{ "CMPBrowser": { "compendiumBrowser": "Compendium Browser", "sortBy": "Sort by", "generalSettings": "General Settings", "allowSpellAcc": "Allow Players Access to the spell browser", "allowFeatAcc": "Allow Players Access to the feat browser", "allowItemAcc": "Allow Players Access to the item browser", "allowNpcAcc": "Allow Players Access to the npc browser", "compSettingsSpell": "Item Compendium Settings", "compSettingsNpc": "NPC Compendium Settings", "load": "Load", "castingTime": "Casting Time", "spellType": "Spell Type", "damageType": "Damage Type", "UsesResources": "Uses Resources", "GameMechanics": "Game Mechanics", "ItemSubtype": "Item Subtype", "MagicItems": "Magic Items", "ItemsPacks": "Packs", "ItemsPacksBurglar": "Burglar's Pack", "ItemsPacksDiplomat": "Diplomat's Pack", "ItemsPacksDungeoneer": "Dungeoneer's Pack", "ItemsPacksEntertainer": "Entertainer's Pack", "ItemsPacksExplorer": "Explorer's Pack", "ItemsPacksMonsterHunter": "Monster Hunter's Pack", "ItemsPacksPriest": "Priest's Pack", "ItemsPacksScholar": "Scholar's Pack", "artificer": "Artificer", "barbarian": "Barbarian", "bard": "Bard", "cleric": "Cleric", "druid": "Druid", "fighter": "Fighter", "monk": "Monk", "paladin": "Paladin", "ranger": "Ranger", "rogue": "Rogue", "sorcerer": "Sorcerer", "warlock": "Warlock", "wizard": "Wizard", "general": "General", "overall": "Overall Type", "subfeature": "Subfeature Type", "hasSpells": "Has Spells", "hasLegAct": "Has Legendary Actions", "hasLegRes": "Has Legendary Resistance", "dmgInteraction": "Damage Interaction", "dmgDealt": "Damage Dealt", "Tab": { "SpellBrowser": "Spells", "FeatBrowser": "Feats", "ItemBrowser": "Items", "NPCBrowser": "Actors", "Settings": "Settings" }, "SETTING": { "Maxload.NAME": "Maximum load", "Maxload.HINT": "Maximum number of spells, feats, items, or NPCs to display; to see more use the filters. This setting is to allow manageing memory and server load." }, "LOADING": { "Message": "Loading..." }, "LOADED": { "Message": { "feat": "Loaded {numLoaded} feats", "item": "Loaded {numLoaded} items", "npc": "Loaded {numLoaded} npcs", "spell": "Loaded {numLoaded} spells" }, "MaxLoaded": "(maximum displayed; to see more, use the filters)" }, "Filters.ResetFilters": "Reset Filters" } }