/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */ /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * @author Felix Müller aka syl3r86 * @version 0.2.0 */ /** @author Jeffrey Pugh aka @spetzel2020 * @version 0.4 */ /* 4-Feb-2020 0.4.0 Switch to not pre-loading the indexes, and instead do that at browsing time, to reduce server load and memory usage Refactor some of the eslint warnings 5-Feb-2021 Don't do memory allocation - just browse compendia in real-time After this, next step would be incremental (lazy) loading 7-Feb-2021 0.4.1 Move load back to "ready" hook, but limit number loaded 8-Feb-2021 0.4.1 Bug fix: initialize() was setting this.spells, not this.items so CB was using twice the memory (once loaded incorrectly into this.spells and once loaded on first getData() into this.items) 0.4.1b SpellBrowser -> CompendiumBrowser 9-Feb-2021 0.4.1b Call loadAndFilterItems instead of loadItems; filter as we go, limited by numToPreload 0.4.1c Needed to pass specific spellFilters, itemFilters etc. 0.4.1d: Fixed img observer on replaced spellData 11-Feb-2021 0.4.1e: Don't save the filter data (which is most of the memory) and remove the preload limit; instead just save the minimal amount of data 0.4.1g: Generalize the spell list reload and confirm spells still working 0.4.1h: Add the partials for npc, feat, item and the backing code 12-Feb-2021 0.4.1j: Correct compactItem for feats and items required display items Rename itemType -> browserTab to differentiate candidate item's type from the tab it appears on (spell, feat/class, item, NPC) Fixed: Was calling the wrong sort for feat and NPC 0.4.1k: Don't call loadItems() during initalize; getData() just displays static elements 0.4.1l: Display progress indicator for loading - for now just a static one 15-Feb-2021 0.4.2: Fix NPCs to use loadAndFilterNpcs 0.4.2b: Add Loading... message for NPCs 0.4.2c: Correct Loading... message on initial tab, but not on tab switch 0.4.2d: Display the type of item being loaded 16-Dec-2021 0.4.2f: Change preload to maxLoaded and display a message to filter if you want more 10-Mar-2021 0.4.3: activateItemListListeners(): Remove spurious li.parents (wasn't being used anyway) 11-Mar-2021 0.4.3 Fixed: Reset Filters doesn't clear the on-screen filter fields (because it is not completely re-rendering like it used to) Issue #4 Hack solution is to re-render whole dialog which unfortunately loses filter settings on other tabs as well 0.4.3b: Clear all filters to match displayed 15-Mar-2021 0.4.5: Fix: Spells from non-system compendium show up in items tab. Issue#10 loadAndFilterItems(): Changed tests to switch + more explicit tests 0.4.5b Show compendium source in results issue#11 Try showing compendium in the image mouseover 12-Jun-2021 0.5.0 Test for Foundry 0.8.x in which creature type is now data.details.type.value 9-Spt-2021 CHANGES Removed functions that are disabled in Foundry 0.9.0 Speed up on spells by using queries Stops already in progress searches if a new one is started Handles monster types from older revisions Uses some built-ins for minor performance improvement 12-Sep-2021 0.7.1 Issue #25 Initialization fails because of corrupted settings Fix: Check for settings.loadedSpellCompendium and settings.loadedNpcCompendium 1-Jan-2022 0.7.2 Switch to isFoundryV8Plus class variable */ const CMPBrowser = { MODULE_NAME : "compendium-browser", MODULE_VERSION : "0.7.2", MAXLOAD : 500, //Default for the maximum number to load before displaying a message that you need to filter to see more } const STOP_SEARCH = 'StopSearchException'; class CompendiumBrowser extends Application { static get defaultOptions() { const options = super.defaultOptions; mergeObject(options, { title: "CMPBrowser.compendiumBrowser", tabs: [{navSelector: ".tabs", contentSelector: ".content", initial: "spell"}], classes: options.classes.concat('compendium-browser'), template: "modules/compendium-browser/template/template.html", width: 800, height: 700, resizable: true, minimizable: true }); return options; } async initialize() { // load settings if (this.settings === undefined) { this.initSettings(); } await loadTemplates([ "modules/compendium-browser/template/spell-browser.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/spell-browser-list.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/npc-browser.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/npc-browser-list.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/feat-browser.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/feat-browser-list.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/item-browser.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/item-browser-list.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/filter-container.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/settings.html", "modules/compendium-browser/template/loading.html" ]); this.hookCompendiumList(); //Reset the filters used in the dialog this.spellFilters = { registeredFilterCategorys: {}, activeFilters: {} }; this.npcFilters = { registeredFilterCategorys: {}, activeFilters: {} }; this.featFilters = { registeredFilterCategorys: {}, activeFilters: {} }; this.itemFilters = { registeredFilterCategorys: {}, activeFilters: {} }; } /** override */ _onChangeTab(event, tabs, active) { super._onChangeTab(event, tabs, active); const html = this.element; this.replaceList(html, active, {reload : false}) } /** override */ async getData() { //0.4.1 Filter as we load to support new way of filtering //Previously loaded all data and filtered in place; now loads minimal (preload) amount, filtered as we go //First time (when you press Compendium Browser button) is called with filters unset //0.4.1k: Don't do any item/npc loading until tab is visible let data = { items : [], npcs: [], spellFilters : this.spellFilters, showSpellBrowser : (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowSpellBrowser), featFilters : this.featFilters, showFeatBrowser : (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowFeatBrowser), itemFilters : this.itemFilters, showItemBrowser : (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowItemBrowser), npcFilters : this.npcFilters, showNpcBrowser : (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowNpcBrowser), settings : this.settings, isGM : game.user.isGM }; return data; } activateItemListListeners(html) { // show entity sheet html.find('.item-edit').click(ev => { let itemId = $(ev.currentTarget).parents("li").attr("data-entry-id"); let compendium = $(ev.currentTarget).parents("li").attr("data-entry-compendium"); let pack = game.packs.find(p => p.collection === compendium); pack.getDocument(itemId).then(entity => { entity.sheet.render(true); }); }); // make draggable //0.4.1: Avoid the game.packs lookup html.find('.draggable').each((i, li) => { li.setAttribute("draggable", true); li.addEventListener('dragstart', event => { let packName = li.getAttribute("data-entry-compendium"); let pack = game.packs.find(p => p.collection === packName); if (!pack) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify({ type: pack.documentName, pack: pack.collection, id: li.getAttribute("data-entry-id") })); }, false); }); } /** override */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); this.observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { for (let e of entries) { if (!e.isIntersecting) continue; const img = e.target; // Avatar image //const img = li.querySelector("img"); if (img && img.dataset.src) { img.src = img.dataset.src; delete img.dataset.src; } // No longer observe the target observer.unobserve(e.target); } }); this.activateItemListListeners(html); // toggle visibility of filter containers html.find('.filtercontainer h3, .multiselect label').click(async ev => { await $(ev.target.nextElementSibling).toggle(100); }); html.find('.multiselect label').trigger('click'); // sort spell list html.find('.spell-browser select[name=sortorder]').on('change', ev => { let spellList = html.find('.spell-browser li'); let byName = (ev.target.value == 'true'); let sortedList = this.sortSpells(spellList, byName); let ol = $(html.find('.spell-browser ul')); ol[0].innerHTML = []; for (let element of sortedList) { ol[0].append(element); } }); this.triggerSort(html, "spell"); // sort feat list in place html.find('.feat-browser select[name=sortorder]').on('change', ev => { let featList = html.find('.feat-browser li'); let byName = (ev.target.value == 'true'); let sortedList = this.sortFeats(featList, byName); let ol = $(html.find('.feat-browser ul')); ol[0].innerHTML = []; for (let element of sortedList) { ol[0].append(element); } }); this.triggerSort(html, "feat"); // sort item list in place html.find('.item-browser select[name=sortorder]').on('change', ev => { let itemList = html.find('.item-browser li'); let byName = (ev.target.value == 'true'); let sortedList = this.sortItems(itemList, byName); let ol = $(html.find('.item-browser ul')); ol[0].innerHTML = []; for (let element of sortedList) { ol[0].append(element); } }); this.triggerSort(html, "item"); // sort npc list in place html.find('.npc-browser select[name=sortorder]').on('change', ev => { let npcList = html.find('.npc-browser li'); let orderBy = ev.target.value; let sortedList = this.sortNpcs(npcList, orderBy); let ol = $(html.find('.npc-browser ul')); ol[0].innerHTML = []; for (let element of sortedList) { ol[0].append(element); } }); this.triggerSort(html, "npc"); // reset filters and re-render //0.4.3: Reset ALL filters because when we do a re-render it affects all tabs html.find('#reset-spell-filter').click(ev => { this.resetFilters(); //v0.4.3: Re-render so that we display the filters correctly this.refreshList = "spell"; this.render(); }); html.find('#reset-feat-filter').click(ev => { this.resetFilters(); //v0.4.3: Re-render so that we display the filters correctly this.refreshList = "feat"; this.render(); }); html.find('#reset-item-filter').click(ev => { this.resetFilters(); //v0.4.3: Re-render so that we display the filters correctly this.refreshList = "item"; this.render(); }); html.find('#reset-npc-filter').click(ev => { this.resetFilters(); //v0.4.3: Re-render so that we display the filters correctly this.refreshList = "npc"; this.render(); }); // settings html.find('.settings input').on('change', ev => { let setting = ev.target.dataset.setting; let value = ev.target.checked; if (setting === 'spell-compendium-setting') { let key = ev.target.dataset.key; this.settings.loadedSpellCompendium[key].load = value; this.render(); ui.notifications.info("Settings Saved. Item Compendiums are being reloaded."); } else if (setting === 'npc-compendium-setting') { let key = ev.target.dataset.key; this.settings.loadedNpcCompendium[key].load = value; this.render(); ui.notifications.info("Settings Saved. NPC Compendiums are being reloaded."); } if (setting === 'allow-spell-browser') { this.settings.allowSpellBrowser = value; } if (setting === 'allow-feat-browser') { this.settings.allowFeatBrowser = value; } if (setting === 'allow-item-browser') { this.settings.allowItemBrowser = value; } if (setting === 'allow-npc-browser') { this.settings.allowNpcBrowser = value; } this.saveSettings(); }); // activating or deactivating filters //0.4.1: Now does a re-load and updates just the data side // text filters html.find('.filter[data-type=text] input, .filter[data-type=text] select').on('keyup change paste', ev => { const path = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('path'); const key = path.replace(/\./g, ''); const value = ev.target.value; const browserTab = $(ev.target).parents('.tab').data('tab'); const filterTarget = `${browserTab}Filters`; if (value === '' || value === undefined) { delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key]; } else { this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = { path: path, type: 'text', valIsArray: false, value: ev.target.value } } this.replaceList(html, browserTab); }); // select filters html.find('.filter[data-type=select] select, .filter[data-type=bool] select').on('change', ev => { const path = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('path'); const key = path.replace(/\./g, ''); const filterType = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('type'); const browserTab = $(ev.target).parents('.tab').data('tab'); let valIsArray = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('valisarray'); if (valIsArray === 'true') valIsArray = true; let value = ev.target.value; if (value === 'false') value = false; if (value === 'true') value = true; const filterTarget = `${browserTab}Filters`; if (value === "null") { delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] } else { this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = { path: path, type: filterType, valIsArray: valIsArray, value:value } } this.replaceList(html, browserTab); }); // multiselect filters html.find('.filter[data-type=multiSelect] input').on('change', ev => { const path = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('path'); const key = path.replace(/\./g, ''); const filterType = 'multiSelect'; const browserTab = $(ev.target).parents('.tab').data('tab'); let valIsArray = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('valisarray'); if (valIsArray === 'true') valIsArray = true; let value = $(ev.target).data('value'); const filterTarget = `${browserTab}Filters`; const filter = this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key]; if (ev.target.checked === true) { if (filter === undefined) { this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = { path: path, type: filterType, valIsArray: valIsArray, values: [value] } } else { this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.push(value); } } else { delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.splice(this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.indexOf(value),1); if (this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key].values.length === 0) { delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key]; } } this.replaceList(html, browserTab); }); html.find('.filter[data-type=numberCompare] select, .filter[data-type=numberCompare] input').on('change keyup paste', ev => { const path = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').data('path'); const key = path.replace(/\./g, ''); const filterType = 'numberCompare'; const browserTab = $(ev.target).parents('.tab').data('tab'); let valIsArray = false; const operator = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').find('select').val(); const value = $(ev.target).parents('.filter').find('input').val(); const filterTarget = `${browserTab}Filters`; if (value === '' || operator === 'null') { delete this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] } else { this[filterTarget].activeFilters[key] = { path: path, type: filterType, valIsArray: valIsArray, operator: operator, value: value } } this.replaceList(html, browserTab); }); //Just for the loading image if (this.observer) { html.find("img").each((i,img) => this.observer.observe(img)); } } async checkListsLoaded() { //Provides extra info not in the standard SRD, like which classes can learn a spell if (!this.classList) { this.classList = await fetch('modules/compendium-browser/spell-classes.json').then(result => { return result.json(); }).then(obj => { return this.classList = obj; }); } if (!this.packList) { this.packList = await fetch('modules/compendium-browser/item-packs.json').then(result => { return result.json(); }).then(obj => { return this.packList = obj; }); } if (!this.subClasses) { this.subClasses = await fetch('modules/compendium-browser/sub-classes.json').then(result => { return result.json(); }).then(obj => { return this.subClasses = obj; }); } } async loadAndFilterItems(browserTab="spell",updateLoading=null) { console.log(`Load and Filter Items | Started loading ${browserTab}s`); console.time("loadAndFilterItems"); await this.checkListsLoaded(); const seachNumber = Date.now(); this.CurrentSeachNumber = seachNumber; const maxLoad = game.settings.get(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, "maxload") ?? CMPBrowser.MAXLOAD; //0.4.1: Load and filter just one of spells, feats, and items (specified by browserTab) let unfoundSpells = ''; let numItemsLoaded = 0; let compactItems = {}; try{ //Filter the full list, but only save the core compendium information + displayed info for (let pack of game.packs) { if (pack.documentName === "Item" && this.settings.loadedSpellCompendium[pack.collection].load) { //can query just for spells since there is only 1 type let query = {}; if (browserTab === "spell") { query = {type: "spell"}; } //FIXME: How much could we do with the loaded index rather than all content? //OR filter the content up front for the decoratedItem.type?? await pack.getDocuments(query).then(content => { if (browserTab == "spell"){ content.reduce(function(itemsList, item5e) { if (this.CurrentSeachNumber != seachNumber) throw STOP_SEARCH; numItemsLoaded = Object.keys(itemsList).length; if (maxLoad <= numItemsLoaded) { if (updateLoading) {updateLoading(numItemsLoaded);} throw STOP_SEARCH; } const decoratedItem = this.decorateItem(item5e); if(decoratedItem && this.passesFilter(decoratedItem, this.spellFilters.activeFilters)){ itemsList[item5e.id] = { compendium : pack.collection, name : decoratedItem.name, img: decoratedItem.img, data : { level : decoratedItem.data?.level, components : decoratedItem.data?.components }, id: item5e.id }; } return itemsList; }.bind(this), compactItems); } else if (browserTab === "feat"){ content.reduce(function(itemsList, item5e){ if (this.CurrentSeachNumber != seachNumber) throw STOP_SEARCH; numItemsLoaded = Object.keys(itemsList).length; if (maxLoad <= numItemsLoaded) { if (updateLoading) {updateLoading(numItemsLoaded);} throw STOP_SEARCH; } const decoratedItem = this.decorateItem(item5e); if(decoratedItem && ["feat","class"].includes(decoratedItem.type) && this.passesFilter(decoratedItem, this.featFilters.activeFilters)){ itemsList[item5e.id] = { compendium : pack.collection, name : decoratedItem.name, img: decoratedItem.img, classRequirementString : decoratedItem.classRequirementString }; } return itemsList; }.bind(this), compactItems); } else if (browserTab === "item"){ content.reduce(function(itemsList, item5e){ if (this.CurrentSeachNumber != seachNumber) throw STOP_SEARCH; numItemsLoaded = Object.keys(itemsList).length; if (maxLoad <= numItemsLoaded) { if (updateLoading) {updateLoading(numItemsLoaded);} throw STOP_SEARCH; } const decoratedItem = this.decorateItem(item5e); if(decoratedItem && !["spell","feat","class"].includes(decoratedItem.type) && this.passesFilter(decoratedItem, this.itemFilters.activeFilters)){ itemsList[item5e.id] = { compendium : pack.collection, name : decoratedItem.name, img: decoratedItem.img, type : decoratedItem.type } } return itemsList; }.bind(this), compactItems); } numItemsLoaded = Object.keys(compactItems).length; if (updateLoading) {updateLoading(numItemsLoaded);} }); }//end if pack entity === Item }//for packs } catch(e){ if (e === STOP_SEARCH){ //stopping search early } else{ throw e; } } // this.removeDuplicates(compactItems); /* if (unfoundSpells !== '') { console.log(`Load and Fliter Items | List of Spells that don't have a class associated to them:`); console.log(unfoundSpells); } */ this.itemsLoaded = true; console.timeEnd("loadAndFilterItems"); console.log(`Load and Filter Items | Finished loading ${Object.keys(compactItems).length} ${browserTab}s`); return compactItems; } async loadAndFilterNpcs(updateLoading=null) { console.log('NPC Browser | Started loading NPCs'); const seachNumber = Date.now(); this.CurrentSeachNumber = seachNumber; console.time("loadAndFilterNpcs"); let npcs = {}; const maxLoad = game.settings.get(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, "maxload") ?? CMPBrowser.MAXLOAD; let numNpcsLoaded = 0; this.npcsLoaded = false; // fields required for displaying and decorating NPCs const requiredIndexFields = [ 'name', 'img', 'data.details.cr', 'data.traits.size', 'data.details.type', 'items.type', 'items.data.damage.parts', ] // add any fields required for currently active filters const indexFields = requiredIndexFields.concat( Object.values(this.npcFilters.activeFilters).map(f => f.path) ); try{ for (let pack of game.packs) { if (pack.documentName == "Actor" && this.settings.loadedNpcCompendium[pack.collection].load) { await pack.getIndex({fields: indexFields}).then(async content => { content.reduce(function(actorsList, npc5e){ if (this.CurrentSeachNumber != seachNumber) {throw STOP_SEARCH;} numNpcsLoaded = Object.keys(npcs).length; if (maxLoad <= numNpcsLoaded) { if (updateLoading) {updateLoading(numNpcsLoaded);} throw STOP_SEARCH; } const decoratedNpc = this.decorateNpc(npc5e); if (decoratedNpc && this.passesFilter(decoratedNpc, this.npcFilters.activeFilters)){ actorsList[npc5e._id] = { compendium : pack.collection, name : decoratedNpc.name, img: decoratedNpc.img, displayCR : decoratedNpc.displayCR, displaySize : decoratedNpc.displaySize, displayType: this.getNPCType(decoratedNpc.data?.details?.type), orderCR : decoratedNpc.data.details.cr, orderSize : decoratedNpc.filterSize }; } return actorsList; }.bind(this), npcs); numNpcsLoaded = Object.keys(npcs).length; if (updateLoading) {updateLoading(numNpcsLoaded);} }); } //0.4.1 Only preload a limited number and fill more in as needed } } catch(e){ if (e == STOP_SEARCH){ //breaking out } else{ console.timeEnd("loadAndFilterNpcs"); throw e; } } this.npcsLoaded = true; console.timeEnd("loadAndFilterNpcs"); console.log(`NPC Browser | Finished loading NPCs: ${Object.keys(npcs).length} NPCs`); return npcs; } hookCompendiumList() { Hooks.on('renderCompendiumDirectory', (app, html, data) => { this.hookCompendiumList(); }); let html = $('#compendium'); if (this.settings === undefined) { this.initSettings(); } if (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowSpellBrowser || this.settings.allowNpcBrowser) { const cbButton = $(``); html.find('.compendium-browser-btn').remove(); // adding to directory-list since the footer doesn't exist if the user is not gm html.find('.directory-footer').append(cbButton); // Handle button clicks cbButton.click(ev => { ev.preventDefault(); //0.4.1: Reset filters when you click button this.resetFilters(); //0.4.3: Reset everything (including data) when you press the button - calls afterRender() hook if (game.user.isGM || this.settings.allowSpellBrowser) { this.refreshList = "spell"; } else if (this.settings.allowFeatBrowser) { this.refreshList = "feat"; } else if (this.settings.allowItemBrowser) { this.refreshList = "item"; } else if (this.settings.allowNPCBrowser) { this.refreshList = "npc"; } this.render(true); }); } } /* Hook to load the first data */ static afterRender(cb, html) { //0.4.3: Because a render always resets ALL the displayed filters (on all tabs) to unselected , we have to blank all the lists as well // (because the current HTML template doesn't set the selected filter values) if (!cb?.refreshList) {return;} cb.replaceList(html, cb.refreshList); cb.refreshList = null; } resetFilters() { this.spellFilters.activeFilters = {}; this.featFilters.activeFilters = {}; this.itemFilters.activeFilters = {}; this.npcFilters.activeFilters = {}; } async replaceList(html, browserTab, options = {reload : true}) { //After rendering the first time or re-rendering trigger the load/reload of visible data let elements = null; //0.4.2 Display a Loading... message while the data is being loaded and filtered let loadingMessage = null; if (browserTab === 'spell') { elements = html.find("ul#CBSpells"); loadingMessage = html.find("#CBSpellsMessage"); } else if (browserTab === 'npc') { elements = html.find("ul#CBNPCs"); loadingMessage = html.find("#CBNpcsMessage"); } else if (browserTab === 'feat') { elements = html.find("ul#CBFeats"); loadingMessage = html.find("#CBFeatsMessage"); } else if (browserTab === 'item') { elements = html.find("ul#CBItems"); loadingMessage = html.find("#CBItemsMessage"); } if (elements?.length) { //0.4.2b: On a tab-switch, only reload if there isn't any data already if (options?.reload || !elements[0].children.length) { const maxLoad = game.settings.get(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, "maxload") ?? CMPBrowser.MAXLOAD; const updateLoading = async numLoaded => { if (loadingMessage.length) {this.renderLoading(loadingMessage[0], browserTab, numLoaded, numLoaded>=maxLoad);} } updateLoading(0); //Uses loadAndFilterItems to read compendia for items which pass the current filters and render on this tab const newItemsHTML = await this.renderItemData(browserTab, updateLoading); elements[0].innerHTML = newItemsHTML; //Re-sort before setting up lazy loading this.triggerSort(html, browserTab); //Lazy load images if (this.observer) { $(elements).find("img").each((i,img) => this.observer.observe(img)); } //Reactivate listeners for clicking and dragging this.activateItemListListeners($(elements)); } } } async renderLoading(messageElement, itemType, numLoaded, maxLoaded=false) { if (!messageElement) return; let loadingHTML = await renderTemplate("modules/compendium-browser/template/loading.html", {numLoaded: numLoaded, itemType: itemType, maxLoaded: maxLoaded}); messageElement.innerHTML = loadingHTML; } async renderItemData(browserTab, updateLoading=null) { let listItems; if (browserTab === "npc") { listItems = await this.loadAndFilterNpcs(updateLoading); } else { listItems = await this.loadAndFilterItems(browserTab, updateLoading); } const html = await renderTemplate(`modules/compendium-browser/template/${browserTab}-browser-list.html`, {listItems : listItems}) return html; } //SORTING triggerSort(html, browserTab) { if (browserTab === 'spell') { html.find('.spell-browser select[name=sortorder]').trigger('change'); } else if (browserTab === 'feat') { html.find('.feat-browser select[name=sortorder]').trigger('change'); } else if (browserTab === 'npc') { html.find('.npc-browser select[name=sortorder]').trigger('change') } else if (browserTab === 'item') { html.find('.item-browser select[name=sortorder]').trigger('change'); } } sortSpells(list, byName) { if (byName) { list.sort((a, b) => { let aName = $(a).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; }); } else { list.sort((a, b) => { let aVal = $(a).find('input[name=level]').val(); let bVal = $(b).find('input[name=level]').val(); if (aVal < bVal) return -1; if (aVal > bVal) return 1; if (aVal == bVal) { let aName = $(a).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; } }); } return list; } sortFeats(list, byName) { if (byName) { list.sort((a, b) => { let aName = $(a).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; }); } else { list.sort((a, b) => { let aVal = $(a).find('input[name=class]').val(); let bVal = $(b).find('input[name=class]').val(); if (aVal < bVal) return -1; if (aVal > bVal) return 1; if (aVal == bVal) { let aName = $(a).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; } }); } return list; } sortItems(list, byName) { if (byName) { list.sort((a, b) => { let aName = $(a).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; }); } else { list.sort((a, b) => { let aVal = $(a).find('input[name=type]').val(); let bVal = $(b).find('input[name=type]').val(); if (aVal < bVal) return -1; if (aVal > bVal) return 1; if (aVal == bVal) { let aName = $(a).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.item-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; } }); } return list; } sortNpcs(list, orderBy) { switch (orderBy) { case 'name': list.sort((a, b) => { let aName = $(a).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; }); break; case 'cr': list.sort((a, b) => { let aVal = Number($(a).find('input[name="order.cr"]').val()); let bVal = Number($(b).find('input[name="order.cr"]').val()); if (aVal < bVal) return -1; if (aVal > bVal) return 1; if (aVal == bVal) { let aName = $(a).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; } }); break; case 'size': list.sort((a, b) => { let aVal = $(a).find('input[name="order.size"]').val(); let bVal = $(b).find('input[name="order.size"]').val(); if (aVal < bVal) return -1; if (aVal > bVal) return 1; if (aVal == bVal) { let aName = $(a).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML; let bName = $(b).find('.npc-name a')[0].innerHTML; if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; } }); break; } return list; } decorateItem(item5e) { if (!item5e) return null; //Decorate and then filter a compendium entry - returns null or the item const item = item5e.data; // getting damage types (common to all Items, although some won't have any) item.damageTypes = []; if (item.data.damage && item.data.damage.parts.length > 0) { for (let part of item.data.damage.parts) { let type = part[1]; if (item.damageTypes.indexOf(type) === -1) { item.damageTypes.push(type); } } } if (item.type === 'spell') { // determining classes that can use the spell let cleanSpellName = item.name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^一-龠ぁ-ゔァ-ヴーa-zA-Z0-9a-zA-Z0-9々〆〤]/g, '').replace("'", '').replace(/ /g, ''); //let cleanSpellName = spell.name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s:]/g, '').replace("'", '').replace(/ /g, ''); if (this.classList[cleanSpellName]) { let classes = this.classList[cleanSpellName]; item.data.classes = classes.split(','); } else { //FIXME: unfoundSpells += cleanSpellName + ','; } } else if (item.type === 'feat' || item.type === 'class') { // getting class let reqString = item.data.requirements?.replace(/[0-9]/g, '').trim(); let matchedClass = []; for (let c in this.subClasses) { if (reqString && reqString.toLowerCase().indexOf(c) !== -1) { matchedClass.push(c); } else { for (let subClass of this.subClasses[c]) { if (reqString && reqString.indexOf(subClass) !== -1) { matchedClass.push(c); break; } } } } item.classRequirement = matchedClass; item.classRequirementString = matchedClass.join(', '); // getting uses/ressources status item.usesRessources = item5e.hasLimitedUses; item.hasSave = item5e.hasSave; } else { // getting pack let matchedPacks = []; for (let pack of Object.keys(this.packList)) { for (let packItem of this.packList[pack]) { if (item.name.toLowerCase() === packItem.toLowerCase()) { matchedPacks.push(pack); break; } } } item.matchedPacks = matchedPacks; item.matchedPacksString = matchedPacks.join(', '); // getting uses/ressources status item.usesRessources = item5e.hasLimitedUses } return item; } decorateNpc(npc) { //console.log('%c '+npc.name, 'background: white; color: red') const decoratedNpc = npc; // cr display let cr = decoratedNpc.data.details.cr; if (cr == undefined || cr == '') cr = 0; else cr = Number(cr); if (cr > 0 && cr < 1) cr = "1/" + (1 / cr); decoratedNpc.displayCR = cr; decoratedNpc.displaySize = 'unset'; decoratedNpc.filterSize = 2; if (CONFIG.DND5E.actorSizes[decoratedNpc.data.traits.size] !== undefined) { decoratedNpc.displaySize = CONFIG.DND5E.actorSizes[decoratedNpc.data.traits.size]; } switch (decoratedNpc.data.traits.size) { case 'grg': decoratedNpc.filterSize = 5; break; case 'huge': decoratedNpc.filterSize = 4; break; case 'lg': decoratedNpc.filterSize = 3; break; case 'sm': decoratedNpc.filterSize = 1; break; case 'tiny': decoratedNpc.filterSize = 0; break; case 'med': default: decoratedNpc.filterSize = 2; break; } // getting value for HasSpells and damage types decoratedNpc.hasSpells = decoratedNpc.items.type.reduce((hasSpells, itemType) => hasSpells || itemType == 'spell', false); decoratedNpc.damageDealt = decoratedNpc.items.data.damage.parts.filter(p => p.length >= 2).map(p => p[1]); //handle poorly constructed npc if (decoratedNpc.data?.details?.type && !(decoratedNpc.data?.details?.type instanceof Object)){ decoratedNpc.data.details.type = {value: decoratedNpc.data?.details?.type}; } return decoratedNpc; } getNPCType(type){ if (type instanceof Object){ return type.value; } return type; } filterElements(list, subjects, filters) { for (let element of list) { let subject = subjects[element.dataset.entryId]; if (this.passesFilter(subject, filters) == false) { $(element).hide(); } else { $(element).show(); } } } passesFilter(subject, filters) { for (let filter of Object.values(filters)) { let prop = getProperty(subject, filter.path); if (filter.type === 'numberCompare') { switch (filter.operator) { case '=': if (prop != filter.value) { return false; } break; case '<': if (prop >= filter.value) { return false; } break; case '>': if (prop <= filter.value) { return false; } break; } continue; } if (filter.valIsArray === false) { if (filter.type === 'text') { if (prop === undefined) return false; if (prop.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.value.toLowerCase()) === -1) { return false; } } else { if (filter.value !== undefined && prop !== undefined && prop != filter.value && !(filter.value === true && prop)) { return false; } if (filter.values && filter.values.indexOf(prop) === -1) { return false; } } } else { if (prop === undefined) return false; if (typeof prop === 'object') { if (filter.value) { if (prop.indexOf(filter.value) === -1) { return false; } } else if (filter.values) { for (let val of filter.values) { if (prop.indexOf(val) !== -1) { continue; } return false; } } } else { for (let val of filter.values) { if (prop === val) { continue; } } return false; } } } return true; } //incomplete removal of duplicate items removeDuplicates(spellList){ //sort at n log n let sortedList = Object.values(spellList).sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); //search through sorted list for duplicates for (let index = 0; index < sortedList.length - 1;){ //all duplicates will be next to eachother if (sortedList[index].name == sortedList[index + 1].name){ //duplicate something is getting removed //TODO choose what to remove rather then the second let remove = index + 1; delete spellList[sortedList[remove].id]; sortedList.splice(remove, 1); } else{ index++; } } } clearObject(obj) { let newObj = {}; for (let key in obj) { if (obj[key] == true) { newObj[key] = true; } } return newObj; } initSettings() { let defaultSettings = { loadedSpellCompendium: {}, loadedNpcCompendium: {}, }; for (let compendium of game.packs) { if (compendium.documentName === "Item") { defaultSettings.loadedSpellCompendium[compendium.collection] = { load: true, name: `${compendium['metadata']['label']} (${compendium.collection})` }; } if (compendium.documentName === "Actor") { defaultSettings.loadedNpcCompendium[compendium.collection] = { load: true, name: `${compendium['metadata']['label']} (${compendium.collection})` }; } } // creating game setting container game.settings.register(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, "settings", { name: "Compendium Browser Settings", hint: "Settings to exclude packs from loading and visibility of the browser", default: defaultSettings, type: Object, scope: 'world', onChange: settings => { this.settings = settings; } }); game.settings.register(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, "maxload", { name: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.NAME"), hint: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.SETTING.Maxload.HINT"), scope: "world", config: true, default: CMPBrowser.MAXLOAD, type: Number, range: { // If range is specified, the resulting setting will be a range slider min: 200, max: 5000, step: 100 } }); // load settings from container and apply to default settings (available compendie might have changed) let settings = game.settings.get(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, 'settings'); for (let compKey in defaultSettings.loadedSpellCompendium) { //v0.7.1 Check for settings.loadedSpellCompendium if (settings.loadedSpellCompendium && (settings.loadedSpellCompendium[compKey] !== undefined)) { defaultSettings.loadedSpellCompendium[compKey].load = settings.loadedSpellCompendium[compKey].load; } } for (let compKey in defaultSettings.loadedNpcCompendium) { //v0.7.1 Check for settings.loadedNpcCompendium if (settings.loadedNpcCompendium && (settings.loadedNpcCompendium[compKey] !== undefined)) { defaultSettings.loadedNpcCompendium[compKey].load = settings.loadedNpcCompendium[compKey].load; } } defaultSettings.allowSpellBrowser = settings.allowSpellBrowser ? true : false; defaultSettings.allowFeatBrowser = settings.allowFeatBrowser ? true : false; defaultSettings.allowItemBrowser = settings.allowItemBrowser ? true : false; defaultSettings.allowNpcBrowser = settings.allowNpcBrowser ? true : false; if (game.user.isGM) { game.settings.set(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, 'settings', defaultSettings); console.log("New default settings set"); console.log(defaultSettings); } this.settings = defaultSettings; //0.9.5 Set the CompendiumBrowser.isFoundryV8Plus variable for different code-paths //If v9, then game.data.version will throw a deprecation warning so test for v9 first CompendiumBrowser.isFoundryV8Plus = (game.data.release?.generation >= 9) || (game.data.version?.startsWith("0.8")); } saveSettings() { game.settings.set(CMPBrowser.MODULE_NAME, 'settings', this.settings); } //FILTERS - Added on the Ready hook //0.4.0 Make this async so filters can be added all at once async addFilter(entityType, category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) { let target = `${entityType}Filters`; let filter = {}; filter.path = path; filter.label = label; filter.type = 'text'; if (['text', 'bool', 'select', 'multiSelect', 'numberCompare'].indexOf(type) !== -1) { filter[`is${type}`] = true; filter.type = type; } if (possibleValues !== null) { filter.possibleValues = possibleValues; } filter.valIsArray = valIsArray; let catId = category.replace(/\W/g, ''); if (this[target].registeredFilterCategorys[catId] === undefined) { this[target].registeredFilterCategorys[catId] = {label: category, filters: []}; } this[target].registeredFilterCategorys[catId].filters.push(filter); } async addSpellFilters() { // Spellfilters this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Source"), 'data.source', 'text'); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.lvl"), 'data.level', 'multiSelect', [game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.cantip"), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.school"), 'data.school', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.spellSchools); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.castingTime"), 'data.activation.type', 'select', { action: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Action"), bonus: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.bonusAction"), reaction: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.reaction"), minute: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.TimeMinute"), hour: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.TimeHour"), day: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.TimeDay") } ); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.spellType"), 'data.actionType', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.damageType"), 'damageTypes', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.class"), 'data.classes', 'select', { artificer: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.artificer"), bard: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.bard"), cleric: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.cleric"), druid: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.druid"), paladin: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.paladin"), ranger: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ranger"), sorcerer: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.sorcerer"), warlock: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.warlock"), wizard: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.wizard"), }, true ); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ritual"), 'data.components.ritual', 'bool'); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.concentration"), 'data.components.concentration', 'bool'); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.verbal"), 'data.components.vocal', 'bool'); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.somatic"), 'data.components.somatic', 'bool'); this.addSpellFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.components"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.material"), 'data.components.material', 'bool'); } async addItemFilters() { // Item Filters this.addItemFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Source"), 'data.source', 'text'); this.addItemFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), "Item Type", 'type', 'select', { consumable: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemTypeConsumable"), backpack: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemTypeContainer"), equipment: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemTypeEquipment"), loot: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemTypeLoot"), tool: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemTypeTool"), weapon: game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemTypeWeapon") }); this.addItemFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), "Packs", 'matchedPacks', 'select', { burglar: "Burglar's Pack", diplomat: "Diplomat's Pack", dungeoneer: "Dungeoneer's Pack", entertainer: "Entertainer's Pack", explorer: "Explorer's Pack", monsterhunter: "Monster Hunter's Pack", priest: "Priest's Pack", scholar: "Scholar's Pack", }, true ); this.addItemFilter("Game Mechanics", game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemActivationCost"), 'data.activation.type', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.abilityActivationTypes); this.addItemFilter("Game Mechanics", game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.damageType"), 'damageTypes', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes); this.addItemFilter("Game Mechanics", "Uses Resources", 'usesRessources', 'bool'); this.addItemFilter("Item Subtype", "Weapon", 'data.weaponType', 'text', CONFIG.DND5E.weaponTypes); this.addItemFilter("Item Subtype", "Equipment", 'data.armor.type', 'text', CONFIG.DND5E.equipmentTypes); this.addItemFilter("Item Subtype", "Consumable", 'data.consumableType', 'text', CONFIG.DND5E.consumableTypes); this.addItemFilter("Magic Items", "Rarity", 'data.rarity', 'select', { Common: "Common", Uncommon: "Uncommon", Rare: "Rare", "Very rare": "Very Rare", Legendary: "Legendary" }); } async addFeatFilters() { // Feature Filters this.addFeatFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Source"), 'data.source', 'text'); this.addFeatFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.class"), 'classRequirement', 'select', { artificer: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.artificer"), barbarian: "Barbarian", bard: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.bard"), cleric: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.cleric"), druid: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.druid"), fighter: "Fighter", monk: "Monk", paladin: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.paladin"), ranger: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ranger"), rogue: "Rogue", sorcerer: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.sorcerer"), warlock: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.warlock"), wizard: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.wizard") }, true); this.addFeatFilter("Game Mechanics", game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ItemActivationCost"), 'data.activation.type', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.abilityActivationTypes); this.addFeatFilter("Game Mechanics", game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.damageType"), 'damageTypes', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes); this.addFeatFilter("Game Mechanics", "Uses Resources", 'usesRessources', 'bool'); } async addNpcFilters() { // NPC Filters this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Source"), 'data.details.source', 'text'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.size"), 'data.traits.size', 'select', CONFIG.DND5E.actorSizes); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.hasSpells"), 'hasSpells', 'bool'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.hasLegAct"), 'data.resources.legact.max', 'bool'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.hasLegRes"), 'data.resources.legres.max', 'bool'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.cr"), 'data.details.cr', 'numberCompare'); //Foundry 0.8.x: Creature type (data.details.type) is now a structure, so we check data.details.types.value instead let npcDetailsPath; if (CompendiumBrowser.isFoundryV8Plus) { npcDetailsPath = "data.details.type.value"; } else {//0.7.x npcDetailsPath = "data.details.type"; } this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.general"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.creatureType"), npcDetailsPath, 'text', { aberration: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.aberration"), beast: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.beast"), celestial: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.celestial"), construct: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.construct"), dragon: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dragon"), elemental: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.elemental"), fey: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.fey"), fiend: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.fiend"), giant: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.giant"), humanoid: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.humanoid"), monstrosity: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.monstrosity"), ooze: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.ooze"), plant: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.plant"), undead: game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.undead") }); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityStr"), 'data.abilities.str.value', 'numberCompare'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityDex"), 'data.abilities.dex.value', 'numberCompare'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityCon"), 'data.abilities.con.value', 'numberCompare'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityInt"), 'data.abilities.int.value', 'numberCompare'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityWis"), 'data.abilities.wis.value', 'numberCompare'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.abilities"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AbilityCha"), 'data.abilities.cha.value', 'numberCompare'); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamImm"), 'data.traits.di.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamRes"), 'data.traits.dr.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamVuln"), 'data.traits.dv.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("DND5E.ConImm"), 'data.traits.ci.value', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.conditionTypes, true); this.addNpcFilter(game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgInteraction"), game.i18n.localize("CMPBrowser.dmgDealt"), 'damageDealt', 'multiSelect', CONFIG.DND5E.damageTypes, true); } /** * Used to add custom filters to the Spell-Browser * @param {String} category - Title of the category * @param {String} label - Title of the filter * @param {String} path - path to the data that the filter uses. uses dotnotation. example: data.abilities.dex.value * @param {String} type - type of filter * possible filter: * text: will give a textinput (or use a select if possibleValues has values) to compare with the data. will use objectData.indexOf(searchedText) to enable partial matching * bool: will see if the data at the path exists and not false. * select: exactly matches the data with the chosen selector from possibleValues * multiSelect: enables selecting multiple values from possibleValues, any of witch has to match the objects data * numberCompare: gives the option to compare numerical values, either with =, < or the > operator * @param {Boolean} possibleValues - predetermined values to choose from. needed for select and multiSelect, can be used in text filters * @param {Boolean} valIsArray - if the objects data is an object use this. the filter will check each property in the object (not recursive). if no match is found, the object will be hidden */ addSpellFilter(category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) { this.addFilter('spell', category, label, path, type, possibleValues, valIsArray); } /** * Used to add custom filters to the Spell-Browser * @param {String} category - Title of the category * @param {String} label - Title of the filter * @param {String} path - path to the data that the filter uses. uses dotnotation. example: data.abilities.dex.value * @param {String} type - type of filter * possible filter: * text: will give a textinput (or use a select if possibleValues has values) to compare with the data. will use objectData.indexOf(searchedText) to enable partial matching * bool: will see if the data at the path exists and not false. * select: exactly matches the data with the chosen selector from possibleValues * multiSelect: enables selecting multiple values from possibleValues, any of witch has to match the objects data * numberCompare: gives the option to compare numerical values, either with =, < or the > operator * @param {Boolean} possibleValues - predetermined values to choose from. needed for select and multiSelect, can be used in text filters * @param {Boolean} valIsArray - if the objects data is an object use this. the filter will check each property in the object (not recursive). if no match is found, the object will be hidden */ addNpcFilter(category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) { this.addFilter('npc', category, label, path, type, possibleValues, valIsArray); } addFeatFilter(category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) { this.addFilter('feat', category, label, path, type, possibleValues, valIsArray); } addItemFilter(category, label, path, type, possibleValues = null, valIsArray = false) { this.addFilter('item', category, label, path, type, possibleValues, valIsArray); } } Hooks.on('ready', async () => { if (game.compendiumBrowser === undefined) { game.compendiumBrowser = new CompendiumBrowser(); //0.4.0 Defer loading content until we actually use the Compendium Browser //A compromise approach would be better (periodic loading) except would still create the memory use problem await game.compendiumBrowser.initialize(); } game.compendiumBrowser.addSpellFilters(); game.compendiumBrowser.addFeatFilters(); game.compendiumBrowser.addItemFilters(); game.compendiumBrowser.addNpcFilters(); }); Hooks.on("renderCompendiumBrowser", CompendiumBrowser.afterRender);