# Compendium Browser Tired of scrolling compendia? Easily browse and filter for spells, feats, items, and actors using Compendium Browser. ![example](preview.jpg) ## Details Only the Gamemaster has access to the Settings, where they can enable or disable player access to specific tabs. ### Adding your own filters You can add your own filter to by calling `game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilter`, `game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilter`, `game.compendiumBrowser.addFeatFilter`, and `game.compendiumBrowser.addItemFilter`. This does support any data that the spell or npc has, including flags. ## License This project is a fork of Compendium Browser by [Felix Müller](https://github.com/syl3r86). ## Community Contribution See the [CONTRIBUTING](/CONTRIBUTING.md) file for information about how you can help this project.