json, ./${{ env.package_type }}.zip'
body: ${{ github.event.release.body }}

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Node Modules
# yarn2
# Local configuration
# Distribution files
# ESLint
# Junit results

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"flags": {
"gulpfile": "gulpfile.mjs"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"
npx lint-staged

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
module.exports = {
printWidth: 120,
tabWidth: 4,
useTabs: true,

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# 2.0.0
- Updated for V11.
- Small visual enhancements.
- Button on character sheets for opening a search with class and spell level (works on default and TidySheet5e)
- added filters for subclasses and backgrounds [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#48](
- Additional searches for sub-features
- Merged PR [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#45](
- Used more DnD5e loaclization tags. Should be less work to translate, also defaults localization to tag name
- Fixed item rarity search in Foundry 10+ [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#54](
- Fixed Class searching for spells - issue: #43
- Fixed Drag-and-Drop error in Foundry V10 - issue: #41
- Merged PR [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#40]( Foundry v10 support
Works only with Foundry v0.8 and 9
- Merged PR [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#33](
- Fixed: Issue [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#29](
- Fixed: Issue [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#30](
- Fixed: Issue [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#31](
- Change message to "Loading..." until we're done, then "Loaded" (also when we hit the maxLoaded)
- Merged PR [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#26](
- Fixed: Issue [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#25](
##v0.7.0 (only Foundry 0.8+)
- Merged PR #24 (performance speed ups)
- Fixed: Issue [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#19](
- Fixed: Issue [League-of-Foundry-Developers/compendium-browser#7](
- Merged PR #14, #8 (classes for new spells and Optional Class Features in Tasha's)
- Manually merged PR #3 (German and Spanish translations)
- Fixed: Issue #17 (error in filtering NPCs by Creature Type)
- Fixed: [Suggestion] Show compendium source in results; Issue #11
- Fixed: Spells from non-system compendium show up in items tab. Issue#10
- fixed a bug that prevented loading when Class type items were loaded.
- fixed a bug that prevented disabled the scrollbar in the settings tab.
- improved load times by lazyloading images
- fixed some css problems
- new Feature: Feat Browser
- Compendium Browser now has a new section for Feats
- lets you filter by source, class (as set in the requirements field), activation cost, damage type and if it uses ressources
- new Feature: Item Browser
- Compendium Browser now has a new section for all inventory Items
- All item Packs (such as Explorer's Pack) are configured and you can browse a List of all Items contained in a pack!
- this list can be modified by editing the "item-packs.json" file to customize your packs
- many further filters available!
- fixed an issue that prevented the rendering of the Button to open the browser
- fixed a bug that could prevent proper npc loading
- added a filter for "Source" for both spells and npcs
- migrated to the new TabsV2
- added a Reset Filters button
- Added the Artificer class, thanks to Tielc#7191 for that

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
## Development
### Prerequisites
In order to build this module, recent versions of `node` and `npm` are
required. Most likely, using `yarn` also works, but only `npm` is officially
supported. We recommend using the latest lts version of `node`. If you use `nvm`
to manage your `node` versions, you can simply run
nvm install
in the project's root directory.
You also need to install the project's dependencies. To do so, run
npm install
### Building
You can build the project by running
npm run build
Alternatively, you can run
npm run build:watch
to watch for changes and automatically build as necessary.
### Linking the built project to Foundry VTT
In order to provide a fluent development experience, it is recommended to link
the built module to your local Foundry VTT installation's data folder. In
order to do so, first add a file called `foundryconfig.json` to the project root
with the following content:
"dataPath": ["/absolute/path/to/your/FoundryVTT"]
(if you are using Windows, make sure to use `\` as a path separator instead of
Then run
npm run link-project
On Windows, creating symlinks requires administrator privileges, so
unfortunately you need to run the above command in an administrator terminal for
it to work.
You can also link to multiple data folders by specifying multiple paths in the
`dataPath` array.

View File

@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
# Compendium Browser # Compendium Browser
Tired of scrolling compendia? Easily browse and filter for spells, feats, items, and actors using Compendium Browser. > This version only works for Foundry v0.4.4 and up. To use the previous version please visit
A module to easily browse and filter spells as well as npcs loaded from compendie.
## Installation
1. Copy this link and use it in Foundrys Module Manager to install the Module
2. Enable the Module in your Worlds Module Settings
![example](preview.jpg) ![example](preview.jpg)
## Details ## Details
Only the Gamemaster has access to the Settings, where they can enable or disable player access to the spell or npc-browser. It is **highly** recommended to disable any compendie that do not contain spell or should not be used in the NPC Browser. This reduces the initial loading time, that happens after a client connects to foundry, immensly.
Only the Gamemaster has access to the Settings, where they can enable or disable player access to specific tabs. This application enables anyone to add their own custom spell or npc filters via the api. After initialization the app can be found under game.compendiumBrowser where either addSpellFilter or addNpcFilter can be used to add a filter. This does support any data that the spell or npc has, including flags.
### Adding your own filters All filters featured in the app are included in this manor and can be found in the compendium-browser.js at around line 726.
You can add your own filter to by calling `game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter`, `game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter`, `game.compendiumBrowser.addFeatFilter`, and `game.compendiumBrowser.addItemFilter`. This does support any data that the spell or npc has, including flags.
## Contribution
If you feel like supporting my work, feel free to leave a tip at my paypal
## License ## License
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Licence" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="" property="dct:title">Compendium Browser - a module for Foundry VTT -</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Felix Müller</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
This project is a fork of Compendium Browser by [Felix Müller]( This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop [EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6](
## Community Contribution
See the [CONTRIBUTING](/ file for information about how you can help this project.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
/* core foundry changes {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#compendium.flexcolumn > .directory-list {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
flex-basis: 0;
flex-grow: 1;
#compendium.flexcolumn > .directory-footer {
height: auto;
#compendium.flexcolumn > .directory-footer > * {
margin-top: 5px;
#compendium .directory-footer .compendium-browser-btn {
margin-top: 5px;
#compendium .directory-footer {
display: block;
/* spellbrowser */
/* resizing */
.compendium-browser {
max-width: 1100px;
max-height: 90vh;
.compendium-browser .tabs {
max-height: 2em;
border-bottom: solid #782e22;
.compendium-browser .tabContainer {
height: calc(100% - 2em);
.compendium-browser .tabContainer .tab {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
.compendium-browser .control-area {
position: sticky;
display: block;
min-width: 250px;
max-width: 400px;
width: 300px;
height: 100%;
padding-right: 5px;
overflow: scroll;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 2px;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer h3 {
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer dl,
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer div {
margin: 5px 0;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer dt {
display: inline-block;
width: 40%;
padding-left: 5px;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer dd {
display: inline-block;
width: 58%;
margin-left: 0;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer dd select {
width: 100%;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer .multiselect {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 32px;
margin: 2px 0;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer .multiselect label {
padding: 5px;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer .multiselect input {
vertical-align: middle;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer .small-input {
width: calc(100% - 44px);
height: 27px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
border: 1px solid #444;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 3px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.compendium-browser .control-area .filtercontainer .small-select {
width: 40px;
.compendium-browser .browser .window-content {
overflow-y: hidden!important;
.compendium-browser .browser ul {
float: right;
display: block;
min-width: 335px;
width: 785px;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding-left: 5px;
.compendium-browser .browser ul .filter-tags {
display: none;
.compendium-browser .browser ul li span {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
.compendium-browser .browser .spacer {
display: inline-block;
min-width: 5px;
.compendium-browser .browser .spacer-large {
display: inline-block;
min-width: 15px;
.compendium-browser .spell-browser .spell {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 32px;
margin: 2px 0;
.compendium-browser .spell-browser .spell .spell-image {
max-width: 32px;
height: 32px;
.compendium-browser .spell-browser .spell .spell-name {
height: 32px;
padding-left: 5px;
.compendium-browser .spell-browser .spell .spell-level {
text-align: center;
font-weight: 900;
max-width: 18px;
height: 32px;
.compendium-browser .spell-browser .spell .spell-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
font-weight: 900;
max-width: 100px;
height: 32px;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 64px;
margin: 4px 0;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .npc-image {
max-width: 64px;
height: 64px;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .npc-image img {
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
border: none;
object-fit: contain;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .npc-line {
line-height: 25px;
padding: 9px 0 5px 5px;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .npc-name {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 16px;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .cr {
display: inline-block;
width: 55px;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .size {
display: inline-block;
width: 75px;
.compendium-browser .npc-browser .npc .type {
display: inline-block;
.compendium-browser .settings .settings-group {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 2px;
.compendium-browser .settings .settings-group h3 {
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
.compendium-browser .settings .settings-group label {
display: block;
.compendium-browser .settings .settings-group h4 {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 100%;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
* @author Felix Müller aka syl3r86
* @version 0.1.11
class SpellBrowser extends Application {
constructor(app) {
// load settings
Hooks.on('ready', e => {
if (this.settings === undefined) {
this.loadSpells().then(obj => {
this.spells = obj
this.loadNpcs().then(obj => {
this.npcs = obj
this.spellFilters = {
registeredFilterCategorys: {},
activeFilters: {}
this.npcFilters = {
registeredFilterCategorys: {},
activeFilters: {}
static get defaultOptions() {
const options = super.defaultOptions;
options.classes = options.classes.concat('compendium-browser');
options.template = "modules/compendium-browser/template/template.html";
options.width = 800;
options.height = 700;
options.resizable = true;
options.minimizable = true;
options.title = "Compendium Browser";
return options;
hookCompendiumList() {
Hooks.on('renderCompendiumDirectory', (app, html, data) => {
if (this.settings === undefined) {
if (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowSpellBrowser || this.settings.allowNpcBrowser) {
const importButton = $(`<button class="compendium-browser-btn"><i class="fas fa-fire"></i> ${game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser")}</button>`);
// adding to directory-list since the footer doesn't exist if the user is not gm
// Handle button clicks => {
async getData() {
if (!this.spellsLoaded) {
// spells will be stored locally to not require full loading each time the browser is opened
this.spells = await this.loadSpells();
this.spellsLoaded = true;
let data = {};
data.spells = this.spells;
data.spellFilters = this.spellFilters;
data.showSpellBrowser = (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowSpellBrowser);
data.npcs = this.npcs;
data.npcFilters = this.npcFilters;
data.showNpcBrowser = (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowNpcBrowser);
data.settings = this.settings;
data.isGM = game.user.isGM;
return data;
async loadSpells() {
console.log('Spell Browser | Started loading spells');
if (this.classList === undefined) {
this.classList = await fetch('modules/compendium-browser/spell-classes.json').then(result => {
return result.json();
}).then(obj => {
return this.classList = obj;
this.spellsLoaded = false;
this.spellsLoading = true;
let unfoundSpells = '';
let spells = {};
for (let pack of game.packs) {
if (pack['metadata']['entity'] == "Item" && this.settings.loadedSpellCompendium[pack.collection].load) {
await pack.getContent().then(content => {
for (let spell of content) {
spell =;
if (spell.type == 'spell') {
spell.compendium = pack.collection;
// determining classes that can use the spell
let cleanSpellName =[^一-龠ぁ-ゔァ-ヴーa-zA-Z0-9---9々〆〤]/g, '').replace("'", '').replace(/ /g, '');
//let cleanSpellName =[^a-zA-Z0-9\s:]/g, '').replace("'", '').replace(/ /g, '');
if (this.classList[cleanSpellName] !== undefined) {
let classes = this.classList[cleanSpellName]; = classes.split(',');
} else {
unfoundSpells += cleanSpellName + ',';
// getting damage types
spell.damageTypes = [];
if ( && > 0) {
for (let part of {
let type = part[1];
if (spell.damageTypes.indexOf(type) === -1) {
spells[(spell._id)] = spell;
if (unfoundSpells !== '') {
console.log(`Spell Browser | List of Spells that don't have a class assosiated to them:`);
console.log('Spell Browser | Finished loading spells');
return spells;
async loadNpcs() {
console.log('NPC Browser | Started loading spells');
let npcs = {};
for (let pack of game.packs) {
if (pack['metadata']['entity'] == "Actor" && this.settings.loadedNpcCompendium[pack.collection].load) {
await pack.getContent().then(async content => {
for (let npc of content) {
npc =;
// add needed data
npc.compendium = pack.collection;
// cr display
let cr =;
if (cr == undefined || cr == '') cr = 0;
else cr = Number(cr);
if (cr > 0 && cr < 1) cr = "1/" + (1 / cr);
npc.displayCR = cr;
npc.displaySize = 'unset';
npc.filterSize = 2;
if (CONFIG.DND5E.actorSizes[] !== undefined) {
npc.displaySize = CONFIG.DND5E.actorSizes[];
switch ( {
case 'grg': npc.filterSize = 5; break;
case 'huge': npc.filterSize = 4; break;
case 'lg': npc.filterSize = 3; break;
case 'sm': npc.filterSize = 1; break;
case 'tiny': npc.filterSize = 0; break;
case 'med':
default: npc.filterSize = 2; break;
// getting value for HasSpells and damage types
npc.hasSpells = false;
npc.damageDealt = [];
for (let item of npc.items) {
if (item.type == 'spell') {
npc.hasSpells = true;
if ( && > 0) {
for (let part of {
let type = part[1];
if (npc.damageDealt.indexOf(type) === -1) {
npcs[npc._id] = npc;
console.log('NPC Browser | Finished loading NPCs');
return npcs;
activateListeners(html) {
// localizing title
$(html).parents('.app').find('.window-title')[0].innerText = game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser");
// activating tabs/*
let nav = $('.tabs[data-group="toplvl"]');
new Tabs(nav, {
initial: this["activeTab"] || 'tab1',
callback: clicked => {
this["activeTab"] ="tab");
// show entity sheet
html.find('.item-edit').click(ev => {
let itemId = $(ev.currentTarget).parents("li").attr("data-entry-id");
let compendium = $(ev.currentTarget).parents("li").attr("data-entry-compendium");
let pack = game.packs.find(p => p.collection === compendium);
pack.getEntity(itemId).then(entity => {
// make draggable
html.find('.draggable').each((i, li) => {
li.setAttribute("draggable", true);
li.addEventListener('dragstart', event => {
let packName = li.getAttribute("data-entry-compendium");
let pack = game.packs.find(p => p.collection === packName);
if (!pack) {
return false;
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify({
type: pack.entity,
pack: pack.collection,
id: li.getAttribute("data-entry-id")
}, false);
// toggle visibility of filter containers
html.find('.filtercontainer h3, .multiselect label').click(async ev => {
await $(;
html.find('.multiselect label').trigger('click');
// sort spell list
html.find('.spell-browser select[name=sortorder]').on('change', ev => {
let spellList = html.find('.spell-browser li');
let byName = ( == 'true');
let sortedList = this.sortSpells(spellList, byName);
let ol = $(html.find('.spell-browser ul'));
ol[0].innerHTML = [];
for (let element of sortedList) {
html.find('.spell-browser select[name=sortorder]').trigger('change');
// sort npc list
html.find('.npc-browser select[name=sortorder]').on('change', ev => {
let npcList = html.find('.npc-browser li');
let orderBy =;
let sortedList = this.sortNpcs(npcList, orderBy);
let ol = $(html.find('.npc-browser ul'));
ol[0].innerHTML = [];
for (let element of sortedList) {
html.find('.npc-browser select[name=sortorder]').trigger('change')
// settings
html.find('.settings input').on('change', ev => {
let setting =;
let value =;
if (setting === 'spell-compendium-setting') {
let key =;
this.settings.loadedSpellCompendium[key].load = value;
this.loadSpells().then((spells) => {
this.spells = spells;
});"Settings Saved. Spell Compendiums are being reloaded.");
} else if (setting === 'npc-compendium-setting') {
let key =;
this.settings.loadedNpcCompendium[key].load = value;
this.loadNpcs().then((npcs) => {
this.npcs = npcs;
});"Settings Saved. NPC Compendiums are being reloaded.");
if (setting === 'allow-spell-browser') {
this.settings.allowSpellBrowser = value;
if (setting === 'allow-npc-browser') {
this.settings.allowNpcBrowser = value;
// activating or deactivating filters
// text filters
html.find('.filter[data-type=text] input, .filter[data-type=text] select').on('keyup change paste', ev => {
let path = $('.filter').data('path');
let key = path.replace(/\./g, '');
let value =;
let itemType = $('.tab').data('tab');
let filterTarget = `${itemType}Filters`;
if (value === '' || value === undefined) {
delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key];
} else {
this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = {
path: path,
type: 'text',
valIsArray: false,
let list = null;
let subjects = null;
if (itemType === 'spell') {
list = html.find('.spell-browser li');
subjects = this.spells;
} else if (itemType === 'npc') {
list = html.find('.npc-browser li');
subjects = this.npcs;
this.filterElements(list, subjects, this[filterTarget].activeFilters);
// select filters
html.find('.filter[data-type=select] select, .filter[data-type=bool] select').on('change', ev => {
let path = $('.filter').data('path');
let key = path.replace(/\./g, '');
let filterType = $('.filter').data('type');
let itemType = $('.tab').data('tab');
let valIsArray = $('.filter').data('valisarray');
if (valIsArray === 'true') valIsArray = true;
let value =;
if (value === 'false') value = false;
if (value === 'true') value = true;
let filterTarget = `${itemType}Filters`;
if (value === "null") {
delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key]
} else {
this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = {
path: path,
type: filterType,
valIsArray: valIsArray,
let list = null;
let subjects = null;
if (itemType === 'spell') {
list = html.find('.spell-browser li');
subjects = this.spells;
} else if (itemType === 'npc') {
list = html.find('.npc-browser li');
subjects = this.npcs;
this.filterElements(list, subjects, this[filterTarget].activeFilters);
// multiselect filters
html.find('.filter[data-type=multiSelect] input').on('change', ev => {
let path = $('.filter').data('path');
let key = path.replace(/\./g, '');
let filterType = 'multiSelect';
let itemType = $('.tab').data('tab');
let valIsArray = $('.filter').data('valisarray');
if (valIsArray === 'true') valIsArray = true;
let value = $('value');
let filterTarget = `${itemType}Filters`;
let filter = this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key];
if ( === true) {
if (filter === undefined) {
this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = {
path: path,
type: filterType,
valIsArray: valIsArray,
values: [ value ]
} else {
} else {
delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.splice(this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.indexOf(value),1);
if (this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.length === 0) {
delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key];
let list = null;
let subjects = null;
if (itemType === 'spell') {
list = html.find('.spell-browser li');
subjects = this.spells;
} else if (itemType === 'npc') {
list = html.find('.npc-browser li');
subjects = this.npcs;
this.filterElements(list, subjects, this[filterTarget].activeFilters);
html.find('.filter[data-type=numberCompare] select, .filter[data-type=numberCompare] input').on('change keyup paste', ev => {
let path = $('.filter').data('path');
let key = path.replace(/\./g, '');
let filterType = 'numberCompare';
let itemType = $('.tab').data('tab');
let valIsArray = false;
let operator = $('.filter').find('select').val();
let value = $('.filter').find('input').val();
let filterTarget = `${itemType}Filters`;
if (value === '' || operator === 'null') {
delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key]
} else {
this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = {
path: path,
type: filterType,
valIsArray: valIsArray,
operator: operator,
value: value
let list = null;
let subjects = null;
if (itemType === 'spell') {
list = html.find('.spell-browser li');
subjects = this.spells;
} else if (itemType === 'npc') {
list = html.find('.npc-browser li');
subjects = this.npcs;
this.filterElements(list, subjects, this[filterTarget].activeFilters);
sortSpells(list, byName) {
if(byName) {
list.sort((a, b) => {
let aName = $(a).find('.spell-name a')[0].innerHTML;
let bName = $(b).find('.spell-name a')[0].innerHTML;
if (aName < bName) return -1;
if (aName > bName) return 1;
return 0;
} else {
list.sort((a, b) => {
let aVal = $(a).find('input[name=level]').val();
let bVal = $(b).find('input[name=level]').val();
if (aVal < bVal) return -1;
if (aVal > bVal) return 1;
if (aVal == bVal) {
let aName = $(a).find('.spell-name a')[0].innerHTML;
let bName = $(b).find('.spell-name a')[0].innerHTML;
if (aName < bName) return -1;
if (aName > bName) return 1;
return 0;
return list;
sortNpcs(list, orderBy) {
switch (orderBy) {
case 'name':
list.sort((a, b) => {
let aName = $(a).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML;
let bName = $(b).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML;
if (aName < bName) return -1;
if (aName > bName) return 1;
return 0;
}); break;
case 'cr':
list.sort((a, b) => {
let aVal = Number($(a).find('input[name=""]').val());
let bVal = Number($(b).find('input[name=""]').val());
if (aVal < bVal) return -1;
if (aVal > bVal) return 1;
if (aVal == bVal) {
let aName = $(a).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML;
let bName = $(b).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML;
if (aName < bName) return -1;
if (aName > bName) return 1;
return 0;
}); break;
case 'size':
list.sort((a, b) => {
let aVal = $(a).find('input[name="order.size"]').val();
let bVal = $(b).find('input[name="order.size"]').val();
if (aVal < bVal) return -1;
if (aVal > bVal) return 1;
if (aVal == bVal) {
let aName = $(a).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML;
let bName = $(b).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML;
if (aName < bName) return -1;
if (aName > bName) return 1;
return 0;
}); break;
return list;
filterElements(list, subjects, filters) {
for (let element of list) {
let subject = subjects[element.dataset.entryId];
if (this.getFilterResult(subject, filters) == false) {
} else {
getFilterResult(subject, filters) {
for (let filterKey in filters) {
let filter = filters[filterKey];
let prop = getProperty(subject, filter.path);
if (filter.type === 'numberCompare') {
switch (filter.operator) {
case '=': if (prop != filter.value) { return false; } break;
case '<': if (prop >= filter.value) { return false; } break;
case '>': if (prop <= filter.value) { return false; } break;
if (filter.valIsArray === false) {
if (filter.type === 'text') {
if (prop.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.value.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return false;
} else {
if (filter.value !== undefined && prop !== undefined && prop != filter.value && !(filter.value === true && prop)) {
return false;
if (filter.values && filter.values.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
return false;
} else {
if (prop === undefined) return false;
if (typeof prop === 'object') {
if (filter.value) {
if (prop.indexOf(filter.value) === -1) {
return false;
} else if(filter.values) {
for (let val of filter.values) {
if (prop.indexOf(val) !== -1) {
return false;
} else {
for (let val of filter.values) {
if (prop === val) {
return false;
return true;
clearObject(obj) {
let newObj = {};
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj[key] == true) {
newObj[key] = true;
return newObj;
initSettings() {
let defaultSettings = {
loadedSpellCompendium: {},
loadedNpcCompendium: {},
for (let compendium of game.packs) {
if (compendium['metadata']['entity'] == "Item") {
defaultSettings.loadedSpellCompendium[compendium.collection] = {
load: true,
name: `${compendium['metadata']['label']} (${compendium.collection})`
if (compendium['metadata']['entity'] == "Actor") {
defaultSettings.loadedNpcCompendium[compendium.collection] = {
load: true,
name: `${compendium['metadata']['label']} (${compendium.collection})`
// creating game setting container
game.settings.register("compendiumBrowser", "settings", {
name: "Compendium Browser Settings",
hint: "Settings to exclude packs from loading and visibility of the browser",
default: defaultSettings,
type: Object,
scope: 'world',
onChange: settings => {
this.settings = settings;
// load settings from container and apply to default settings (available compendie might have changed)
let settings = game.settings.get('compendiumBrowser', 'settings');
for (let compKey in defaultSettings.loadedSpellCompendium) {
if (settings.loadedSpellCompendium[compKey] !== undefined) {
defaultSettings.loadedSpellCompendium[compKey].load = settings.loadedSpellCompendium[compKey].load;
for (let compKey in defaultSettings.loadedNpcCompendium) {
if (settings.loadedNpcCompendium[compKey] !== undefined) {
defaultSettings.loadedNpcCompendium[compKey].load = settings.loadedNpcCompendium[compKey].load;
defaultSettings.allowSpellBrowser = settings.allowSpellBrowser;
defaultSettings.allowNpcBrowser = settings.allowNpcBrowser;
if (game.user.isGM) {
game.settings.set('compendiumBrowser', 'settings', defaultSettings);
this.settings = defaultSettings;
saveSettings() {
game.settings.set('compendiumBrowser', 'settings', this.settings);
addFilter(entityType, category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) {
let target = `${entityType}Filters`;
let filter = {};
filter.path = path;
filter.label = label;
filter.type = 'text';
if (['text', 'bool', 'select', 'multiSelect', 'numberCompare'].indexOf(type) !== -1) {
filter[`is${type}`] = true;
filter.type = type;
if (possibleValues !== null) {
filter.possibleValues = possibleValues;
filter.valIsArray = valIsArray;
let catId = category.replace(/\W/g, '');
if (this[target].registeredFilterCategorys[catId] === undefined) {
this[target].registeredFilterCategorys[catId] = { label: category, filters: [] };
* Used to add custom filters to the Spell-Browser
* @param {String} category - Title of the category
* @param {String} label - Title of the filter
* @param {String} path - path to the data that the filter uses. uses dotnotation. example: data.abilities.dex.value
* @param {String} type - type of filter
* possible filter:
* text: will give a textinput (or use a select if possibleValues has values) to compare with the data. will use objectData.indexOf(searchedText) to enable partial matching
* bool: will see if the data at the path exists and not false.
* select: exactly matches the data with the chosen selector from possibleValues
* multiSelect: enables selecting multiple values from possibleValues, any of witch has to match the objects data
* numberCompare: gives the option to compare numerical values, either with =, < or the > operator
* @param {Boolean} possibleValues - predetermined values to choose from. needed for select and multiSelect, can be used in text filters
* @param {Boolean} valIsArray - if the objects data is an object use this. the filter will check each property in the object (not recursive). if no match is found, the object will be hidden
addSpellFilter(category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) {
this.addFilter('spell', category, label, path, type, possibleValues, valIsArray);
* Used to add custom filters to the Spell-Browser
* @param {String} category - Title of the category
* @param {String} label - Title of the filter
* @param {String} path - path to the data that the filter uses. uses dotnotation. example: data.abilities.dex.value
* @param {String} type - type of filter
* possible filter:
* text: will give a textinput (or use a select if possibleValues has values) to compare with the data. will use objectData.indexOf(searchedText) to enable partial matching
* bool: will see if the data at the path exists and not false.
* select: exactly matches the data with the chosen selector from possibleValues
* multiSelect: enables selecting multiple values from possibleValues, any of witch has to match the objects data
* numberCompare: gives the option to compare numerical values, either with =, < or the > operator
* @param {Boolean} possibleValues - predetermined values to choose from. needed for select and multiSelect, can be used in text filters
* @param {Boolean} valIsArray - if the objects data is an object use this. the filter will check each property in the object (not recursive). if no match is found, the object will be hidden
addNpcFilter(category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) {
this.addFilter('npc', category, label, path, type, possibleValues, valIsArray);
Hooks.on('init', () => {
if (game.compendiumBrowser === undefined) {
game.compendiumBrowser = new SpellBrowser();
Hooks.on('ready', () => {
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.lvl"), 'data.level', 'multiSelect', [game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.cantip"), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize(""), '', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.spellSchools);
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.castingTime"), 'data.activation.type', 'select',
action: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Action"),
bonus: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.bonusAction"),
reaction: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.reaction"),
minute: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.TimeMinute"),
hour: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.TimeHour"),
day: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.TimeDay")
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.spellType"), 'data.actionType', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes);
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.damageType"), 'damageTypes', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes);
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.class"), 'data.classes', 'select',
bard: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.bard"),
cleric: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.cleric"),
druid: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.druid"),
paladin: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.paladin"),
ranger: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ranger"),
sorcerer: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.sorcerer"),
warlock: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.warlock"),
wizard: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.wizard"),
}, true);
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ritual"), 'data.components.ritual', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.concentration"), 'data.components.concentration', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.verbal"), 'data.components.vocal', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.somatic"), 'data.components.somatic', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.material"), 'data.components.material', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.size"), 'data.traits.size', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.actorSizes);
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.hasSpells"), 'hasSpells', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.hasLegAct"), 'data.resources.legact.max', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.hasLegRes"), 'data.resources.legres.max', 'bool');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize(""), '', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.creatureType"), 'data.details.type', 'text', {
aberration: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.aberration"),
beast: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.beast"),
celestial: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.celestial"),
construct: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.construct"),
dragon: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dragon"),
elemental: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.elemental"),
fey: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.fey"),
fiend: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.fiend"),
giant: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.giant"),
humanoid: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.humanoid"),
monstrosity: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.monstrosity"),
ooze: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ooze"),
plant: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.plant"),
undead: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.undead")
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityStr"), 'data.abilities.str.value', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityDex"), 'data.abilities.dex.value', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityCon"), 'data.abilities.con.value', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityInt"), '', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityWis"), 'data.abilities.wis.value', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityCha"), 'data.abilities.cha.value', 'numberCompare');
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamImm"), 'data.traits.di.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true);
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamRes"), 'data.traits.dr.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true);
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamVuln"), 'data.traits.dv.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true);
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ConImm"), '', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.conditionTypes, true);
game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgDealt"), 'damageDealt', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
/* core foundry changes {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#compendium.flexcolumn > .directory-list {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
flex-basis: 0;
flex-grow: 1;
#compendium.flexcolumn > .directory-footer {
height: auto;
#compendium.flexcolumn > .directory-footer > * {
margin-top: 5px;
#compendium .directory-footer .compendium-browser-btn {
#compendium .directory-footer {
/* spellbrowser */
/* resizing */
.compendium-browser {
.tabs {
border-bottom: solid #782e22;
a {
.tabContainer {
height:calc(100% - 2em);
.tab {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.control-area {
display: block;
min-width: 250px;
max-width: 400px;
width: 300px;
.filtercontainer {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
h3 {
dl, div {
margin: 5px 0;
dt {
dd {
select {
.multiselect {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
margin:2px 0;
label {
input {
vertical-align: middle;
.small-input {
width: calc(100% - 44px);
height: 27px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
border: 1px solid #444;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 3px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.small-select {
width: 40px;
.browser {
.window-content {
overflow-y: hidden!important;
ul {
display: block;
min-width: 335px;
width: 785px;
height: 100%;
padding-left: 5px;
.filter-tags {
li {
span {
white-space: nowrap;
.spacer {
.spacer-large {
.spell-browser {
.spell {
vertical-align: middle;
margin:2px 0;
.spell-image {
.spell-name {
.spell-level {
.spell-tags {
.npc-browser {
.npc {
vertical-align: middle;
margin:4px 0;
.npc-image {
max-width: 64px;
height: 64px;
.npc-image img {
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
border: none;
object-fit: contain;
.npc-line {
line-height: 25px;
padding: 9px 0 5px 5px;
.npc-name {
.cr {
display: inline-block;
width: 55px;
.size {
display: inline-block;
width: 75px;
.type {
display: inline-block;
.settings {
.settings-group {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
h3 {
label {
input {
h4 {
vertical-align: middle;

View File

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 David Archibald
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import fs from "fs-extra";
import gulp from "gulp";
import less from "gulp-less";
import sourcemaps from "gulp-sourcemaps";
import path from "node:path";
import buffer from "vinyl-buffer";
import source from "vinyl-source-stream";
import yargs from "yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";
import rollupStream from "@rollup/stream";
import rollupConfig from "./rollup.config.mjs";
/** ******************/
/** ******************/
const packageId = "compendium-browser";
const sourceDirectory = "./src";
const distDirectory = "./dist";
const stylesDirectory = `${sourceDirectory}/styles`;
const stylesExtension = "less";
const sourceFileExtension = "js";
const staticFiles = ["assets", "fonts", "lang", "packs", "templates", "module.json"];
/** ******************/
/* BUILD */
/** ******************/
let cache;
* Build the distributable JavaScript code
function buildCode() {
return rollupStream({ ...rollupConfig(), cache })
.on("bundle", (bundle) => {
cache = bundle;
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
* Build style sheets
function buildStyles() {
return gulp
* Copy static files
async function copyFiles() {
for (const file of staticFiles) {
if (fs.existsSync(`${sourceDirectory}/${file}`)) {
await fs.copy(`${sourceDirectory}/${file}`, `${distDirectory}/${file}`);
* Watch for changes for each build step
export function watch() {`${sourceDirectory}/**/*.${sourceFileExtension}`, { ignoreInitial: false }, buildCode);`${stylesDirectory}/**/*.${stylesExtension}`, { ignoreInitial: false }, buildStyles); => `${sourceDirectory}/${file}`),
{ ignoreInitial: false },
export const build = gulp.series(clean, gulp.parallel(buildCode, buildStyles, copyFiles));
/** ******************/
/* CLEAN */
/** ******************/
* Remove built files from `dist` folder while ignoring source files
export async function clean() {
const files = [...staticFiles, "module"];
if (fs.existsSync(`${stylesDirectory}/${packageId}.${stylesExtension}`)) {
console.log(" ", "Files to clean:");
console.log(" ", files.join("\n "));
for (const filePath of files) {
await fs.remove(`${distDirectory}/${filePath}`);
/** ******************/
/* LINK */
/** ******************/
* Get the data paths of Foundry VTT based on what is configured in `foundryconfig.json`
function getDataPaths() {
const config = fs.readJSONSync("foundryconfig.json");
const dataPath = config?.dataPath;
if (dataPath) {
const dataPaths = Array.isArray(dataPath) ? dataPath : [dataPath];
return => {
if (typeof dataPath !== "string") {
throw new Error(
`Property dataPath in foundryconfig.json is expected to be a string or an array of strings, but found ${dataPath}`,
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dataPath))) {
throw new Error(`The dataPath ${dataPath} does not exist on the file system`);
return path.resolve(dataPath);
} else {
throw new Error("No dataPath defined in foundryconfig.json");
* Link build to User Data folder
export async function link() {
let destinationDirectory;
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(sourceDirectory, "module.json"))) {
destinationDirectory = "modules";
} else {
throw new Error("Could not find module.json");
const linkDirectories = getDataPaths().map((dataPath) =>
path.resolve(dataPath, "Data", destinationDirectory, packageId),
const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).option("clean", {
alias: "c",
type: "boolean",
default: false,
const clean = argv.c;
for (const linkDirectory of linkDirectories) {
if (clean) {
console.log(`Removing build in ${linkDirectory}.`);
await fs.remove(linkDirectory);
} else if (!fs.existsSync(linkDirectory)) {
console.log(`Linking dist to ${linkDirectory}.`);
await fs.ensureDir(path.resolve(linkDirectory, ".."));
await fs.symlink(path.resolve(distDirectory), linkDirectory);
} else {
console.log(`Skipped linking to ${linkDirectory}, as it already exists.`);

lang/en.json 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser":"Compendium Browser",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy":"Sort by",
"":"Challenge Rating",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings":"General Settings",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc":"Allow Players Access to the spell browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc":"Allow Players Access to the npc browser",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell":"Spell Compendium Settings",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc":"NPC Compendium Settings",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime":"Casting Time",
"CMPBrowser.bonusAction":"Bonus Action",
"CMPBrowser.spellType":"Spell Type",
"CMPBrowser.damageType":"Damage Type",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells":"Has Spells",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct":"Has Legendary Actions",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes":"Has Legendary Resistance",
"CMPBrowser.creatureType":"Creature Type",
"CMPBrowser.aberration": "Aberration",
"CMPBrowser.beast": "Beast",
"CMPBrowser.celestial": "Celestial",
"CMPBrowser.construct": "construct",
"CMPBrowser.dragon": "Dragon",
"CMPBrowser.elemental": "Elemental",
"CMPBrowser.fey": "Fey",
"CMPBrowser.fiend": "Fiend",
"CMPBrowser.giant": "Giant",
"CMPBrowser.humanoid": "Humanoid",
"CMPBrowser.monstrosity": "Monstrosity",
"CMPBrowser.ooze": "Ooze",
"CMPBrowser.plant": "Plant",
"CMPBrowser.undead": "Undead",
"CMPBrowser.abilities": "Abilities",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "Damage Interaction",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "Damage Dealt",
"CMPBrowser.size": "Size",
"CMPBrowser.spellBrowser":"Spell Browser",
"CMPBrowser.npcBrowser":"NPC Browser",

lang/fr.json 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser":"Recherche dans les Compendium",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy":"Trié par",
"":"Niveau de la rencontre",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings":"Paramètres généraux",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc":"Autoriser les joueurs à accéder aux listes de sorts",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc":"Autoriser les joueurs à accéder aux listes de PNJ",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell":"Paramètres de compendium de sorts",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc":"Paramètres de compendium de PNJ",
"CMPBrowser.cantip":"Tours de magie",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime":"Durée d'incantation",
"CMPBrowser.bonusAction":"Action Bonus",
"CMPBrowser.spellType":"Type de sort",
"CMPBrowser.damageType":"Type de dégâts",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells":"à des Sorts",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct":"à des Actions Légendaires",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes":"à des Resistances Légendaires",
"CMPBrowser.creatureType":"Type de Créature",
"CMPBrowser.aberration": "Aberration",
"CMPBrowser.beast": "Bête",
"CMPBrowser.celestial": "Céleste",
"CMPBrowser.construct": "Artificielles",
"CMPBrowser.dragon": "Dragon",
"CMPBrowser.elemental": "Elementaire",
"CMPBrowser.fey": "Fée",
"CMPBrowser.fiend": "Fiélon",
"CMPBrowser.giant": "Géant",
"CMPBrowser.humanoid": "Humanoïde",
"CMPBrowser.monstrosity": "Monstrueuse",
"CMPBrowser.ooze": "Vase",
"CMPBrowser.plant": "Plante",
"CMPBrowser.undead": "Morts-vivants",
"CMPBrowser.abilities": "Capacités",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "Spécificité des dégâts",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "Type de dégats",
"CMPBrowser.size": "Taille",
"CMPBrowser.spellBrowser":"Recherche de sorts",
"CMPBrowser.npcBrowser":"Recherche de PNJ",

lang/ja.json 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
"CMPBrowser.aberration": "異形",
"CMPBrowser.beast": "野獣",
"CMPBrowser.celestial": "セレスチャル",
"CMPBrowser.construct": "人造",
"CMPBrowser.dragon": "ドラゴン",
"CMPBrowser.elemental": "エレメンタル",
"CMPBrowser.fey": "フェイ",
"CMPBrowser.fiend": "フィーンド",
"CMPBrowser.giant": "巨人",
"CMPBrowser.humanoid": "ヒューマノイド",
"CMPBrowser.monstrosity": "怪物",
"CMPBrowser.ooze": "粘体",
"CMPBrowser.plant": "植物",
"CMPBrowser.undead": "アンデッド",
"CMPBrowser.abilities": "能力値",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "ダメージ関連",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "与えるダメージ種別",
"CMPBrowser.size": "サイズ",

module.json 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"name": "compendium-browser",
"title": "Compendium Browser",
"description": "A module to easily browse and filter spells as well as npcs loaded from compendie.",
"version": "0.1.11",
"author": "Felix#6196",
"systems": ["dnd5e"],
"scripts": ["./compendium-browser.js"],
"styles": ["./compendium-browser.css"],
"packs": [],
"languages": [
"lang": "en",
"name": "English",
"path": "lang/en.json"
"lang": "ja",
"name": "Japanese",
"path": "lang/ja.json"
"lang": "fr",
"name": "French (FRANCE)",
"path": "lang/fr.json"
"url": "",
"manifest": "",
"download": "",
"minimumCoreVersion": "0.5.5",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "0.5.5"

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
"scripts": {
"build": "gulp build",
"build:watch": "gulp watch",
"link-project": "gulp link",
"clean": "gulp clean",
"clean:link": "gulp link --clean",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js,.cjs,.mjs .",
"lint:fix": "eslint --ext .js,.cjs,.mjs --fix .",
"postinstall": "husky install"
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.2.3",
"@rollup/stream": "^3.0.1",
"@typhonjs-fvtt/eslint-config-foundry.js": "^0.8.0",
"eslint": "^8.53.0",
"fs-extra": "^11.1.1",
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-less": "^5.0.0",
"gulp-sourcemaps": "^3.0.0",
"husky": "^8.0.3",
"less": "^3.13.1",
"lint-staged": "^15.0.2",
"rollup": "^2.79.1",
"vinyl-buffer": "^1.0.1",
"vinyl-source-stream": "^2.0.0",
"yargs": "^17.7.2"
"lint-staged": {
"*.(js|cjs|mjs)": "eslint --fix"

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 David Archibald
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import { nodeResolve } from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
export default () => ({
input: "src/module/compendium-browser.js",
output: {
dir: "dist/module",
format: "es",
sourcemap: true,
plugins: [nodeResolve()],

spell-classes.json 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
"abidalzimshorridwilting": "sorcerer,wizard",
"absorbelements": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard",
"aganazzarsscorcher": "sorcerer,wizard",
"beastbond": "druid,ranger",
"bonesoftheearth": "druid",
"catapult": "sorcerer,wizard",
"catnap": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"causefear": "warlock,wizard",
"ceremony": "cleric,paladin",
"chaosbolt": "sorcerer",
"charmmonster": "bard,druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"controlflames": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"controlwinds": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"createbonfire": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"createhomunculus": "wizard",
"crownofstars": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"dansemacabre": "warlock,wizard",
"dawn": "cleric,wizard",
"dragonsbreath": "sorcerer,wizard",
"druidgrove": "druid",
"dustdevil": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"earthtremor": "bard,druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"earthbind": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"elementalbane": "druid,warlock,wizard",
"enemiesabound": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"enervation": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"eruptingearth": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"farstep": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"findgreatersteed": "paladin",
"flamearrows": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard",
"frostbite": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"guardianofnature": "druid,ranger",
"gust": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"healingspirit": "druid,ranger",
"holyweapon": "cleric,paladin",
"iceknife": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"illusorydragon": "wizard",
"immolation": "sorcerer,wizard",
"infernalcalling": "warlock,wizard",
"infestation": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"investitureofflame": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"investitureofice": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"investitureofstone": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"investitureofwind": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"invulnerability": "wizard",
"lifetransference": "cleric,wizard",
"maddeningdarkness": "warlock,wizard",
"maelstrom": "druid",
"magicstone": "druid,warlock",
"masspolymorph": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"maximiliansearthengrasp": "sorcerer,wizard",
"melfsminutemeteors": "sorcerer,wizard",
"mentalprison": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"mightyfortress": "wizard",
"mindspike": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"moldearth": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"negativeenergyflood": "warlock,wizard",
"powerwordpain": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"primalsavagery": "druid",
"primordialward": "druid",
"psychicscream": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"pyrotechnics": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"scatter": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"shadowblade": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"shadowofmoil": "warlock",
"shapewater": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"sickeningradiance": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"skillempowerment": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"skywrite": "bard,druid,wizard",
"snare": "druid,ranger,wizard",
"snillocssnowballswarm": "sorcerer,wizard",
"soulcage": "warlock,wizard",
"steelwindstrike": "ranger,wizard",
"stormsphere": "sorcerer,wizard",
"summongreaterdemon": "warlock,wizard",
"summonlesserdemons": "warlock,wizard",
"synapticstatic": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"templeofthegods": "cleric",
"tenserstransformation": "wizard",
"thunderstep": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"thunderclap": "bard,druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"tidalwave": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"tinyservant": "wizard",
"tollthedead": "cleric,warlock,wizard",
"transmuterock": "druid,wizard",
"vitriolicsphere": "sorcerer,wizard",
"walloflight": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"wallofsand": "wizard",
"wallofwater": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"wardingwind": "bard,druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"waterysphere": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"whirlwind": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"wordofradiance": "cleric",
"wrathofnature": "druid,ranger",
"zephyrstrike": "ranger",
"boomingblade": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"greenflameblade": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"lightninglure": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"swordburst": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"arcaneweapon": "artificerrevisited",
"acidsplash": "sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"aid": "cleric,paladin,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"alarm": "ranger,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"alterself": "sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"animalfriendship": "bard,druid,ranger",
"animalmessenger": "bard,druid,ranger",
"animalshapes": "druid",
"animatedead": "cleric,wizard",
"animateobjects": "bard,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"antilifeshell": "druid",
"antimagicfield": "cleric,wizard",
"antipathysympathy": "druid,wizard",
"arcaneeye": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"arcanegate": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"arcanelock": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"armorofagathys": "warlock",
"armsofhadar": "warlock",
"astralprojection": "cleric,warlock,wizard",
"augury": "cleric",
"auraoflife": "paladin",
"auraofpurity": "paladin",
"auraofvitality": "paladin",
"awaken": "bard,druid",
"bane": "bard,cleric",
"banishingsmite": "paladin",
"banishment": "cleric,paladin,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"barkskin": "druid,ranger",
"beaconofhope": "cleric",
"beastsense": "druid,ranger",
"bestowcurse": "bard,cleric,wizard",
"bigbyshand": "wizard,artificerrevisited",
"arcanehand": "wizard,artificerrevisited",
"bladebarrier": "cleric",
"bladeward": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"bless": "cleric,paladin",
"blight": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"blindingsmite": "paladin",
"blindnessdeafness": "bard,cleric,sorcerer,wizard",
"blink": "sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"blur": "sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"brandingsmite": "paladin",
"burninghands": "sorcerer,wizard",
"calllightning": "druid",
"calmemotions": "bard,cleric",
"chainlightning": "sorcerer,wizard",
"charmperson": "bard,druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"chilltouch": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"chromaticorb": "sorcerer,wizard",
"circleofdeath": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"circleofpower": "paladin",
"clairvoyance": "bard,cleric,sorcerer,wizard",
"clone": "wizard",
"cloudofdaggers": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"cloudkill": "sorcerer,wizard",
"colorspray": "sorcerer,wizard",
"command": "cleric,paladin",
"commune": "cleric",
"communewithnature": "druid,ranger",
"compelledduel": "paladin",
"comprehendlanguages": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"compulsion": "bard",
"coneofcold": "sorcerer,wizard",
"confusion": "bard,druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"conjureanimals": "druid,ranger",
"conjurebarrage": "ranger",
"conjurecelestial": "cleric",
"conjureelemental": "druid,wizard",
"conjurefey": "druid,warlock",
"conjureminorelementals": "druid,wizard",
"conjurevolley": "ranger",
"conjurewoodlandbeings": "druid,ranger",
"contactotherplane": "warlock,wizard",
"contagion": "cleric,druid",
"contingency": "wizard",
"continualflame": "cleric,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"controlwater": "cleric,druid,wizard",
"controlweather": "cleric,druid,wizard",
"cordonofarrows": "ranger",
"counterspell": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"createfoodandwater": "cleric,paladin",
"createundead": "cleric,warlock,wizard",
"createordestroywater": "cleric,druid",
"creation": "sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"crownofmadness": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"crusadersmantle": "paladin",
"curewounds": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"dancinglights": "bard,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"darkness": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"darkvision": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"daylight": "cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,sorcerer",
"deathward": "cleric,paladin,artificer",
"delayedblastfireball": "sorcerer,wizard",
"demiplane": "warlock,wizard",
"destructivewave": "paladin",
"detectevilandgood": "cleric,paladin",
"detectmagic": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"detectpoisonanddisease": "cleric,druid,paladin,ranger",
"detectthoughts": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"dimensiondoor": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"disguiseself": "bard,sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"disintegrate": "sorcerer,wizard",
"dispelevilandgood": "cleric,paladin",
"dispelmagic": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"dissonantwhispers": "bard",
"divination": "cleric",
"divinefavor": "paladin",
"divineword": "cleric",
"dominatebeast": "druid,sorcerer",
"dominatemonster": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"dominateperson": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"drawmijsinstantsummons": "wizard",
"instantsummons": "wizard",
"dream": "bard,warlock,wizard",
"druidcraft": "druid",
"earthquake": "cleric,druid,sorcerer",
"eldritchblast": "warlock",
"elementalweapon": "paladin,artificerrevisited",
"enhanceability": "bard,cleric,druid,sorcerer,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"enlargereduce": "sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"ensnaringstrike": "ranger",
"entangle": "druid",
"enthrall": "bard,warlock",
"etherealness": "bard,cleric,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"evardsblacktentacles": "wizard",
"blacktentacles": "wizard",
"expeditiousretreat": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"eyebite": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"fabricate": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"faeriefire": "bard,druid",
"falselife": "sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"fear": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"featherfall": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"feeblemind": "bard,druid,warlock,wizard",
"feigndeath": "bard,cleric,druid,wizard",
"findfamiliar": "wizard",
"findsteed": "paladin",
"findtraps": "cleric,druid,ranger",
"findthepath": "bard,cleric,druid",
"fingerofdeath": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"firebolt": "sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"fireshield": "wizard",
"firestorm": "cleric,druid,sorcerer",
"fireball": "sorcerer,wizard",
"flameblade": "druid",
"flamestrike": "cleric",
"flamingsphere": "druid,wizard",
"fleshtostone": "warlock,wizard",
"fly": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"fogcloud": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard",
"forbiddance": "cleric",
"forcecage": "bard,warlock,wizard",
"foresight": "bard,druid,warlock,wizard",
"freedomofmovement": "bard,cleric,druid,ranger,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"friends": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"gaseousform": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"gate": "cleric,sorcerer,wizard",
"geas": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,wizard",
"gentlerepose": "cleric,wizard",
"giantinsect": "druid",
"glibness": "bard,warlock",
"globeofinvulnerability": "sorcerer,wizard",
"glyphofwarding": "bard,cleric,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"goodberry": "druid,ranger",
"graspingvine": "druid,ranger",
"grease": "wizard,artificerrevisited",
"greaterinvisibility": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"greaterrestoration": "bard,cleric,druid,artificerrevisited",
"guardianoffaith": "cleric",
"guardsandwards": "bard,wizard",
"guidance": "cleric,druid,artificerrevisited",
"guidingbolt": "cleric",
"gustofwind": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"hailofthorns": "ranger",
"hallow": "cleric",
"hallucinatoryterrain": "bard,druid,warlock,wizard",
"harm": "cleric",
"haste": "sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"heal": "cleric,druid",
"healingword": "bard,cleric,druid",
"heatmetal": "bard,druid,artificerrevisited",
"hellishrebuke": "warlock",
"heroesfeast": "cleric,druid",
"heroism": "bard,paladin",
"hex": "warlock",
"holdmonster": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"holdperson": "bard,cleric,druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"holyaura": "cleric",
"hungerofhadar": "warlock",
"huntersmark": "ranger",
"hypnoticpattern": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"icestorm": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"identify": "bard,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"illusoryscript": "bard,warlock,wizard",
"imprisonment": "warlock,wizard",
"incendiarycloud": "sorcerer,wizard",
"inflictwounds": "cleric",
"insectplague": "cleric,druid,sorcerer",
"invisibility": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"jump": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"knock": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"legendlore": "bard,cleric,wizard",
"leomundssecretchest": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"leomundstinyhut": "bard,wizard",
"lesserrestoration": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"levitate": "sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"light": "bard,cleric,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"lightningarrow": "ranger",
"lightningbolt": "sorcerer,wizard",
"locateanimalsorplants": "bard,druid,ranger",
"locatecreature": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,wizard",
"locateobject": "bard,cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,wizard",
"longstrider": "bard,druid,ranger,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"magearmor": "sorcerer,wizard",
"magehand": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"magiccircle": "cleric,paladin,warlock,wizard",
"magicjar": "wizard",
"magicmissile": "sorcerer,wizard",
"magicmouth": "bard,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"magicweapon": "paladin,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"majorimage": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"masscurewounds": "bard,cleric,druid",
"massheal": "cleric",
"masshealingword": "cleric",
"masssuggestion": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"maze": "wizard",
"meldintostone": "cleric,druid",
"melfsacidarrow": "wizard",
"acidarrow": "wizard",
"mending": "bard,cleric,druid,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"message": "bard,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"meteorswarm": "sorcerer,wizard",
"mindblank": "bard,wizard",
"minorillusion": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"miragearcane": "bard,druid,wizard",
"mirrorimage": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"mislead": "bard,wizard",
"mistystep": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"modifymemory": "bard,wizard",
"moonbeam": "druid",
"mordenkainensfaithfulhound": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"faithfulhound": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"mordenkainensmagnificentmansion": "bard,wizard",
"magnificentmansion": "bard,wizard",
"mordenkainensprivatesanctum": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"mordenkainenssword": "bard,wizard",
"arcanesword": "bard,wizard",
"moveearth": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"nondetection": "bard,ranger,wizard",
"nystulsmagicaura": "wizard",
"arcanistsmagicaura": "wizard",
"otilukesfreezingsphere": "wizard",
"otilukesresilientsphere": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"ottosirresistibledance": "bard,wizard",
"passwithouttrace": "druid,ranger",
"passwall": "wizard",
"phantasmalforce": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"phantasmalkiller": "wizard",
"phantomsteed": "wizard",
"planarally": "cleric",
"planarbinding": "bard,cleric,druid,wizard",
"planeshift": "cleric,druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"plantgrowth": "bard,druid,ranger",
"poisonspray": "druid,sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"polymorph": "bard,druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"powerwordheal": "bard",
"powerwordkill": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"powerwordstun": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"prayerofhealing": "cleric",
"prestidigitation": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"prismaticspray": "sorcerer,wizard",
"prismaticwall": "wizard",
"produceflame": "druid",
"programmedillusion": "bard,wizard",
"projectimage": "bard,wizard",
"protectionfromenergy": "cleric,druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"protectionfromevilandgood": "cleric,paladin,warlock,wizard",
"protectionfrompoison": "cleric,druid,paladin,ranger,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"purifyfoodanddrink": "cleric,druid,paladin",
"raisedead": "bard,cleric,paladin",
"rarystelepathicbond": "wizard",
"rayofenfeeblement": "warlock,wizard",
"rayoffrost": "sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"rayofsickness": "sorcerer,wizard",
"regenerate": "bard,cleric,druid",
"reincarnate": "druid",
"removecurse": "cleric,paladin,warlock,wizard",
"resistance": "cleric,druid,artificerrevisited",
"resurrection": "bard,cleric",
"reversegravity": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"revivify": "cleric,paladin,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"ropetrick": "wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"sacredflame": "cleric",
"sanctuary": "cleric,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"scorchingray": "sorcerer,wizard",
"scrying": "bard,cleric,druid,warlock,wizard",
"searingsmite": "paladin",
"seeinvisibility": "bard,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"seeming": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"sending": "bard,cleric,wizard",
"sequester": "wizard",
"shapechange": "druid,wizard",
"shatter": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"shield": "sorcerer,wizard",
"shieldoffaith": "cleric,paladin,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"shillelagh": "druid",
"shockinggrasp": "sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"silence": "bard,cleric,ranger",
"silentimage": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"simulacrum": "wizard",
"sleep": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"sleetstorm": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"slow": "sorcerer,wizard",
"sparethedying": "cleric,artificerrevisited",
"speakwithanimals": "bard,druid,ranger",
"speakwithdead": "bard,cleric",
"speakwithplants": "bard,druid,ranger",
"spiderclimb": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"spikegrowth": "druid,ranger",
"spiritguardians": "cleric",
"spiritualweapon": "cleric",
"staggeringsmite": "paladin",
"stinkingcloud": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"stoneshape": "cleric,druid,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"stoneskin": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"stormofvengeance": "druid",
"suggestion": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"sunbeam": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"sunburst": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"swiftquiver": "ranger",
"symbol": "bard,cleric,wizard",
"tashashideouslaughter": "bard,wizard",
"hideouslaughter": "bard,wizard",
"telekinesis": "sorcerer,wizard",
"telepathy": "wizard",
"teleport": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"teleportationcircle": "bard,sorcerer,wizard",
"tensersfloatingdisk": "wizard",
"tensersfloatingdisc": "wizard",
"floatingdisc": "wizard",
"thaumaturgy": "cleric",
"thornwhip": "druid,artificerrevisited",
"thunderoussmite": "paladin",
"thunderwave": "bard,druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"timestop": "sorcerer,wizard",
"tongues": "bard,cleric,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"transportviaplants": "druid",
"treestride": "druid,ranger",
"truepolymorph": "bard,warlock,wizard",
"trueresurrection": "cleric,druid",
"trueseeing": "bard,cleric,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"truestrike": "bard,sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"tsunami": "druid",
"unseenservant": "bard,warlock,wizard",
"vampirictouch": "warlock,wizard",
"viciousmockery": "bard",
"walloffire": "druid,sorcerer,wizard",
"wallofforce": "wizard",
"wallofice": "wizard",
"wallofstone": "druid,sorcerer,wizard,artificerrevisited",
"wallofthorns": "druid",
"wardingbond": "cleric",
"waterbreathing": "druid,ranger,sorcerer,wizard,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"waterwalk": "cleric,druid,ranger,sorcerer,artificer,artificerrevisited",
"web": "sorcerer,wizard",
"weird": "wizard",
"windwalk": "druid",
"windwall": "druid,ranger",
"wish": "sorcerer,wizard",
"witchbolt": "sorcerer,warlock,wizard",
"wordofrecall": "cleric",
"wrathfulsmite": "paladin",
"zoneoftruth": "bard,cleric,paladin"

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser": "Kompendium Browser",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy": "Sortiere anhand",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc": "Erlaubew Spielern den Zugriff auf den Zauber Browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowFeatAcc": "Allow Players Access to the feat browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowItemAcc": "Allow Players Access to the item browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc": "Erlaube Spielern den Zugriff auf den NSC Browser",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell": "Gegenstands Kompendium Einstellungen",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc": "NSC Kompendium Einstellungen",
"CMPBrowser.load": "Laden",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime": "Wirkungsdauer",
"CMPBrowser.spellType": "Zauberart",
"CMPBrowser.damageType": "Schadensart",
"CMPBrowser.UsesResources": "Uses Resources",
"CMPBrowser.GameMechanics": "Game Mechanics",
"CMPBrowser.ItemSubtype": "Item Subtype",
"CMPBrowser.MagicItems": "Magic Items",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacks": "Packs",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksBurglar": "Burglar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Diplomat's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Dungeoneer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Entertainer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksExplorer": "Explorer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksPriest": "Priest's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksScholar": "Scholar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.artificer": "Artificer",
"CMPBrowser.barbarian": "Barbarian",
"CMPBrowser.bard": "Barde",
"CMPBrowser.cleric": "Kleriker",
"CMPBrowser.druid": "Druide",
"CMPBrowser.fighter": "Fighter",
"CMPBrowser.monk": "Monk",
"CMPBrowser.paladin": "Paladin",
"CMPBrowser.ranger": "Waldläufer",
"CMPBrowser.rogue": "Rogue",
"CMPBrowser.sorcerer": "Zauberer",
"CMPBrowser.warlock": "Hexenmeister",
"CMPBrowser.wizard": "Magier",
"CMPBrowser.general": "Allgemein",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells": "Hat Zauber",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct": "Hat Legendäre Aktionen",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes": "Hat Legendäre Resistenz",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "Schadensinteraktion",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "Schaden zugefügt",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser": "Zauber Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.FeatBrowser": "Feat Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser": "Item Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser": "NSC Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.Settings": "Einstellungen",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME": "Maximum load",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT": "Maximum number of spells, feats, items, or NPCs to display; to see more use the filters. This setting is to allow manageing memory and server load.",
"CMPBrowser.LOADING.Message": "Loading...{numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.Message": "Loaded {numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.MaxLoaded": "(maximum displayed; to see more, use the filters)",
"CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters": "Reset Filters"

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
"CMPBrowser": {
"compendiumBrowser": "Compendium Browser",
"sortBy": "Sort by",
"generalSettings": "General Settings",
"allowSpellAcc": "Allow Players Access to the spell browser",
"allowFeatAcc": "Allow Players Access to the feat browser",
"allowItemAcc": "Allow Players Access to the item browser",
"allowNpcAcc": "Allow Players Access to the npc browser",
"compSettingsSpell": "Item Compendium Settings",
"compSettingsNpc": "NPC Compendium Settings",
"load": "Load",
"castingTime": "Casting Time",
"spellType": "Spell Type",
"damageType": "Damage Type",
"UsesResources": "Uses Resources",
"GameMechanics": "Game Mechanics",
"ItemSubtype": "Item Subtype",
"MagicItems": "Magic Items",
"ItemsPacks": "Packs",
"ItemsPacksBurglar": "Burglar's Pack",
"ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Diplomat's Pack",
"ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Dungeoneer's Pack",
"ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Entertainer's Pack",
"ItemsPacksExplorer": "Explorer's Pack",
"ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack",
"ItemsPacksPriest": "Priest's Pack",
"ItemsPacksScholar": "Scholar's Pack",
"general": "General",
"overall": "Overall Type",
"subfeature": "Subfeature Type",
"hasSpells": "Has Spells",
"hasLegAct": "Has Legendary Actions",
"hasLegRes": "Has Legendary Resistance",
"dmgInteraction": "Damage Interaction",
"dmgDealt": "Damage Dealt",
"Tab": {
"SpellBrowser": "Spells",
"FeatBrowser": "Features",
"ItemBrowser": "Items",
"NPCBrowser": "Actors",
"Settings": "Settings"
"Maxload.NAME": "Maximum load",
"Maxload.HINT": "Maximum number of spells, feats, items, or NPCs to display; to see more use the filters. This setting is to allow manageing memory and server load.",
"extraButtonsGlobal.NAME": "Globally Enable Buttons",
"extraButtonsGlobal.HINT": "Globally enable shortcut buttons to the browser that are added to sheets (Must re-open window for it to apply)",
"extraSheetButtons.NAME": "Enable Extra Sheet Buttons",
"extraSheetButtons.HINT": "Enable extra shortcut buttons that appear on PC sheets (Must re-open window for it to apply)",
"extraAdvancementButtons.NAME": "Enable Extra Advancement Buttons",
"extraAdvancementButtons.HINT": "Enable extra shortcut buttons that appear on advancement windows (Must re-open window for it to apply)",
"bannersGlobal.NAME": "Enable Banners - Global",
"bannersGlobal.HINT": "Enable Banners for missing key features on PC sheets for all players",
"bannersLocal.NAME": "Enable Banners - Local",
"bannersLocal.HINT": "Enable Banners for missing key features on PC sheets for self"
"Message": "Loading..."
"Message": {
"feat": "Loaded {numLoaded} feats",
"item": "Loaded {numLoaded} items",
"npc": "Loaded {numLoaded} npcs",
"spell": "Loaded {numLoaded} spells"
"MaxLoaded": "(maximum displayed; to see more, use the filters)"
"ToolTip": {
"Feats": "Find Feats",
"Spells": "Find Spells",
"Features": "Find Features"
"FindA": {
"race": "Missing a Race, click to open list",
"background": "Missing a Background, click to open list",
"class": "Missing a Class, click to open list"
"Filters.ResetFilters": "Reset Filters"

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser": "Compendium Browser",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy": "Ordenar por",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings": "Opciones generales",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc": "Permitir a los jugadores el acceso al navegador de conjuros",
"CMPBrowser.allowFeatAcc": "Allow Players Access to the feat browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowItemAcc": "Allow Players Access to the item browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc": "Permitir a los jugadores el acceso al navegador de NPCs",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell": "Opciones del compendio de objetos",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc": "Opciones del compendio de NPCs",
"CMPBrowser.load": "Cargar",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime": "Tiempo de lanzamiento",
"CMPBrowser.spellType": "Tipo de conjuro",
"CMPBrowser.damageType": "Tipo de daño",
"CMPBrowser.UsesResources": "Uses Resources",
"CMPBrowser.GameMechanics": "Game Mechanics",
"CMPBrowser.ItemSubtype": "Item Subtype",
"CMPBrowser.MagicItems": "Magic Items",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacks": "Packs",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksBurglar": "Burglar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Diplomat's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Dungeoneer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Entertainer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksExplorer": "Explorer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksPriest": "Priest's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksScholar": "Scholar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.artificer": "Artificiero",
"CMPBrowser.barbarian": "Barbarian",
"CMPBrowser.bard": "Bardo",
"CMPBrowser.cleric": "Clérigo",
"CMPBrowser.druid": "Druida",
"CMPBrowser.fighter": "Guerrero",
"CMPBrowser.monk": "Monje",
"CMPBrowser.paladin": "Paladín",
"CMPBrowser.ranger": "Explorador",
"CMPBrowser.rogue": "Pícaro",
"CMPBrowser.sorcerer": "Hechicero",
"CMPBrowser.warlock": "Brujo",
"CMPBrowser.wizard": "Mago",
"CMPBrowser.general": "General",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells": "Tiene conjuros",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct": "Tiene acciones legendarias",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes": "Tiene resistencia legendaria",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "Interacción con el daño",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "Daño infligido",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser": "Conjuros",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.FeatBrowser": "Rasgos de clase",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser": "Objetos",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser": "NPCs",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.Settings": "Opciones",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME": "Maximum load",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT": "Maximum number of spells, feats, items, or NPCs to display; to see more use the filters. This setting is to allow manageing memory and server load.",
"CMPBrowser.LOADING.Message": "Loading...{numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.Message": "Loaded {numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.MaxLoaded": "(maximum displayed; to see more, use the filters)",
"CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters": "Reset Filters"

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser": "Recherche dans les Compendium",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy": "Trié par",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings": "Paramètres généraux",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc": "Autoriser les joueurs à accéder aux listes de sorts",
"CMPBrowser.allowFeatAcc": "Allow Players Access to the feat browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowItemAcc": "Allow Players Access to the item browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc": "Autoriser les joueurs à accéder aux listes de PNJ",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell": "Paramètres de compendium de sorts",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc": "Paramètres de compendium de PNJ",
"CMPBrowser.load": "Charger",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime": "Durée d'incantation",
"CMPBrowser.spellType": "Type de sort",
"CMPBrowser.damageType": "Type de dégâts",
"CMPBrowser.UsesResources": "Uses Resources",
"CMPBrowser.GameMechanics": "Game Mechanics",
"CMPBrowser.ItemSubtype": "Item Subtype",
"CMPBrowser.MagicItems": "Magic Items",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacks": "Packs",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksBurglar": "Burglar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Diplomat's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Dungeoneer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Entertainer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksExplorer": "Explorer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksPriest": "Priest's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksScholar": "Scholar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.artificer": "Artificer",
"CMPBrowser.barbarian": "Barbarian",
"CMPBrowser.bard": "Barde",
"CMPBrowser.cleric": "Clerc",
"CMPBrowser.druid": "Druide",
"CMPBrowser.fighter": "Fighter",
"CMPBrowser.monk": "Monk",
"CMPBrowser.paladin": "Paladin",
"CMPBrowser.ranger": "Rôdeur",
"CMPBrowser.rogue": "Rogue",
"CMPBrowser.sorcerer": "Sorcier",
"CMPBrowser.warlock": "Ensorceleur",
"CMPBrowser.wizard": "Magicien",
"CMPBrowser.general": "Général",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells": "à des Sorts",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct": "à des Actions Légendaires",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes": "à des Resistances Légendaires",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "Spécificité des dégâts",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "Type de dégats",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser": "Recherche de sorts",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.FeatBrowser": "Feat Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser": "Item Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser": "Recherche de PNJ",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.Settings": "Paramétrages",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME": "Maximum load",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT": "Maximum number of spells, feats, items, or NPCs to display; to see more use the filters. This setting is to allow manageing memory and server load.",
"CMPBrowser.LOADING.Message": "Loading...{numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.Message": "Loaded {numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.MaxLoaded": "(maximum displayed; to see more, use the filters)",
"CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters": "Reset Filters"

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser": "辞典ブラウザ",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy": "並び替え",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings": "一般設定",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc": "プレイヤーに呪文辞典の使用を許可する。",
"CMPBrowser.allowFeatAcc": "Allow Players Access to the feat browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowItemAcc": "Allow Players Access to the item browser",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc": "プレイヤーにNPC辞典の使用を許可する。",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell": "呪文辞典設定",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc": "NPC辞典設定",
"CMPBrowser.load": "追加",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime": "発動時間",
"CMPBrowser.spellType": "呪文種別",
"CMPBrowser.damageType": "ダメージ種別",
"CMPBrowser.UsesResources": "Uses Resources",
"CMPBrowser.GameMechanics": "Game Mechanics",
"CMPBrowser.ItemSubtype": "Item Subtype",
"CMPBrowser.MagicItems": "Magic Items",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacks": "Packs",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksBurglar": "Burglar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Diplomat's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Dungeoneer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Entertainer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksExplorer": "Explorer's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksPriest": "Priest's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksScholar": "Scholar's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.artificer": "Artificer",
"CMPBrowser.barbarian": "Barbarian",
"CMPBrowser.bard": "バード",
"CMPBrowser.cleric": "クレリック",
"CMPBrowser.druid": "ドルイド",
"CMPBrowser.fighter": "Fighter",
"CMPBrowser.monk": "Monk",
"CMPBrowser.paladin": "パラディン",
"CMPBrowser.ranger": "レンジャー",
"CMPBrowser.rogue": "Rogue",
"CMPBrowser.sorcerer": "ソーサラー",
"CMPBrowser.warlock": "ウォーロック",
"CMPBrowser.wizard": "ウィザード",
"CMPBrowser.general": "一般",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells": "術者",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct": "伝説的アクション所持",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes": "伝説的抵抗所持",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "ダメージ関連",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "与えるダメージ種別",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser": "呪文ブラウザ",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.FeatBrowser": "Feat Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser": "Item Browser",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser": "NPCブラウザ",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.Settings": "設定",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME": "Maximum load",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT": "Maximum number of spells, feats, items, or NPCs to display; to see more use the filters. This setting is to allow manageing memory and server load.",
"CMPBrowser.LOADING.Message": "Loading...{numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.Message": "Loaded {numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.MaxLoaded": "(maximum displayed; to see more, use the filters)",
"CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters": "Reset Filters"

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
"CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser": "Navegador de Compêndio",
"CMPBrowser.sortBy": "Classificar por",
"CMPBrowser.generalSettings": "Configurações Gerais",
"CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc": "Permite o acesso dos jogadores ao navegador de Magias",
"CMPBrowser.allowFeatAcc": "Permite o acesso dos jogadores ao navegador de Características",
"CMPBrowser.allowItemAcc": "Permite o acesso dos jogadores ao navegador de Itens",
"CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc": "Permite o acesso dos jogadores ao navegador de NPCs",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell": "Configuração de Compêndio de Itens",
"CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc": "Configuração de Compêndio de NPCs",
"CMPBrowser.load": "Carregar",
"CMPBrowser.castingTime": "Custo de Ativação",
"CMPBrowser.spellType": "Tipo da Magia",
"CMPBrowser.damageType": "Tipo de Dano",
"CMPBrowser.UsesResources": "Usa Recursos",
"CMPBrowser.GameMechanics": "Mecânicas do Jogo",
"CMPBrowser.ItemSubtype": "Tipo do Item",
"CMPBrowser.MagicItems": "Itens Mágicos",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacks": "Kits de Equipamentos",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksBurglar": "Kit de Assaltante",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Kit de Diplomata",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Kit de Explorador",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Kit de Artista",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksExplorer": "Kit de Aventureiro",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksPriest": "Kit de Sacerdote",
"CMPBrowser.ItemsPacksScholar": "Kit de Erudito",
"CMPBrowser.artificer": "Artífice",
"CMPBrowser.barbarian": "Bárbaro",
"CMPBrowser.bard": "Bardo",
"CMPBrowser.cleric": "Clérigo",
"CMPBrowser.druid": "Druida",
"CMPBrowser.fighter": "Guerreiro",
"CMPBrowser.monk": "Monge",
"CMPBrowser.paladin": "Paladino",
"CMPBrowser.ranger": "Guardião",
"CMPBrowser.rogue": "Ladino",
"CMPBrowser.sorcerer": "Feiticeiro",
"CMPBrowser.warlock": "Bruxo",
"CMPBrowser.wizard": "Mago",
"CMPBrowser.general": "Geral",
"CMPBrowser.hasSpells": "Tem Magias",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegAct": "Tem Ações Lendárias",
"CMPBrowser.hasLegRes": "Tem Resistência Lendária",
"CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction": "Interação do Dano",
"CMPBrowser.dmgDealt": "Dano Causado",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser": "Magias",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.FeatBrowser": "Características",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser": "Itens",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser": "Atores",
"CMPBrowser.Tab.Settings": "Configurações",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME": "Capacidade máxima",
"CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT": "Número máximo de magias, características, itens ou NPCs a serem exibidos; para ver mais use os filtros. Essa configuração é usada para gerenciar memória e capacidade do servidor.",
"CMPBrowser.LOADING.Message": "Carregando...{numLoaded} {itemType}s",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.Message": "{numLoaded} {itemType}s carregados(as)",
"CMPBrowser.LOADED.MaxLoaded": "(máximo exibido; para ver mais, use os filtros)",
"CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters": "Redefinir Filtros"

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
"id": "compendium-browser",
"title": "Compendium Browser",
"description": "Easily browse and filter spells, feats, items, and npcs loaded from compendiums!",
"authors": [
"name": "Matheus Clemente",
"discord": "mclemente#5524"
"url": "This is auto replaced",
"readme": "",
"bugs": "",
"changelog": "",
"version": "This is auto replaced",
"compatibility": {
"minimum": "11",
"verified": "11"
"esmodules": ["module/compendium-browser.js"],
"styles": ["styles/compendium-browser.css"],
"languages": [
"lang": "en",
"name": "English",
"path": "lang/en.json"
"lang": "ja",
"name": "Japanese",
"path": "lang/ja.json"
"lang": "fr",
"name": "French (FRANCE)",
"path": "lang/fr.json"
"lang": "pt-BR",
"name": "Português (Brasil)",
"path": "lang/pt-BR.json"
"lang": "es",
"name": "Español",
"path": "lang/es.json"
"lang": "de",
"name": "Deutsch",
"path": "lang/de.json"
"relationships": {
"systems": [{
"id": "dnd5e",
"type": "system",
"compatibility": {
"minimum": "3.0.0",
"verified": "3.0.3"
"requires": [],
"conflicts": []
"manifest": "This is auto replaced",
"download": "This is auto replaced"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
export async function preloadTemplates() {
const templatePaths = [
return loadTemplates(templatePaths);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
export function registerSettings() {
game.compendiumBrowser.readCompendiums = {
loadedSpellCompendium: {},
loadedNpcCompendium: {},
for (const compendium of game.packs) {
if (compendium.documentName === "Item") {
game.compendiumBrowser.readCompendiums.loadedSpellCompendium[compendium.collection] = {
load: true,
name: `${compendium.metadata.label} (${compendium.collection})`,
if (compendium.documentName === "Actor") {
game.compendiumBrowser.readCompendiums.loadedNpcCompendium[compendium.collection] = {
load: true,
name: `${compendium.metadata.label} (${compendium.collection})`,
// creating game setting container
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "settings", {
name: "Compendium Browser Settings",
hint: "Settings to exclude packs from loading and visibility of the browser",
default: game.compendiumBrowser.readCompendiums,
type: Object,
scope: "world"
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "maxload", {
name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME"),
hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT"),
scope: "world",
config: true,
default: 600,
type: Number,
range: {
// If range is specified, the resulting setting will be a range slider
min: 200,
max: 2000,
step: 100,
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "extraButtonsGlobal", {
name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.extraButtonsGlobal.NAME"),
hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.extraButtonsGlobal.HINT"),
scope: "world",
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean,
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "extraSheetButtons", {
name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.extraSheetButtons.NAME"),
hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.extraSheetButtons.HINT"),
scope: "client",
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean,
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "extraAdvancementButtons", {
name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.extraAdvancementButtons.NAME"),
hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.extraAdvancementButtons.HINT"),
scope: "client",
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean,
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "bannersGlobal", {
name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.bannersGlobal.NAME"),
hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.bannersGlobal.HINT"),
scope: "world",
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean,
game.settings.register("compendium-browser", "bannersLocal", {
name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.bannersLocal.NAME"),
hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.bannersLocal.HINT"),
scope: "client",
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean,

View File

@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
@color_1: #bbb;
#compendium {
.directory-footer {
.compendium-browser-btn {
margin-top: 5px;
display: block;
.compendium-browser {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
max-width: 1100px;
max-height: 90vh;
min-width: 630px;
min-height: 500px;
.window-content {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
height: 100%;
.parent {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
height: 100%;
.content {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
height: calc(100% - 2em);
.tab {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
height: 100%;
.browser {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
height: 100%;
ul {
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
height: 100%;
.settings {
overflow-y: auto;
height: 100%;
.tabs {
max-height: 2em;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border-light-primary);
.tabContainer {
height: calc(100% - 2em);
.tab {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
.control-area {
position: sticky;
display: block;
min-width: 250px;
max-width: 45%;
width: 350px;
height: 100%;
padding-right: 5px;
overflow: auto;
button {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 2px;
.filtercontainer {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 2px;
h3 {
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
dl {
margin: 5px 0;
div {
margin: 5px 0;
dt {
display: inline-block;
width: 40%;
padding-left: 5px;
dd {
display: inline-block;
width: 58%;
margin-left: 0;
select {
width: 100%;
.multiselect {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 32px;
margin: 2px 0;
label {
padding: 5px;
input {
vertical-align: middle;
.small-input {
width: calc(100% - 44px);
height: 27px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
border: 1px solid #444;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 3px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.small-select {
width: 40px;
.list-area {
position: sticky;
display: flex;
min-width: 250px;
max-width: 55%;
width: 400px;
height: 100%;
padding-right: 5px;
.loading {
flex: 0;
text-align: center;
.browser {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: hidden !important;
.window-content {
overflow-y: hidden !important;
ul {
float: right;
display: block;
min-width: 335px;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding-left: 5px;
.filter-tags {
display: none;
li {
span {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
.spell-tags {
span.negative {
color: @color_1;
.item-name {
span {
white-space: break-spaces;
height: inherit;
display: block;
.feat-tags {
span {
white-space: break-spaces;
height: inherit;
display: block;
.spacer {
display: inline-block;
min-width: 5px;
.spacer-large {
display: inline-block;
min-width: 15px;
.item-browser {
li {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 16px;
margin: 2px 0;
height: 32px;
.item-image {
max-width: 32px;
height: 32px;
.item-name {
padding-left: 5px;
flex: 2;
.feat-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-left: 3px;
text-transform: capitalize;
height: 32px;
.item-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-left: 3px;
text-transform: capitalize;
height: 32px;
.feat-browser {
li {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 16px;
margin: 2px 0;
height: 32px;
.item-image {
max-width: 32px;
height: 32px;
.item-name {
padding-left: 5px;
flex: 2;
.feat-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-left: 3px;
text-transform: capitalize;
height: 32px;
.item-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-left: 3px;
text-transform: capitalize;
height: 32px;
.spell-browser {
li {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 16px;
margin: 2px 0;
height: 32px;
.item-image {
max-width: 32px;
height: 32px;
.item-name {
padding-left: 5px;
flex: 2;
.feat-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-left: 3px;
text-transform: capitalize;
height: 32px;
.item-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
margin-left: 3px;
text-transform: capitalize;
height: 32px;
.spell {
.spell-level {
text-align: center;
font-weight: 900;
max-width: 18px;
height: 32px;
.spell-tags {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 3px;
font-weight: 900;
max-width: 100px;
height: 32px;
.npc-browser {
.npc {
cursor: default;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 64px;
margin: 4px 0;
.npc-image {
max-width: 64px;
height: 64px;
img {
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
border: none;
object-fit: contain;
.npc-line {
line-height: 25px;
padding: 9px 0 5px 5px;
.npc-name {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 16px;
.cr {
display: inline-block;
width: 55px;
.size {
display: inline-block;
width: 75px;
.type {
display: inline-block;
.settings {
.settings-group {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 2px;
h3 {
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
label {
display: block;
h4 {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 100%;

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
{{#each listItems as |feat id|}}
<li class="feat flexrow draggable" data-entry-compendium="{{feat.compendium}}" data-entry-id="{{id}}">
<div class="item-image">
<div class="item-name">
<span class="item-edit"
><a data-tooltip="({{feat.compendium}})" data-tooltip-direction="UP">{{}}</a></span
<div class="feat-tags">
<span data-tooltip="Class Requirement" data-tooltip-direction="UP">{{feat.classRequirementString}}</span>
<div class="filter-tags">
<input type="hidden" name="class" value="{{feat.classRequirementString}}" />

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
<div class="feat-browser browser flexrow">
<div class="control-area">
<div class="filtercontainer" id="tagfilter">
<div class="filter" data-type="text" data-path="name">
<dl id="sorter">
<dt>{{localize "CMPBrowser.sortBy"}}:</dt>
<select name="sortorder">
<option value="true" selected>{{localize "Name"}}</option>
<option value="false">{{localize "ITEM.TypeClass"}}</option>
<button id="reset-feat-filter">{{localize "CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters"}}</button>
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/filter-container.html" filters=featFilters}}
<div class="list-area flexcol">
<ul id="CBFeats">
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/feat-browser-list.html" feats=items}}
<span class="loading" id="CBFeatsMessage" style="flex: 0"></span>

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
{{#each filters.registeredFilterCategories as |cat key|}}
<div class="filtercontainer" id="{{key}}">
<div class="filters">
{{#each cat.filters as |filter key|}}
{{#if filter.istext}}
{{#if filter.possibleValues}}
<option value="" selected></option>
{{#each filter.possibleValues as |label val|}}
<option value="{{val}}">{{label}}</option>
<input type="text" />
{{/if}} {{#if filter.isbool}}
<option value="null" selected></option>
<option value="true">{{localize "Yes"}}</option>
<option value="false">{{localize "No"}}</option>
{{/if}} {{#if filter.isselect}}
<option value="null" selected></option>
{{#each filter.possibleValues as |label val|}}
<option value="{{val}}">{{label}}</option>
{{/if}} {{#if filter.ismultiSelect}}
<div class="multiselect">
{{#each filter.possibleValues as |label val|}}
<dd><input type="checkbox" data-value="{{val}}" /></dd>
{{/if}} {{#if filter.isnumberCompare}}
<div class="numberCompare">
<select class="small-select">
<option value="null" selected></option>
<option value="=">=</option>
<option value="<">&lt;</option>
<option value=">">&gt;</option>
<input class="small-input" type="number" />

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
{{#each listItems as |item id|}}
<li class="item flexrow draggable" data-entry-compendium="{{item.compendium}}" data-entry-id="{{id}}">
<div class="item-image">
<div class="item-name">
<span class="item-edit"
><a data-tooltip="({{item.compendium}})" data-tooltip-direction="UP">{{}}</a></span
<div class="item-tags">
<span data-tooltip="Item Type" data-tooltip-direction="UP">{{item.type}}</span>
<div class="filter-tags">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="{{item.type}}" />

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
<div class="item-browser browser flexrow">
<div class="control-area">
<div class="filtercontainer" id="tagfilter">
<div class="filter" data-type="text" data-path="name">
<dl id="sorter">
<dt>{{localize "CMPBrowser.sortBy"}}:</dt>
<select name="sortorder">
<option value="true" selected>{{localize "Name"}}</option>
<option value="false">{{localize "DND5E.Type"}}</option>
<button id="reset-item-filter">{{localize "CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters"}}</button>
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/filter-container.html" filters=itemFilters}}
<div class="list-area flexcol">
<ul id="CBItems">
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/item-browser-list.html" items=items}}
<span class="loading" id="CBItemsMessage" style="flex: 0"></span>

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<!-- <img
data-tooltip="Loading book"
/> -->
<span class="item-edit">
{{#if doneLoading}} {{localize (concat "CMPBrowser.LOADED.Message." itemType) numLoaded=numLoaded}}
<!-- -->
{{else}} {{localize "CMPBrowser.LOADING.Message" numLoaded=numLoaded itemType=itemType}} {{/if}}
<!-- -->
{{#if maxLoaded}}{{localize "CMPBrowser.LOADED.MaxLoaded"}}{{/if}}

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
{{#each listItems as |npc id|}}
<li class="npc flexrow draggable" data-entry-compendium="{{npc.compendium}}" data-entry-id="{{id}}">
<div class="npc-image">
<div class="npc-line">
<div class="npc-name">
<span class="item-edit"
><a data-tooltip="({{npc.compendium}})" data-tooltip-direction="UP">{{}}</a></span
<div class="npc-tags">
<span class="cr" data-tooltip="Challange Rating" data-tooltip-direction="UP">CR {{npc.displayCR}}</span>
<span class="size">{{npc.displaySize}}</span>
<span class="type">{{npc.displayType}}</span>
<div class="filter-tags">
<input type="hidden" name="" value="{{npc.orderCR}}" />
<input type="hidden" name="order.size" value="{{npc.orderSize}}" />

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<div class="npc-browser browser flexrow">
<div class="control-area">
<div class="filtercontainer" id="tagfilter">
<div class="filter" data-type="text" data-path="name">
<dl id="sorter">
<dt>{{localize "CMPBrowser.sortBy"}}:</dt>
<select name="sortorder">
<option value="name" selected>{{localize "Name"}}</option>
<option value="cr">{{localize "DND5E.ChallengeRating"}}</option>
<option value="size">{{localize "DND5E.Size"}}</option>
<button id="reset-npc-filter">{{localize "CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters"}}</button>
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/filter-container.html" filters=npcFilters}}
<div class="list-area flexcol">
<ul id="CBNPCs">
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/npc-browser-list.html" npcs=npcs}}
<span class="loading" id="CBNpcsMessage" style="flex: 0"></span>

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
<div class="settings">
<div class="settings-group">
<h3>{{localize "CMPBrowser.generalSettings"}}</h3>
<input data-setting="allow-spell-browser" type="checkbox" {{checked settings.allowSpellBrowser}} />
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc"}}</h4>
<input data-setting="allow-feat-browser" type="checkbox" {{checked settings.allowFeatBrowser}} />
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.allowFeatAcc"}}</h4>
<input data-setting="allow-item-browser" type="checkbox" {{checked settings.allowItemBrowser}} />
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.allowItemAcc"}}</h4>
<input data-setting="allow-npc-browser" type="checkbox" {{checked settings.allowNpcBrowser}} />
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc"}}</h4>
<div class="settings-group">
<h3>{{localize "CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell"}}</h3>
{{#each settings.loadedSpellCompendium as |spellComp key|}}
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.load"}} {{}}</h4>
<div class="settings-group">
<h3>{{localize "CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc"}}</h3>
{{#each settings.loadedNpcCompendium as |npcComp key|}}
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.load"}} {{}}</h4>

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
{{#each listItems as |spell id|}}
<li class="spell flexrow draggable" data-entry-compendium="{{spell.compendium}}" data-entry-id="{{id}}">
<div class="item-image">
<div class="item-name">
<span class="item-edit"
><a data-tooltip="({{spell.compendium}})" data-tooltip-direction="UP">{{}}</a></span
<div class="spell-tags">
<span data-tooltip="Spell level" data-tooltip-direction="UP"
<div class="spacer-large"></div>
data-tooltip="{{localize 'DND5E.Ritual'}}"
data-tooltip="{{localize 'DND5E.Concentration'}}"
<div class="spacer"></div>
data-tooltip="{{localize 'DND5E.ComponentVerbal'}}"
data-tooltip="{{localize 'DND5E.ComponentSomatic'}}"
data-tooltip="{{localize 'DND5E.ComponentMaterial'}}"
<div class="filter-tags">
<input type="hidden" name="level" value="{{}}" />

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
<div class="spell-browser browser flexrow">
<div class="control-area">
<div class="filtercontainer" id="tagfilter">
<div class="filter" data-type="text" data-path="name">
<dl id="sorter">
<dt>{{localize "CMPBrowser.sortBy"}}:</dt>
<select name="sortorder">
<option value="true" selected>{{localize "Name"}}</option>
<option value="false">{{localize "DND5E.Level"}}</option>
<button id="reset-spell-filter">{{localize "CMPBrowser.Filters.ResetFilters"}}</button>
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/filter-container.html" filters=spellFilters}}
<div class="list-area flexcol">
<ul id="CBSpells">
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/templates/spell-browser-list.html" spells=items}}
<span class="loading" id="CBSpellsMessage" style="flex: 0"></span>

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<div class="parent">
<div class="tabs">
{{#if showSpellBrowser}}<a class="item" data-tab="spell"
>{{localize "CMPBrowser.Tab.SpellBrowser"}}</a
>{{/if}} {{#if showFeatBrowser}}<a class="item" data-tab="feat"
>{{localize "CMPBrowser.Tab.FeatBrowser"}}</a
>{{/if}} {{#if showItemBrowser}}<a class="item" data-tab="item"
>{{localize "CMPBrowser.Tab.ItemBrowser"}}</a
>{{/if}} {{#if showNpcBrowser}}<a class="item" data-tab="npc"
>{{localize "CMPBrowser.Tab.NPCBrowser"}}</a
>{{/if}} {{#if isGM}}<a class="item" data-tab="setting"
>{{localize "CMPBrowser.Tab.Settings"}}</a
<div class="content">
<div class="tab" data-tab="spell">
{{#if showSpellBrowser}}{{>
<div class="tab" data-tab="feat">
{{#if showFeatBrowser}}{{>
<div class="tab" data-tab="item">
{{#if showItemBrowser}}{{>
<div class="tab" data-tab="npc">
{{#if showNpcBrowser}} {{>
<div class="tab" data-tab="setting">
{{#if isGM}} {{>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
{{#each filters.registeredFilterCategorys as |cat key|}}
<div class="filtercontainer" id="{{key}}">
<div class="filters">
{{#each cat.filters as |filter key|}}
<div class="filter" data-path="{{filter.path}}" data-type="{{filter.type}}" data-valIsArray="{{filter.valIsArray}}">
{{#if filter.istext}}
{{#if filter.possibleValues}}
<select class="null">
<option value="" selected>-</option>
{{#each filter.possibleValues as |label val|}}
<option value="{{val}}">{{label}}</option>
<input type="text">
{{#if filter.isbool}}
<select class="null">
<option value="null" selected>-</option>
<option value="true">{{localize "Yes"}}</option>
<option value="false">{{localize "No"}}</option>
{{#if filter.isselect}}
<select class="null">
<option value="null" selected>-</option>
{{#each filter.possibleValues as |label val|}}
<option value="{{val}}">{{label}}</option>
{{#if filter.ismultiSelect}}
<div class="multiselect">
{{#each filter.possibleValues as |label val|}}
<dd><input type="checkbox" data-value="{{val}}"></dd>
{{#if filter.isnumberCompare}}
<div class="numberCompare">
<select class="small-select">
<option value="null" selected>-</option>
<option value="=">=</option>
<option value="<">&lt;</option>
<option value=">">&gt;</option>
<input class="small-input" type="number">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<div class="npc-browser browser tab flexrow" data-tab="npc" data-group="toplvl">
<div class="control-area">
<div class="filtercontainer" id="tagfilter">
<div class="filter" data-type="text" data-path="name">
<input class="" name="textFilter" type="text" value="" data-dtype="String" placeholder="{{localize "Name"}}"/>
<dl id="sorter">
<dt>{{localize "CMPBrowser.sortBy"}}:</dt>
<dd><select name="sortorder">
<option value="name" selected>{{localize "Name"}}</option>
<option value="cr">{{localize ""}}</option>
<option value="size">{{localize "DND5E.Size"}}</option>
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/template/filter-container.html" filters=npcFilters}}
{{#each npcs as |npc id|}}
<li class="npc flexrow draggable" data-entry-compendium="{{npc.compendium}}" data-entry-id="{{npc._id}}">
<div class="npc-image">
<img class="" src="{{npc.img}}" title="{{}}" width="32" height="32" />
<div class="npc-line">
<div class="npc-name">
<span class="item-edit"><a>{{}}</a></span>
<div class="npc-tags">
<span class="cr-display" title="Challange Rating">CR {{npc.displayCR}}</span>
<span class="size-display">{{npc.displaySize}}</span>
<span class="type">{{}}</span>
<div class="filter-tags">
<input type="hidden" name="" value="{{}}">
<input type="hidden" name="order.size" value="{{npc.filterSize}}">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<div class="settings tab" data-tab="setting" data-group="toplvl">
<div class="settings-group">
<h3>{{localize "CMPBrowser.generalSettings"}}</h3>
<input data-setting="allow-spell-browser" type="checkbox" {{#if settings.allowSpellBrowser}}checked{{/if}}>
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.allowSpellAcc"}}</h4>
<input data-setting="allow-npc-browser" type="checkbox" {{#if settings.allowNpcBrowser}}checked{{/if}}>
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.allowNpcAcc"}}</h4>
<div class="settings-group">
<h3>{{localize "CMPBrowser.compSettingsSpell"}}</h3>
{{#each settings.loadedSpellCompendium as |spellComp key|}}
<input data-setting="spell-compendium-setting" data-key="{{key}}" data-type="spell" type="checkbox"{{#if spellComp.load}}checked{{/if}}>
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.load"}} {{}}</h4>
<div class="settings-group">
<h3>{{localize "CMPBrowser.compSettingsNpc"}}</h3>
{{#each settings.loadedNpcCompendium as |npcComp key|}}
<input data-setting="npc-compendium-setting" data-key="{{key}}" data-type="npc" type="checkbox"{{#if npcComp.load}}checked{{/if}}>
<h4>{{localize "CMPBrowser.load"}} {{}}</h4>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<div class="spell-browser browser tab flexrow" data-tab="spell" data-group="toplvl">
<div class="control-area">
<div class="filtercontainer" id="tagfilter">
<div class="filter" data-type="text" data-path="name">
<input class="" name="textFilter" type="text" value="" data-dtype="String" placeholder="{{localize "Name"}}"/>
<dl id="sorter">
<dt>{{localize "CMPBrowser.sortBy"}}:</dt>
<dd><select class="null" name="sortorder">
<option value="true" selected>{{localize "Name"}}</option>
<option value="false">{{localize "CMPBrowser.lvl"}}</option>
{{> "modules/compendium-browser/template/filter-container.html" filters=spellFilters}}
{{#each spells as |spell id|}}
<li class="spell flexrow draggable" data-entry-compendium="{{spell.compendium}}" data-entry-id="{{spell._id}}">
<div class="spell-image">
<img class="" src="{{spell.img}}" title="{{}}" width="32" height="32"/>
<div class="spell-name">
<span class="item-edit" ><a>{{}}</a></span>
<div class="spell-tags">
<span title="Spell level">{{#if}}{{}}{{else}}C{{/if}}</span>
<div class="spacer-large"></div>
<span {{#unless}}style="color:#bbb;" title="{{localize "No"}} {{localize "CMPBrowser.ritual"}}"{{else}} title="{{localize "CMPBrowser.ritual"}}"{{/unless}}>R</span>
<span {{#unless}}style="color:#bbb;" title="{{localize "No"}} {{localize "CMPBrowser.concentration"}}"{{else}} title="{{localize "CMPBrowser.concentration"}}"{{/unless}}>C</span>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<span {{#unless}}style="color:#bbb;" title="{{localize "No"}} {{localize "CMPBrowser.verbal"}}"{{else}} title="{{localize "CMPBrowser.verbal"}}"{{/unless}}>V</span>
<span {{#unless}}style="color:#bbb;" title="{{localize "No"}} {{localize "CMPBrowser.somatic"}}"{{else}} title="{{localize "CMPBrowser.somatic"}}"{{/unless}}>S</span>
<span {{#unless}}style="color:#bbb;" title="no{{localize "No"}} {{localize "CMPBrowser.material"}}"{{else}} title="{{localize "CMPBrowser.material"}}"{{/unless}}>M</span>
<div class="filter-tags">
<input type="hidden" name="level" value="{{}}">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<div class="tabs" data-group="toplvl">
{{#if showSpellBrowser}}<a class="item" data-tab="spell">{{localize "CMPBrowser.spellBrowser"}}</a>{{/if}}
{{#if showNpcBrowser}}<a class="item" data-tab="npc">{{localize "CMPBrowser.npcBrowser"}}</a>{{/if}}
{{#if isGM}}<a class="item" data-tab="setting">{{localize "CMPBrowser.settings"}}</a>{{/if}}
<div class="tabContainer">
{{#if showSpellBrowser}}{{> "modules/compendium-browser/template/spell-browser.html"}}{{/if}}
{{#if showNpcBrowser}} {{> "modules/compendium-browser/template/npc-browser.html"}}{{/if}}
{{#if isGM}} {{> "modules/compendium-browser/template/settings.html"}}{{/if}}