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"label": "adventuring gear",
"entries": [
"id": "Elixir of Health",
"name": "Эликсир здоровья",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Если Вы выпьете это зелье, оно вылечит Вас от всех болезней, а также устраняет состояния @condition[blinded], @condition[deafened], @condition[paralyzed], and @condition[poisoned]. Это прозрачная красная жидкость с пузырьками света в ней.</p></div>"
"id": "Oil of Etherealness",
"name": "Масло эфирности",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Крошечные капли этого серого масла очень быстро испаряются. Маслом можно обмазать одно существо Среднего или меньшего размера, вместе с одеждой и переносимым им снаряжением (на каждую категорию размера выше Среднего необходим один дополнительный пузырёк масла). Нанесение масла занимает 10 минут. Обмазанное существо получает на 1 час эффект заклинания @spell[etherealness].</p></div>"
"id": "Oil of Sharpness",
"name": "Oil of Sharpness",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Это прозрачное и густое масло сверкает от крошечных серебристых включений. Масло может покрыть одно рубящее или колющее оружие или до 5 рубящих или колющих боеприпасов. Нанесение масла занимает 1 минуту. В течение часа покрытые предметы считаются магическими и предоставляют бонус +3 к броскам атаки и урона.</p></div>"
"id": "Oil of Slipperiness",
"name": "Масло скольжения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Эта липкая, чёрная мазь, хранящаяся в толстостенном и тяжёлом контейнере, очень текуча. Маслом можно обмазать одно существо Среднего или меньшего размера, вместе с одеждой и переносимым им снаряжением (на каждую категорию размера выше Среднего необходим один дополнительный пузырёк масла). Нанесение масла занимает 10 минут. Обмазанное существо получает на 8 часов эффект заклинания @spell[freedom of movement].</p><p>В качестве альтернативы, можно действием разлить масло по полу, покрыв площадь 10×10 футов. Эффект будет такой же, как от заклинания @spell[grease] длительностью 8 часов.</p></div>"
"id": "Philter of Love",
"name": "Приворотное зелье любви",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы становитесь на 1 час очарованы первым же существом, которое Вы увидите в течение 10 минут после того, как выпили это зелье. Если существо принадлежит к биологическому виду и полу, которые привлекают Вас в обычных условиях, то Вы воспринимаете его как свою истинную любовь, пока @condition[charmed] им. Жидкость представляет собой розовую, шипучую жидкость, с пузырьками в виде сердец.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Acid Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Acid Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to acid damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Animal Friendship",
"name": "Зелье дружбы с животными",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>После того как Вы выпили это зелье, Вы можете в течение одного часа неограниченно сотворять заклинание @spell[animal friendship] (СЛ испытания 13). При взбалтывании этой мутной жидкости Вы видите рыбью чешую, кошачьи когти, беличью шерсть и прочие фрагменты.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Clairvoyance",
"name": "Зелье ясновидения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Выпив это зелье, Вы получаете эффект заклинания @spell[clairvoyance]. В желтоватой жидкости зелья плавают глазные яблоки, но они исчезают, когда пузырёк открывают.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Climbing",
"name": "Зелье лазания",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Когда Вы выпиваете это зелье, Вы получаете на 1 час скорость лазания, равную Вашей скорости ходьбы. В течение этого времени Вы совершаете с преимуществом проверки Силы (Атлетика), совершённые, чтобы лезть. Зелье представляет собой трёхцветную жидкость. Коричневый, серебряный и серый слои структурой напоминают рисунок на камне и не смешиваются между собой, как бы Вы ни трясли пузырёк.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Cloud Giant Strength",
"name": "Зелье силы облачного великана",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 27 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.</p><p>This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a @creature[cloud giant].</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Cold Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Cold Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to cold damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Diminution",
"name": "Зелье уменьшения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Когда Вы выпиваете это зелье, Вы получаете на [[/r 1d4]] часа эффект \"Уменьшение\" заклинания @spell[enlarge/reduce] (концентрация не требуется). Маленький красный шарик в этой жидкости непрерывно сжимается до размера бусины и тут же расширяется, окрашивая прозрачную жидкость вокруг, после чего сжимается вновь. Тряска пузырька не прерывает этот процесс.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Fire Breath",
"name": "Зелье огненного дыхания",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>После того, как Вы выпили это зелье, Вы можете бонусным действием выдохнуть огонь на цель, находящуюся в пределах 30 футов от Вас. Цель должна пройти испытание Ловкости СЛ 13, получая урон огнём [[/r 4d6]] при провале или половину этого урона при успехе. Эффект заканчивается после того, как Вы трижды используете огненное дыхание, или по истечении 1 часа. Зелье представляет собой оранжевую мерцающую жидкость, над которой стелется дымок, выходящий наружу каждый раз, когда Вы откупориваете пробку.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Fire Giant Strength",
"name": "Potion of Fire Giant Strength",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 25 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.</p><p>This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a @creature[fire giant].</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Fire Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Fire Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to fire damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Flying",
"name": "Зелье полёта",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Выпив это зелье, Вы на 1 час получаете скорость полёта, равную Вашей скорости ходьбы, и можете парить. Если Вы находитесь в воздухе, когда зелье теряет силу, Вы падаете, если не обладаете другими средствами, позволяющими оставаться в полёте. Прозрачная жидкость этого зелья парит у горлышка пузырька, и в ней плавают молочно-белые примеси.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Force Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Force Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to force damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Frost Giant Strength",
"name": "Potion of Frost Giant Strength",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 23 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.</p><p>This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a @creature[frost giant].</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Gaseous Form",
"name": "Зелье газообразной формы",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Когда Вы выпиваете это зелье, Вы получаете эффект заклинания @spell[gaseous form] (концентрация не требуется) на 1 час, или пока Вы бонусным действием не прервёте его. Пузырёк с этим зельем как будто содержит туман, перетекающий, словно вода.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Giant Strength",
"name": "Potion of Giant Strength",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Cloud Giant Strength]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Fire Giant Strength]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Frost Giant Strength]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Hill Giant Strength]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Stone Giant Strength]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Storm Giant Strength]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Potion of Greater Healing",
"name": "Большое зелье лечения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы восстанавливаете [[/r 4d4]] + 4 хитов, когда выпиваете это зелье. Зелья представляет собой красную жидкость, сверкающую при встряхивании.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Growth",
"name": "Зелье увеличения",
"description": "<p>Когда вы выпиваете это зелье, вы получаете на [[/r 1d4]] часа эффект &laquo;увеличение&raquo; заклинания&nbsp;увеличение/ уменьшение [enlarge/reduce]&nbsp;(концентрация не требуется).</p><p>Маленький красный шарик в этой жидкости непрерывно расширяется, окрашивая прозрачную жидкость вокруг, и тут же сжимается вновь. Тряска пузырька не прерывает этот процесс.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Healing",
"name": "Зелье лечения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы восстанавливаете [[/r 2d4]] + 2 хитов, когда выпиваете это зелье. Зелья представляет собой красную жидкость, сверкающую при встряхивании.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Healing (*)",
"name": "Potion of Healing (*)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p><i class=\"ve-muted\">* This item group has the same name and source as the item @item[potion of healing]</i>.</p><p>Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Healing]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Greater Healing]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Superior Healing]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Supreme Healing]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Potion of Heroism",
"name": "Зелье героизма",
"description": "<p>После того, как вы выпили это зелье, вы на 1 час получаете 10 временных хитов. Кроме того, в течение этого часа вы находитесь под эффектом заклинания благословление [bless] (концентрация не требуется). Это синее зелье пузырится и парит, словно оно находится в состоянии закипания.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Hill Giant Strength",
"name": "Potion of Hill Giant Strength",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 21 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.</p><p>This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a @creature[hill giant].</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Invisibility",
"name": "Зелье невидимости",
"description": "<p>Контейнер с этим зельем выглядит пустым, но на вес чувствуется, что он всё же содержит жидкость. Выпив её, вы становитесь невидимым на 1 час. Всё, что вы несёте и носите, становится невидимым вместе с вами. Эффект оканчивается преждевременно, если вы атакуете или наложите заклинание.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Invulnerability",
"name": "Зелье неуязвимости",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>For 1 minute after you drink this potion, you have resistance to all damage. The potion's syrupy liquid looks like liquefied iron.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Lightning Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Lightning Resistance",
"description": "<p>В течение 1 минуты после того, как вы выпили это зелье, вы обладаете сопротивлением ко всем видам урона. Это густое как сироп зелье выглядит как расплавленное железо.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Longevity",
"name": "Зелье долголетия",
"description": "<p>После того как вы выпьете это зелье, ваш физический возраст уменьшается на [[/r 1d6]] + 6 лет, при минимуме в 13 лет. Каждый раз, когда вы в дальнейшем будете пить зелья долголетия, существует накопительный штраф 10 процентов, что вместо этого вы постареете на [[/r 1d6]]+ 6 лет.</p><p>В янтарной жидкости плавают хвост скорпиона, клык гадюки, мёртвый паук и крохотное сердце, которое вопреки всему всё ещё бьётся. Эти ингредиенты исчезают, когда зелье откупоривают.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Mind Reading",
"name": "Зелье чтения мыслей",
"description": "<p>Когда вы выпиваете это зелье, вы получаете эффект заклинания обнаружение мыслей [detect thoughts] <strong>(Сл спасброска 13)</strong>. На вид это густое, фиолетовое зелье, с плавающим в нём небольшим овальным облачком.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Necrotic Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Necrotic Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to necrotic damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Poison",
"name": "Зелье яда",
"description": "<p>Эта смесь выглядит, пахнет и обладает таким же вкусом, что и зелье лечения или другое полезное зелье. Однако, это самый настоящий яд, чья истинная природа скрыта магией иллюзий. Заклинание опознание [identify] раскрывает этот обман.</p><p>Если вы всё же выпьете это зелье, вы получаете урон ядом 3к6 и должны преуспеть в спасброске <strong>Телосложения Сл 13</strong>, иначе станете отравленным. В начале каждого вашего хода, пока вы отравлены этим зельем, вы получаете урон ядом [[/r 3d6]]. В конце каждого своего хода вы можете повторять спасбросок. В случае успеха каждый урон ядом в последующих раундах будет уменьшен на [[/r 1d6]]. Яд прекращает действие, когда его урон станет равным нулю.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Poison Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Poison Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to poison damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Psychic Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Psychic Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to psychic damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Radiant Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Radiant Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to radiant damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Acid Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Cold Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Fire Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Force Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Lightning Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Necrotic Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Poison Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Psychic Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Radiant Resistance]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Potion of Thunder Resistance]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Potion of Speed",
"name": "Зелье скорости",
"description": "<p>Когда вы выпьете это зелье, вы получите на 1 минуту эффект заклинания ускорение [haste] (концентрация не требуется). В жёлтой жидкости этого зелья видны чёрные полоски, и она перемешивается сама собой.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Stone Giant Strength",
"name": "Potion of Stone Giant Strength",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 23 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.</p><p>This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a @creature[stone giant].</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Storm Giant Strength",
"name": "Potion of Storm Giant Strength",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 29 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.</p><p>This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a @creature[storm giant].</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Superior Healing",
"name": "Отличное зелье лечения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b  rd__b--2\"><p>Вы восстанавливаете [[/r 8d4]] + 8 хитов, когда выпиваете это зелье. Зелья представляет собой красную жидкость, сверкающую при встряхивании.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Supreme Healing",
"name": "Превосходное зелье лечения",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b  rd__b--2\"><p>Вы восстанавливаете [[/r 10d4]] + 20 хитов, когда выпиваете это зелье. Зелья представляет собой красную жидкость, сверкающую при встряхивании.</p></div>"
"id": "Potion of Thunder Resistance",
"name": "Potion of Thunder Resistance",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to thunder damage for 1 hour.</p></div>"
"id": "Dragon Slayer Longsword",
"name": "Убийца драконов (Длинный меч) / Dragon Slayer Longsword",
"description": "<p>Вы получаете бонус +1 к броскам атаки и урона, совершённым этим магическим оружием.</p><p>Если вы попадаете этим оружием по дракону, он получит дополнительный урон 3к6, соответствующий виду оружия. Для этого оружия &laquo;дракон&raquo; означает любое существо с видом &laquo;дракон&raquo;, включая виверн и дракочерепах.</p>"
"id": "Dwarven Thrower",
"name": "Дварфийский метатель",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы получаете бонус +3 к броскам атаки и урона, совершённым этим магическим оружием. Оно обладает свойством «метательное» с нормальной дистанцией 20 футов и максимальной дистанцией 60 футов. Если Вы попадёте дальнобойной атакой этим оружием, оно причиняет дополнительный урон [[/r 1d8]] или, если цель — великан, то [[/r 2d8]]. Сразу же после атаки оружие возвращается в Вашу руку.</p></div>"
"id": "Hammer of Thunderbolts",
"name": "Молот грома",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы получаете бонус +1 к броскам атаки и урона, совершённым этим магическим оружием.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"1\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Погибель великанов (требуется настройка).</span></span> <p>Вы должны носить пояс силы великана (любую разновидность) и @item[gauntlets of ogre power] чтобы настроиться на это оружие. Настройка окончится, если Вы снимаете любой из этих предметов. Если Вы настроены на это оружие и держите его, Ваше значение Силы увеличивается на 4 и может превышать 20, но не 30. Если у Вас выпало «20» на кости при броске атаки этим оружием по великану, великан пройти испытание Телосложения СЛ 17, иначе он сразу умрёт.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><p>У этого молота есть 5 зарядов. Если Вы настроены на него, Вы можете потратить 1 заряд и совершить им дальнобойную атаку оружием, метая его, как если бы у него было свойство «метательное» с нормальной дистанцией 20 футов и максимальной дистанцией 60 футов. Если эта атака попадает, молот испускает громовой рокот, слышный в пределах 300 футов. Цель и все существа в пределах 30 футов от неё должны пройти испытание Телосложения СЛ 17, иначе станут ошеломлёнными до конца Вашего следующего хода. Молот ежедневно восстанавливает [[/r 1d4]] + 1 заряд на рассвете.</p></div>"
"id": "Scimitar of Speed",
"name": "Скимитар скорости",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы получаете бонус +2 к броскам атаки и урона, совершённым этим магическим оружием. Кроме того, в каждом своём ходу Вы можете совершить бонусным действием одну атаку им.</p></div>"
"id": "Sun Blade",
"name": "Солнечный клинок",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Этот предмет выглядит как рукоять длинного меча. Держа эту рукоятку, Вы можете бонусным действием заставить появиться или исчезнуть клинок из чистого сияния. Пока клинок существует, этот магический длинный меч обладает свойством «фехтовальное». Если Вы владеете обращением с @item[shortsword|phb|shortswords] или @item[longsword|phb|longswords], то Вы владеете и обращением с солнечным клинком.</p><p>Вы получаете бонус +2 к броскам атаки и урона, совершённым этим оружием, и причиняете не рубящий урон, а урон излучением. Если Вы попадаете им по нежити, цель получает дополнительный урон излучением [[/r 1d8]].</p><p>Клинок этого меча испускает яркий свет в радиусе 15 футов и тусклый свет в радиусе ещё 15 футов. Это солнечный свет. Пока клинок существует, Вы можете действием увеличить или уменьшить радиус и яркого и тусклого света на 5 футов каждый, с максимумом 30 футов и минимумом 10 футов для каждого.</p></div>"
"id": "Trident of Fish Command",
"name": "Трезубец командования рыбами",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Этот трезубец — магическое оружие. It has 3 charges. У него есть 3 заряда. Если Вы его держите, Вы можете действием потратить 1 заряд, чтобы наложить им заклинание @spell[dominate beast] (СЛ испытания 15) на зверя, у которого есть врождённая скорость плавания. Трезубец ежедневно восстанавливает [[/r 1d3]]3 заряда на рассвете.</p></div>"
"id": "Battleaxe",
"name": "Боевой топор",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Flail",
"name": "Цеп",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Glaive",
"name": "Глефа",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Greataxe",
"name": "Двуручный топор",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Greatsword",
"name": "Двуручный меч",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Halberd",
"name": "Алебарда",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Lance",
"name": "Кавалерийская пика",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"2\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Special.</span></span> <p>You have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Longsword",
"name": "Длинный меч",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Maul",
"name": "Двуручный молот",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Morningstar",
"name": "Моргенштерн",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Pike",
"name": "Пика",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Rapier",
"name": "Рапира",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Scimitar",
"name": "Скимитар",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Shortsword",
"name": "Короткий меч",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Trident",
"name": "Трезубец",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "War Pick",
"name": "Клевец",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Warhammer",
"name": "Боевой молот",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Whip",
"name": "Кнут",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Club",
"name": "Дубинка",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Dagger",
"name": "Кинжал",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Dagger of Venom",
"name": "Кинжал яда",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы получаете бонус +1 к броскам атаки и урона, совершённым этим магическим оружием.</p><p>Вы можете действием заставить этот клинок покрыться густым чёрным ядом. Яд остаётся 1 минуту, или пока атака этим оружием не попадёт по существу. Цель должна пройти испытание Телосложения СЛ 15, иначе она получит урон ядом [[/r 2d10]] и станет @condition[poisoned] на 1 минуту. Вы не можете использовать повторно это свойство до следующего рассвета.</p></div>"
"id": "Greatclub",
"name": "Дубина",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Handaxe",
"name": "Топорик",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Javelin",
"name": "Пилум",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Javelin of Lightning",
"name": "Пилум молнии",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Этот пилум — магическое оружие. Если Вы метнёте его и произнесёте его командное слово, он превратится в молнию, формируя линию шириной 5 футов и простирающуюся от Вас до цели, находящейся в пределах 120 футов. Все существа в этой линии, исключая Вас и цель, должны пройти испытание Ловкости СЛ 13, получая урон электричеством [[/r 4d6]] при провале или половину этого урона при успехе. Молния снова становится пилумом, когда достигает цели. Совершите дальнобойную атаку оружием по цели. При попадании цель получает урон от пилума плюс урон электричеством [[/r 4d6]].</p><p>Это свойство пилума нельзя использовать повторно до следующего рассвета. Однако он всё равно может использоваться как магическое оружие.</p></div>"
"id": "Light Hammer",
"name": "Легкий молот",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Mace",
"name": "Булава",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Mace of Disruption",
"name": "Mace of Disruption",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you hit a fiend or an undead with this magic weapon, that creature takes an extra [[/r 2d6]] radiant damage. If the target has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be destroyed. On a successful save, the creature becomes @condition[frightened] of you until the end of your next turn.</p><p>While you hold this weapon, it sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.</p></div>"
"id": "Mace of Smiting",
"name": "Mace of Smiting",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The bonus increases to +3 when you use the mace to attack a construct.</p><p>When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon, the target takes an extra 7 bludgeoning damage, or an extra 14 bludgeoning damage if it's a construct. If a construct has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it is destroyed.</p><p><i>Note: According to the SRD, it is an extra [[/r 2d6]] and [[/r 4d6]] bludgeoning damage, although <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">this is incorrect</a></i>.</p></div>"
"id": "Mace of Terror",
"name": "Mace of Terror",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This magic weapon has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to release a wave of terror. Each creature of your choice in a 30-foot radius extending from you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become @condition[frightened] of you for 1 minute. While it is @condition[frightened] in this way, a creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action it can use only the @action[Dash] action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If it has nowhere it can move, the creature can use the @action[Dodge] action. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.</p><p>The mace regains [[/r 1d3]] expended charges daily at dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Quarterstaff",
"name": "Боевой посох",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Sickle",
"name": "Серп",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Spear",
"name": "Копье",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Staff",
"name": "Посох",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Staff of Charming",
"name": "Staff of Charming",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 of its 10 charges to cast @spell[charm person], @spell[command], or @spell[comprehend languages] from it using your spell save DC. The staff can also be used as a magic quarterstaff.</p><p>If you are holding the staff and fail a saving throw against an enchantment spell that targets only you, you can turn your failed save into a successful one. You can't use this property of the staff again until the next dawn. If you succeed on a save against an enchantment spell that targets only you, with or without the staff's intervention, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge from the staff and turn the spell back on its caster as if you had cast the spell.</p><p>The staff regains [[/r 1d8 + 2]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1, the staff becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of Fire",
"name": "Staff of Fire",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You have resistance to fire damage while you hold this staff.</p><p>The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: @spell[burning hands] (1 charge), @spell[fireball] (3 charges), or @spell[wall of fire] (4 charges).</p><p>The staff regains [[/r 1d6 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1, the staff blackens, crumbles into cinders, and is destroyed.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of Frost",
"name": "Staff of Frost",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You have resistance to cold damage while you hold this staff.</p><p>The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: @spell[cone of cold] (5 charges), @spell[fog cloud] (1 charge), @spell[ice storm] (4 charges), or @spell[wall of ice] (4 charges).</p><p>The staff regains [[/r 1d6 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1. the staff turns to water and is destroyed.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of Healing",
"name": "Staff of Healing",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier: @spell[cure wounds] (1 charge per spell level, up to 4th), @spell[lesser restoration] (2 charges). or @spell[mass cure wounds] (5 charges).</p><p>The staff regains [[/r 1d6 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1. the staff vanishes in a flash of light, lost forever.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of Power",
"name": "Staff of Power",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and spell attack rolls.</p><p>The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. The staff regains [[/r 2d8 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1, the staff retains its +2 bonus to attack and damage roll but loses all other properties. On a 20, the staff regain [[/r 1d8 + 2]] charges.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"1\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Power Strike.</span></span> <p>When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra [[/r 1d6]] force damage to the target.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"2\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Spells.</span></span> <p>While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: @spell[cone of cold] (5 charges), @spell[fireball] (5th-level version, 5 charges), @spell[globe of invulnerability] (6 charges), @spell[hold monster] (5 charges), @spell[levitate] (2 charges). @spell[lightning bolt] (5th-level version, 5 charges), @spell[magic missile] (1 charge), @spell[ray of enfeeblement] (1 charge), or @spell[wall of force] (5 charges).</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"3\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Retributive Strike.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its remaining magic in an explosion that expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>You have a [[/r 1d100]] (50 percent) chance to instantly travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you take force damage equal to 16 × the number of charges in the staff. Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount of damage based on how far away it is from the point of origin, as shown in the following table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.</p><table class=\"rd__table stripe-odd-table\"><thead><tr><th class=\"col-3\" data-rd-isroller=\"false\">Distance from Origin</th><th class=\"col-9\" data-rd-isroller=\"false\">Effect</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td class=\"col-3\">10 ft. away or closer</td><td class=\"col-9\">8 × the number of charges in the staff</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-3\">11 to 20 ft. away</td><td class=\"col-9\">6 × the number of charges in the staff</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-3\">21 to 30 ft. away</td><td class=\"col-9\">4 × the number of charges in the staff</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>"
"id": "Staff of Striking",
"name": "Staff of Striking",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.</p><p>The staff has 10 charges. When you hit with a melee attack using it, you can expend up to 3 of its charges. For each charge you expend, the target takes an extra [[/r 1d6]] force damage. The staff regains [[/r 1d6 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1, the staff becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of Swarming Insects",
"name": "Staff of Swarming Insects",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff has 10 charges and regains [[/r 1d6 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1, a @creature[swarm of insects] consumes and destroys the staff, then disperses.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"4\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Spells.</span></span> <p>While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: @spell[giant insect] (4 charges) or @spell[insect plague] (5 charges).</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"5\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Insect Cloud.</span></span> <p>While holding the staff, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to cause a swarm of harmless flying insects to spread out in a 30-foot radius from you. The insects remain for 10 minutes, making the area heavily obscured for creatures other than you. The swarm moves with you, remaining centered on you. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses the swarm and ends the effect.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Staff of the Adder",
"name": "Staff of the Adder",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You can use a bonus action to speak this staff's command word and make the head of the staff become that of an animate poisonous snake for 1 minute. By using another bonus action to speak the command word again, you return the staff to its normal inanimate form.</p><p>You can make a melee attack using the snake head, which has a reach of 5 feet. Your proficiency bonus applies to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes [[/r 1d6]] piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take [[/r 3d6]] poison damage.</p><p>The snake head can be attacked while it is animate. It has an Armor Class of 15 and 20 hit points. If the head drops to 0 hit points, the staff is destroyed. As long as it's not destroyed, the staff regains all lost hit points when it reverts to its inanimate form.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of the Magi",
"name": "Staff of the Magi",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.</p><p>The staff has 50 charges for the following properties. It regains [[/r 4d6 + 2]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 20, the staff regains [[/r 1d12 + 1]] charges.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"6\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Spell Absorption.</span></span> <p>While holding the staff, you have advantage on saving throws against spells. In addition, you can use your reaction when another creature casts a spell that targets only you. If you do, the staff absorbs the magic of the spell, canceling its effect and gaining a number of charges equal to the absorbed spell's level. However, if doing so brings the staff's total number of charges above 50, the staff explodes as if you activated its retributive strike (see below).</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"7\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Spells.</span></span> <p>While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: @spell[conjure elemental] (7 charges), @spell[dispel magic] (3 charges), @spell[fireball] (7th-level version, 7 charges), @spell[flaming sphere] (2 charges), @spell[ice storm] (4 charges), @spell[invisibility] (2 charges), @spell[knock] (2 charges), @spell[lightning bolt] (7th-level version, 7 charges), @spell[passwall] (5 charges), @spell[plane shift] (7 charges), @spell[telekinesis] (5 charges), @spell[wall of fire] (4 charges), or @spell[web] (2 charges).</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells from the staff without using any charges: @spell[arcane lock], @spell[detect magic], @spell[enlarge/reduce], @spell[light], @spell[mage hand], or @spell[protection from evil and good].</p></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"8\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Retributive Strike.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its remaining magic in an explosion that expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>You have a [[/r 1d100]] (50 percent) chance to instantly travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you take force damage equal to 16 × the number of charges in the staff. Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount of damage based on how far away it is from the point of origin, as shown in the following table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.</p></div><table class=\"rd__table stripe-odd-table\"><thead><tr><th class=\"col-3\" data-rd-isroller=\"false\">Distance from Origin</th><th class=\"col-9\" data-rd-isroller=\"false\">Damage</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td class=\"col-3\">10 ft. away or closer</td><td class=\"col-9\">8 × the number of charges in the staff</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-3\">11 to 20 ft. away</td><td class=\"col-9\">6 × the number of charges in the staff</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-3\">21 to 30 ft. away</td><td class=\"col-9\">4 × the number of charges in the staff</td></tr></tbody></table></div>"
"id": "Staff of the Python",
"name": "Staff of the Python",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You can use an action to speak this staff's command word and throw the staff on the ground within 10 feet of you. The staff becomes a @creature[giant constrictor snake] under your control and acts on its own initiative count. By using a bonus action to speak the command word again, you return the staff to its normal form in a space formerly occupied by the snake.</p><p>On your turn, you can mentally command the snake if it is within 60 feet of you and you aren't @condition[incapacitated]. You decide what action the snake takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue it a general command, such as to attack your enemies or guard a location.</p><p>If the snake is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies and reverts to its staff form. The staff then shatters and is destroyed. If the snake reverts to staff form before losing all its hit points, it regains all of them.</p></div>"
"id": "Staff of the Woodlands",
"name": "Staff of the Woodlands",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.</p><p>The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains [[/r 1d6 + 4]] expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a [[/r d20]]. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"9\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Spells.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: @spell[animal friendship] (1 charge), @spell[awaken] (5 charges), @spell[barkskin] (2 charges), @spell[locate animals or plants] (2 charges), @spell[speak with animals] (1 charge), @spell[speak with plants] (3 charges), or @spell[wall of thorns] (6 charges).</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>You can also use an action to cast the @spell[pass without trace] spell from the staff without using any charges.</p></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"10\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Tree Form.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to plant one end of the staff in fertile earth and expend 1 charge to transform the staff into a healthy tree. The tree is 60 feet tall and has a 5-foot-diameter trunk, and its branches at the top spread out in a 20-foot radius. The tree appears ordinary but radiates a faint aura of transmutation magic if targeted by @spell[detect magic]. While touching the tree and using another action to speak its command word, you return the staff to its normal form. Any creature in the tree falls when it reverts to a staff.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Staff of Thunder and Lightning",
"name": "Staff of Thunder and Lightning",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It also has the following additional properties. When one of these properties is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"11\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Lightning.</span></span> <p>When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can cause the target to take an extra [[/r 2d6]] lightning damage.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"12\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Thunder.</span></span> <p>When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can cause the staff to emit a crack of thunder, audible out to 300 feet. The target you hit must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become @condition[stunned] until the end of your next turn.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"13\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Lightning Strike.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to cause a bolt of lightning to leap from the staff's tip in a line that is 5 feet wide and 120 feet long. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking [[/r 9d6]] lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"14\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Thunderclap.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to cause the staff to issue a deafening thunderclap, audible out to 600 feet. Each creature within 60 feet of you (not including you) must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes [[/r 2d6]] thunder damage and becomes @condition[deafened] for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn't @condition[deafened].</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"15\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Thunder and Lightning.</span></span> <p>You can use an action to use the Lightning Strike and Thunderclap properties at the same time. Doing so doesn't expend the daily use of those properties, only the use of this one.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Staff of Withering",
"name": "Посох иссушения [Staff of withering]",
"description": "<p>У этого посоха 3 заряда, и он ежедневно восстанавливает [[/r 1d3]] заряда на рассвете.</p><p>Этот посох можно использовать как магический боевой посох. При попадании он причиняет урон как обычный боевой посох, и вы можете потратить 1 заряд, чтобы причинить цели дополнительные [[/r 2d10]] урона некротической энергией. Кроме того, цель должна преуспеть в спасброске <strong>Телосложения Сл 15</strong>, иначе она в течение 1 часа будет совершать с помехой проверки характеристик и спасброски, использующие Силу или Телосложение.</p>"
"id": "Wand of Orcus",
"name": "Wand of Orcus",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>The ghastly <i>Wand of Orcus</i> rarely leaves @creature[Orcus|MTF|Orcus's] side. The device, as evil as its creator, shares the demon lord's aims to snuff out the lives of all living things and bind the Material Plane in the stasis of undeath. @creature[Orcus|MTF] allows the wand to slip from his grasp from time to time. When it does, it magically appears wherever its master senses an opportunity to achieve some fell goal.</p><p>Made from bones as hard as iron, the wand is topped with a magically enlarged skull that once belonged to a human hero slain by @creature[Orcus|MTF]. The wand can magically change in size to better conform to the grip of its user. Plants wither, drinks spoil, flesh rots, and vermin thrive in the wand's presence.</p><p>Any creature besides @creature[Orcus|MTF] that tries to attune to the wand must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the creature takes [[/r 10d6]] necrotic damage. On a failed save, the creature dies and rises as a @creature[zombie].</p><p>In the hands of one who is attuned to it, the wand can be wielded as a magic @item[mace|phb] that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The wand deals an extra [[/r 2d12]] necrotic damage on a hit.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"16\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Random Properties.</span></span> <p>The <i>Wand of Orcus</i> has the following random properties:</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">2 @table[Artifact Properties; Minor Beneficial Properties|dmg|minor beneficial properties]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">1 @table[Artifact Properties; Major Beneficial Properties|dmg|major beneficial property]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 @table[Artifact Properties; Minor Detrimental Properties|dmg|minor detrimental properties]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">1 @table[Artifact Properties; Major Detrimental Properties|dmg|major detrimental property]</li></ul><p>The detrimental properties of the <i>Wand of Orcus</i> are suppressed while the wand is attuned to @creature[Orcus|MTF] himself.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"17\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Protection.</span></span> <p>You gain a +3 bonus to Armor Class while holding the wand.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"18\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Spells.</span></span> <p>The wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action and expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) from it: @spell[animate dead] (1 charge), @spell[blight] (2 charges), @spell[circle of death] (3 charges), @spell[finger of death] (3 charges), @spell[power word kill] (4 charges), or @spell[speak with dead] (1 charge). The wand regains [[/r 1d4 + 3]] expended charges daily at dawn.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>While attuned to the wand, @creature[Orcus|MTF] or a follower blessed by him can cast each of the wand's spells using 2 fewer charges (minimum of 0).</p></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"19\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Call Undead.</span></span> <p>While you are holding the wand, you can use an action to conjure @creature[skeleton||skeletons] and @creature[zombie||zombies], calling forth as many of them as you can divide 500 hit points among, each undead having average hit points. The undead magically rise up from the ground or otherwise form in unoccupied spaces within 300 feet of you and obey your commands until they are destroyed or until dawn of the next day, when they collapse into inanimate piles of bones and rotting corpses. Once you use this property of the wand, you can't use it again until the next dawn.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>While attuned to the wand, @creature[Orcus|MTF] can summon any kind of undead, not just skeletons and zombies. The undead don't perish or disappear at dawn the following day, remaining until @creature[Orcus|MTF] dismisses them.</p></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"20\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Sentience.</span></span> <p>The <i>Wand of Orcus</i> is a sentient, chaotic evil item with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and <span class=\"help help--hover\" data-plut-hover=\"true\" data-plut-hover-preload=\"true\" data-plut-hover-preload-id=\"2\">darkvision</span> out to a range of 120 feet.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>The wand communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Abyssal and Common.</p></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"21\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Personality.</span></span> <p>The wand's purpose is to help satisfy @creature[Orcus|MTF|Orcus's] desire to slay everything in the multiverse. The wand is cold, cruel, nihilistic, and bereft of humor. In order to further its master's goals, the wand feigns devotion to its current user and makes grandiose promises that it has no intention of fulfilling, such as vowing to help its user overthrow @creature[Orcus|MTF].</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"22\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Destroying the Wand.</span></span> <p>Destroying the <i>Wand of Orcus</i> requires that it be taken to the Positive Energy Plane by the ancient hero whose skull surmounts it. For this to happen, the long-lost hero must first be restored to life—no easy task, given the fact that @creature[Orcus|MTF] has imprisoned the hero's soul and keeps it hidden and well guarded.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><p>Bathing the wand in positive energy causes it to crack and explode, but unless the above conditions are met, the wand instantly reforms on @creature[Orcus|MTF|Orcus's] layer of the Abyss.</p></div></div>"
"id": "Blowgun",
"name": "Духовая трубка",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Hand Crossbow",
"name": "Ручной арбалет",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Heavy Crossbow",
"name": "Тяжелый арбалет",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Longbow",
"name": "Длинный лук",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Net",
"name": "Сеть",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"65\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Special.</span></span> <p>A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is @condition[restrained] until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a net, you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Oathbow",
"name": "Лук клятвы",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Когда Вы натягиваете тетиву этого лука, он шепчет на Эльфийском языке: «Несу смерть врагам». Если Вы используете это оружие для совершения дальнобойной атаки, Вы можете сказать командную фразу: «Смерть презревшему меня». Цель Вашей атаки становится Вашим заклятым врагом, пока не умрёт, или пока не наступит рассвет по прошествии семи дней. У Вас может быть только один заклятый враг одновременно. Если Ваш заклятый враг умирает, Вы можете выбрать нового после следующего рассвета.</p><p>Если Вы совершаете бросок дальнобойной атаки по заклятому врагу, Вы совершаете его с преимуществом. Кроме того, цель не получает преимуществ от укрытия, кроме полного укрытия, и Вы не получаете штраф за совершение атаки на расстояние, превышающее обычную дистанцию. Если атака попадает, заклятый враг получает дополнительный колющий урон [[/r 3d6]].</p><p>Пока Ваш заклятый враг жив, Вы совершаете с помехой броски атаки всем другим оружием.</p></div>"
"id": "Dart",
"name": "Дротик",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Light Crossbow",
"name": "Легкий арбалет",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Shortbow",
"name": "Короткий лук",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Sling",
"name": "Праща",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"></div>"
"id": "Potion of Vitality",
"name": "Зелье живучести",
"description": "<p>Если вы выпьете это зелье, оно устранит всё имеющееся у вас истощение, а также все болезни и яды, действующие на вас. В течение следующих 24 часов вы восстанавливаете максимум хитов за каждую использованную Кость Хитов. Алая жидкость этого зелья периодически пульсирует, напоминая биение сердца.</p>"
"id": "Potion of Water Breathing",
"name": "Зелье подводного дыхания",
"description": "<p>Вы можете дышать под водой в течение 1 часа после того, как выпьете это зелье. В мутно-зелёной жидкости, пахнущей морем, плавают небольшие пузырьки, похожие на медуз.</p>"
"id": "Dread Helm",
"name": "Шлем ужаса / Dread Helm",
"description": "<p>Этот жуткий стальной шлем заставляет ваши глаза светиться красным, когда вы его носите.</p>"
"id": "Gauntlets of Ogre Power",
"name": "Рукавицы силы огра / Gauntlets of Ogre Power",
"description": "<p>Ваша Сила равна 19, когда вы носите эти латные рукавицы. Они не оказывают на вас эффект, если ваша Сила без них уже 19 или выше.</p>"
"id": "Battering Shield",
"name": "Таранный щит / Battering Shield",
"description": "<div><p>Держа этот железный башенный щит, вы получаете бонус +1 к КД. Этот бонус является дополнением к обычному бонусу щита к КД.</p><p>Кроме того, щит имеет 3 заряда, и он восстанавливает 1к3 израсходованных заряда ежедневно на рассвете. Если вы держите щит и толкаете существо в пределах вашей досягаемости по крайней мере на 5 футов, то вы можете потратить 1 заряд, чтобы оттолкнуть это существо ещё на 10 футов, сбить его с ног или и то, и другое вместе.</p></div>"
"id": "Sapphire Buckler",
"name": "Сапфировый баклер / Sapphire Buckler",
"description": "<p>Этот кристаллический синий щит изготовлен из чешуи сапфирового дракона и создан для того, чтобы помочь искоренять влияние аберраций. Пока вы владеете этим щитом вы получаете сопротивление урону психической энергией и звуком. Кроме того, когда вы получаете урон от существа, которое находится в 5 футах от вас, вы можете использовать свою реакцию, чтобы нанести этому существу [[/r 2d6]]&nbsp;урона звуком.</p><p>Действием вы можете использовать щит для помощи в обнаружении аберраций до конца вашего следующего хода. Если какие-либо аберрации находятся в пределах 1 мили от вас, щит на мгновение издает низкий гудящий сигнал, и вы узнаёте направление ко всем аберрациям в пределах этой дистанции. Вы не можете повторно использовать это свойство щита до следующего рассвета.</p>"
"id": "Shield",
"name": "Щит / Shield",
"description": "<p>Щит изготавливается из дерева или металла, и несётся одной рукой. Использование щита увеличивает КД на 2. Вы получаете преимущество только от одного щита одновременно.</p>"
"id": "Armor of Invulnerability",
"name": "Armor of Invulnerability",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You have resistance to nonmagical damage while you wear this armor. Additionally, you can use an action to make yourself immune to nonmagical damage for 10 minutes or until you are no longer wearing the armor. Once this special action is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Armor of Vulnerability",
"name": "Armor of Vulnerability",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Armor of Vulnerability (Bludgeoning)]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Armor of Vulnerability (Piercing)]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Armor of Vulnerability (Slashing)]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Armor of Vulnerability (Bludgeoning)",
"name": "Armor of Vulnerability (Bludgeoning)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you have resistance to bludgeoning damage.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"5\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Curse.</span></span> <p>This armor is cursed, a fact that is revealed only when an @spell[identify] spell is cast on the armor or you attune to it. Attuning to the armor curses you until you are targeted by the @spell[remove curse] spell or similar magic; removing the armor fails to end the curse. While cursed you have vulnerability to piercing and slashing damage.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Armor of Vulnerability (Piercing)",
"name": "Armor of Vulnerability (Piercing)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you have resistance to piercing damage.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"6\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Curse.</span></span> <p>This armor is cursed, a fact that is revealed only when an @spell[identify] spell is cast on the armor or you attune to it. Attuning to the armor curses you until you are targeted by the @spell[remove curse] spell or similar magic; removing the armor fails to end the curse. While cursed you have vulnerability to bludgeoning and slashing damage.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Armor of Vulnerability (Slashing)",
"name": "Armor of Vulnerability (Slashing)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you have resistance to slashing damage.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"7\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Curse.</span></span> <p>This armor is cursed, a fact that is revealed only when an @spell[identify] spell is cast on the armor or you attune to it. Attuning to the armor curses you until you are targeted by the @spell[remove curse] spell or similar magic; removing the armor fails to end the curse. While cursed you have vulnerability to bludgeoning and piercing damage.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Chain Mail",
"name": "Кольчуга",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Made of interlocking metal rings, chain mail includes a layer of quilted fabric worn underneath the mail to prevent chafing and to cushion the impact of blows. The suit includes gauntlets.</p></div>"
"id": "Demon Armor",
"name": "Demon Armor",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can understand and speak Abyssal. In addition, the armor's clawed gauntlets turn unarmed strikes with your hands into magic weapons that deal slashing damage, with a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and a damage die of [[/r 1d8]].</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"8\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Curse.</span></span> <p>Once you don this cursed armor, you can't doff it unless you are targeted by the @spell[remove curse] spell or similar magic. While wearing the armor, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against demons and on saving throws against their spells and special abilities.</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div></div></div>"
"id": "Dwarven Plate",
"name": "Dwarven Plate",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, if an effect moves you against your will along the ground, you can use your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet.</p></div>"
"id": "Efreeti Chain",
"name": "Efreeti Chain",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you gain a +3 bonus to AC, you are immune to fire damage, and you can understand and speak Primordial. In addition, you can stand on and walk across molten rock as if it were solid ground.</p></div>"
"id": "Plate Armor",
"name": "Латы",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Plate consists of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body. A suit of plate includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and thick layers of padding underneath the armor. Buckles and straps distribute the weight over the body.</p></div>"
"id": "Plate Armor of Etherealness",
"name": "Plate Armor of Etherealness",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While you're wearing this armor, you can speak its command word as an action to gain the effect of the @spell[etherealness] spell, which lasts for 10 minutes or until you remove the armor or use an action to speak the command word again. This property of the armor can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Ring Mail",
"name": "Кольчатый доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This armor is leather armor with heavy rings sewn into it. The rings help reinforce the armor against blows from swords and axes. Ring mail is inferior to chain mail, and it's usually worn only by those who can't afford better armor.</p></div>"
"id": "Splint Armor",
"name": "Пластинчатый доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This armor is made of narrow vertical strips of metal riveted to a backing of leather that is worn over cloth padding. Flexible chain mail protects the joints.</p></div>"
"id": "Glamoured Studded Leather",
"name": "Glamoured Studded Leather",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. You can also use a bonus action to speak the armor's command word and cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor. You decide what it looks like, including color, style, and accessories, but the armor retains its normal bulk and weight. The illusory appearance lasts until you use this property again or remove the armor.</p></div>"
"id": "Leather Armor",
"name": "Кожаный доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>The breastplate and shoulder protectors of this armor are made of leather that has been stiffened by being boiled in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer and more flexible materials.</p></div>"
"id": "Padded Armor",
"name": "Стеганый доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Padded armor consists of quilted layers of cloth and batting.</p></div>"
"id": "Studded Leather Armor",
"name": "Клепаный кожаный доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Made from tough but flexible leather, studded leather is reinforced with close-set rivets or spikes.</p></div>"
"id": "Black Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Black Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to acid damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest black dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Blue Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Blue Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to lightning damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest blue dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Brass Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Brass Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to fire damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest brass dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Breastplate",
"name": "Нагрудник",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This armor consists of a fitted metal chest piece worn with supple leather. Although it leaves the legs and arms relatively unprotected, this armor provides good protection for the wearer's vital organs while leaving the wearer relatively unencumbered.</p></div>"
"id": "Bronze Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Bronze Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to lightning damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest bronze dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Chain Shirt",
"name": "Кольчужная рубаха",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Made of interlocking metal rings, a chain shirt is worn between layers of clothing or leather. This armor offers modest protection to the wearer's upper body and allows the sound of the rings rubbing against one another to be muffled by outer layers.</p></div>"
"id": "Copper Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Copper Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to acid damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest copper dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Black Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Blue Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Brass Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Bronze Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Copper Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Gold Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Green Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Red Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Silver Dragon Scale Mail]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[White Dragon Scale Mail]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Elven Chain",
"name": "Elven Chain",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this armor. You are considered proficient with this armor even if you lack proficiency with medium armor.</p></div>"
"id": "Gold Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Gold Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to fire damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest gold dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Green Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Green Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to poison damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest green dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Half Plate Armor",
"name": "Полулаты",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Half plate consists of shaped metal plates that cover most of the wearer's body. It does not include leg protection beyond simple greaves that are attached with leather straps.</p></div>"
"id": "Hide Armor",
"name": "Шкурный доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This crude armor consists of thick furs and pelts. It is commonly worn by barbarian tribes, evil humanoids, and other folk who lack access to the tools and materials needed to create better armor.</p></div>"
"id": "Red Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Red Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to fire damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest red dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "Scale Mail",
"name": "Чешуйчатый доспех",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This armor consists of a coat and leggings (and perhaps a separate skirt) of leather covered with overlapping pieces of metal, much like the scales of a fish. The suit includes gauntlets.</p></div>"
"id": "Silver Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "Silver Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to cold damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest silver dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "White Dragon Scale Mail",
"name": "White Dragon Scale Mail",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to cold damage.</p><p>Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest white dragon within 30 miles of you. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.</p></div>"
"id": "+1 Ammunition",
"name": "+1 Ammunition",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"1\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Base items.</span></span> <p>This item variant can be applied to the following base items:</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Arrow|PHB] (@item[+1 Arrow|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Blowgun Needle|PHB] (@item[+1 Blowgun Needle|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Crossbow Bolt|PHB] (@item[+1 Crossbow Bolt|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Energy Cell|DMG] (@item[+1 Energy Cell|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Modern Bullet|DMG] (@item[+1 Modern Bullet|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Renaissance Bullet|DMG] (@item[+1 Renaissance Bullet|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Sling Bullet|PHB] (@item[+1 Sling Bullet|DMG])</li></ul></div></div>"
"id": "+2 Ammunition",
"name": "+2 Ammunition",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"2\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Base items.</span></span> <p>This item variant can be applied to the following base items:</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Arrow|PHB] (@item[+2 Arrow|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Blowgun Needle|PHB] (@item[+2 Blowgun Needle|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Crossbow Bolt|PHB] (@item[+2 Crossbow Bolt|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Energy Cell|DMG] (@item[+2 Energy Cell|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Modern Bullet|DMG] (@item[+2 Modern Bullet|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Renaissance Bullet|DMG] (@item[+2 Renaissance Bullet|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Sling Bullet|PHB] (@item[+2 Sling Bullet|DMG])</li></ul></div></div>"
"id": "+3 Ammunition",
"name": "+3 Ammunition",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"3\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Base items.</span></span> <p>This item variant can be applied to the following base items:</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Arrow|PHB] (@item[+3 Arrow|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Blowgun Needle|PHB] (@item[+3 Blowgun Needle|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Crossbow Bolt|PHB] (@item[+3 Crossbow Bolt|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Energy Cell|DMG] (@item[+3 Energy Cell|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Modern Bullet|DMG] (@item[+3 Modern Bullet|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Renaissance Bullet|DMG] (@item[+3 Renaissance Bullet|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Sling Bullet|PHB] (@item[+3 Sling Bullet|DMG])</li></ul></div></div>"
"id": "Arrow",
"name": "Стрела",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Arrow of Slaying (*)",
"name": "Arrow of Slaying (*)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p><i class=\"ve-muted\">* This generic variant has the same name and source as the item @item[arrow of slaying]</i>.</p><p>An <i>arrow of slaying</i> is a magic weapon meant to slay a particular kind of creature. Some are more focused than others; for example, there are both <i>arrows of dragon slaying</i> and <i>arrows of blue dragon slaying</i>. If a creature belonging to the type, race, or group associated with an <i>arrow of slaying</i> takes damage from the arrow, the creature must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking an extra [[/r 6d10]] piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much extra damage on a successful one.</p><p>Once an <i>arrow of slaying</i> deals its extra damage to a creature, it becomes a nonmagical arrow.</p><p>Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist, such as bolts of slaying meant for a crossbow, though arrows are most common.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"4\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Base items.</span></span> <p>This item variant can be applied to the following base items:</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Arrow|PHB] (@item[Arrow of Slaying|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Blowgun Needle|PHB] (@item[Blowgun Needle of Slaying|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Crossbow Bolt|PHB] (@item[Crossbow Bolt of Slaying|DMG])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Sling Bullet|PHB] (@item[Sling Bullet of Slaying|DMG])</li></ul></div></div>"
"id": "Arrows (20)",
"name": "Стрелы (20)",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Blowgun Needle",
"name": "Игла для трубки",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Blowgun Needles (50)",
"name": "Иглы для трубки (50)",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Crossbow Bolt",
"name": "Арбалетные болт",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Crossbow Bolts (20)",
"name": "Арбалетные болты (20)",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Silvered Ammunition",
"name": "Silvered Ammunition",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Some monsters that have immunity or resistance to nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver ammunition, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their ammunition in silver. You can silver ten pieces of ammunition for 100 gp. This cost represents not only the price of the silver, but the time and expertise needed to add silver to the ammunition without making it less effective.</p><div class=\"rd__b rd__b--3\"><span class=\"rd__h rd__h--3\" data-title-index=\"5\"> <span class=\"entry-title-inner\">Base items.</span></span> <p>This item variant can be applied to the following base items:</p><div class=\"rd__spc-inline-post\"></div><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Arrow|PHB] (@item[Silvered Arrow|PHB])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Blowgun Needle|PHB] (@item[Silvered Blowgun Needle|PHB])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Crossbow Bolt|PHB] (@item[Silvered Crossbow Bolt|PHB])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Modern Bullet|DMG] (@item[Silvered Modern Bullet|PHB])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Renaissance Bullet|DMG] (@item[Silvered Renaissance Bullet|PHB])</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Sling Bullet|PHB] (@item[Silvered Sling Bullet|PHB])</li></ul></div></div>"
"id": "Sling Bullets (20)",
"name": "Ядра для пращи (20)",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Instrument of Illusions",
"name": "Инструмент иллюзий / Instrument of Illusions",
"description": "Когда вы играете на этом инструменте, вы можете создавать безвредные иллюзорные визуальные эффекты в пределах сферы радиусом 5 футов с центром на инструменте. Если вы бард, радиус возрастает до 15 футов. Примеры визуальных эффектов: светящиеся ноты в воздухе, призрачная танцовщица, бабочки или медленно падающие хлопья снега. Магические эффекты неосязаемы и не издают звуков, кроме того, их иллюзорность очевидна. Эффекты заканчиваются, когда вы перестаёте играть."
"id": "Necklace of Fireballs",
"name": "Ожерелье огненных шаров / Necklace of Fireballs",
"description": "<p>На этом ожерелье висят [[/r 1d6+3]] бусины. Вы можете действием оторвать одну бусину и метнуть её на расстояние до 60 футов. Достигнув конечной точки, бусина детонирует как заклинание&nbsp;<a href=\"\">огненный шар [fireball]</a>&nbsp;3-го уровня (Сл спасброска 15).</p><p>Вы можете метнуть одним действием сразу несколько бусин или даже всё ожерелье. При этом увеличьте уровень&nbsp;<em>огненного шара</em>&nbsp;на 1 за каждую бусину после первой.</p>"
"id": "Abacus",
"name": "Счёты",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Acid (vial)",
"name": "Кислота",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы можете действием выплеснуть содержимое этого сосуда на существо, находящееся в пределах 5 футов от вас, или метнуть сосуд на расстояние до 20 футов, чтобы он разбился от удара. В любом случае совершите дальнобойную атаку против существа или предмета, считая кислоту импровизированным оружием. При попадании цель получает урон кислотой [[/r 2d6]].</p></div>"
"id": "Alchemist's Fire (flask)",
"name": "Алхимический огонь",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Эта вязкая и клейкая жидкость воспламеняется при контакте с воздухом. Вы можете действием метнуть фляжку на расстояние до 20 футов, разбив её от удара. Совершите дальнобойную атаку по существу или предмету, считая алхимический огонь импровизированным оружием. При попадании цель получает урон огнём [[/r 1d4]] в начале каждого своего хода. Существо может окончить этот урон, потратив действие на тушение пламени, и совершив проверку Ловкости Сл 10.</p></div>"
"id": "Antitoxin (vial)",
"name": "Противоядие",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Существо, выпившее жидкость из этого флакона, в течение часа совершает спасброски от яда с преимуществом. Оно не предоставляет преимущества нежити и конструктам.</p></div>"
"id": "Assassin's Blood",
"name": "Assassin's Blood",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 6 ([[/r 1d12]]) poison damage and is @condition[poisoned] for 24 hours. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn't @condition[poisoned].</p></div>"
"id": "Backpack",
"name": "Рюкзак",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>1 фт³/30 фунтов</p></div>"
"id": "Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000)",
"name": "Шарики, 1000",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы можете действием рассыпать из этого мешка крохотные металлические шарики, покрыв площадь 10 × 10 футов. Существа, перемещающиеся по этой области, должны преуспеть в спасброске Ловкости Сл 10, иначе они падают ничком. Существо, перемещающееся по этой области с уменьшенной вдвое скоростью, не обязано совершать спасбросок.</p></div>"
"id": "Barrel",
"name": "Бочка",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A barrel can hold 40 gallons of liquid or 4 cubic feet of solids.</p></div>"
"id": "Basic Poison (vial)",
"name": "Яд, простой",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы можете покрыть ядом из этого флакона одно рубящее или колющее оружие или три боеприпаса. Наносится яд одним действием. Существо, по которому попадёт отравленное оружие или боеприпас, должно совершить спасбросок Телосложения Сл 10, получая в случае провала урон ядом [[/r 1d4]]. Нанесённый яд эффективен 1 минуту, после чего высыхает.</p></div>"
"id": "Basket",
"name": "Корзина",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A basket holds 2 cubic feet or 40 pounds of gear.</p></div>"
"id": "Bedroll",
"name": "Спальный мешок",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Bell",
"name": "Колокольчик",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Blanket",
"name": "Одеяло",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Block and Tackle",
"name": "Блок и лебёдка",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Набор блоков и тросов с крюками для подвешивания предметов. Блок и лебёдка позволяют вам поднять в четыре раза больше, чем обычно.</p></div>"
"id": "Book",
"name": "Книга",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В книге могут быть стихи, документальные сведения, информация о чём-либо, диаграммы и заметки о гномьих приспособлениях, или что угодно другое, представленное текстом и картинками. Книга с заклинаниями — другое дело: @item[spellbook|phb].</p></div>"
"id": "Bucket",
"name": "Ведро",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A bucket holds 3 gallons of liquid or ½ cubic foot of solids.</p></div>"
"id": "Bullseye Lantern",
"name": "Фонарь, направленный",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Направленный фонарь испускает яркий свет 60-футовым конусом и тусклый свет в пределах еще 60 футов. Зажжённый фонарь горит 6 часов от одной фляги (1 пинта [0,5 литра]) масла.</p></div>"
"id": "Burglar's Pack",
"name": "Набор взломщика",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[backpack|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[Ball Bearings (Bag of 1,000)|phb|bag of 1,000 ball bearings]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 feet of string</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[bell|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">5 @item[candle|phb|candles]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[crowbar|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[hammer|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 @item[piton|phb|pitons]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[hooded lantern|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 @item[Oil (flask)|phb|flasks of oil]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">5 days @item[Rations (1 day)|phb|rations]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[tinderbox|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[waterskin|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Hempen Rope (50 feet)|phb|50 feet of hempen rope]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Burnt Othur Fumes",
"name": "Burnt Othur Fumes",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 10 ([[/r 3d6]]) poison damage, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each successive failed save, the character takes 3 ([[/r 1d6]]) poison damage. After three successful saves, the poison ends.</p></div>"
"id": "Caltrop",
"name": "Калтропы",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы можете действием рассыпать сумку калтропов по площади в 5 × 5 футов. Все существа, входящие в эту область, должны преуспеть в спасброске Ловкости Сл 15, иначе они останавливаются и получают колющий урон 1. Пока это существо не восстановит как минимум 1 хит, его скорость ходьбы уменьшена на 10 футов. Существо, перемещающееся по этой области с уменьшенной вдвое скоростью, не обязано совершать спасбросок.</p></div>"
"id": "Caltrops (bag of 20)",
"name": "Калтропы (20)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>As an action, you can spread a single bag of caltrops to cover a 5-foot-square area. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.</p></div>"
"id": "Candle",
"name": "Свеча",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В течение 1 часа свеча испускает яркий свет в пределах радиуса 5 футов и тусклый свет в пределах еще 5 футов.</p></div>"
"id": "Carrion Crawler Mucus",
"name": "Carrion Crawler Mucus",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This poison must be harvested from a dead or @condition[incapacitated] @creature[carrion crawler]. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be @condition[poisoned] for 1 minute. The @condition[poisoned] creature is @condition[paralyzed]. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.</p></div>"
"id": "Chain (10 feet)",
"name": "Цепь (10 фут.)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>У цепи 10 хитов. Её можно порвать успешной проверкой Силы Сл 20.</p></div>"
"id": "Chalk (1 piece)",
"name": "Мел",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Chest",
"name": "Сундук",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A chest holds 12 cubic feet or 300 pounds of gear.</p></div>"
"id": "Climber's Kit",
"name": "Набор верхолаза",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В набор для лазания входят шлямбуры, накладные подошвы, перчатки и страховочная привязь. Вы можете действием использовать набор для лазания, чтобы закрепиться на высоте; если вы делаете это, вы не можете упасть более чем на 25 футов от того места, где закрепились, но и не можете подняться выше 25 футов от этого места, не открепившись.</p></div>"
"id": "Common Clothes",
"name": "Одежда, повседневная",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Component Pouch",
"name": "Сумка с реагентами",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Мешочек с компонентами это маленький водонепроницаемый кожаный поясной кошель с отделениями для хранения материальных компонентов и других особых предметов, нужных для накладывания заклинаний, если только у этих компонентов не указана стоимость (смотрите описание заклинания).</p></div>"
"id": "Costume Clothes",
"name": "Одежда, сценический костюм",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Crossbow Bolt Case",
"name": "Контейнер для арбалетных болтов",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В этот деревянный контейнер помещаются 20 @item[crossbow bolt|phb|crossbow bolts].</p></div>"
"id": "Crowbar",
"name": "Ломик",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Использование ломика позволяет совершать проверки Силы с преимуществом, если рычаг должен помочь.</p></div>"
"id": "Diplomat's Pack",
"name": "Набор дипломата",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[chest|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 @item[Map or Scroll Case|phb|cases for maps and scrolls]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a set of @item[fine clothes|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|bottle of ink]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">an @item[ink pen|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[lamp|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 @item[Oil (flask)|phb|flasks of oil]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">5 @item[Paper (one sheet)|phb|sheets of paper]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[Perfume (vial)|phb|vial of perfume]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[sealing wax|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[soap|phb]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Drow Poison",
"name": "Яд дроу",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This poison is typically made only by the @creature[drow], and only in a place far removed from sunlight. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be @condition[poisoned] for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also @condition[unconscious] while @condition[poisoned] in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.</p></div>"
"id": "Dungeoneer's Pack",
"name": "Набор исследователя подземелий",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[backpack|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[crowbar|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[hammer|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 @item[piton|phb|pitons]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 @item[torch|phb|torches]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[tinderbox|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 days of @item[Rations (1 day)|phb|rations]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[waterskin|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Hempen Rope (50 feet)|phb|50 feet of hempen rope]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Entertainer's Pack",
"name": "Набор артиста",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[backpack|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[bedroll|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 @item[Costume Clothes|phb|costumes]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">5 @item[candle|phb|candles]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">5 days of @item[Rations (1 day)|phb|rations]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[waterskin|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[disguise kit|phb]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Essence of Ether",
"name": "Эссенция эфира",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become @condition[poisoned] for 8 hours. The @condition[poisoned] creature is @condition[unconscious]. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.</p></div>"
"id": "Explorer's Pack",
"name": "Набор путешественника",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[backpack|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[bedroll|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[mess kit|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[tinderbox|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 @item[torch|phb|torches]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 days of @item[Rations (1 day)|phb|rations]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[waterskin|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">@item[Hempen Rope (50 feet)|phb|50 feet of hempen rope]</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Fine Clothes",
"name": "Одежда, парадная",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Fishing Tackle",
"name": "Рыболовные снасти",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В этот набор входит удилище, шёлковая леска, пробковый поплавок, стальные крючки, свинцовые грузила, приманки из ниток и мелкоячеистая сеть.</p></div>"
"id": "Flask",
"name": "Фляга",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A flask holds 1 pint of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Glass Bottle",
"name": "Бутылка, стеклянная",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A bottle holds 1½ pints of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Grappling Hook",
"name": "Крюк-кошка",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Hammer",
"name": "Молоток",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Healer's Kit",
"name": "Набор лекаря",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Это кожаный кошель с бинтами, мазями и шинами. Набор годится для десяти использований. Вы можете действием потратить одно использование набора для стабилизации существа, у которого 0 хитов, не совершая проверку Мудрости (Медицина).</p></div>"
"id": "Hempen Rope (50 feet)",
"name": "Верёвка пеньковая (50 футов)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>У верёвки, сделанной из пеньки или шёлка, 2 хита, и её можно порвать проверкой Силы Сл 17.</p></div>"
"id": "Holy Water (flask)",
"name": "Святая вода",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы можете действием облить содержимым этой фляги существо, находящееся в пределах 5 футов, или кинуть флягу на 20 футов, ломая при ударе. Совершите дальнобойную атаку по целевому существу, считая святую воду импровизированным оружием. Если цель — изверг или нежить, она получает урон излучением [[/r 2d6]]. Жрец или паладин может создать святую воду, исполнив особый ритуал. Этот ритуал исполняется 1 час, использует толчёное серебро на 25 зм и требует, чтобы заклинатель потратил ячейку заклинаний 1 уровня.</p></div>"
"id": "Hooded Lantern",
"name": "Фонарь, обычный",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Закрытый фонарь испускает яркий свет в пределах 30 футов и тусклый свет в пределах еще 30 футов. Зажжённый фонарь горит 6 часов от одной фляги (1 пинта [0,5 литра]) масла. Вы можете действием опустить козырёк, уменьшив освещение до тусклого света в пределах 5 футов.</p></div>"
"id": "Hourglass",
"name": "Песочные часы",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Hunting Trap",
"name": "Капкан",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Если вы действием установите эту ловушку, она образует стальное кольцо с зазубренными краями, которая захлопывается, когда в её центр наступает существо. Капкан привязывается толстой цепью к неподвижному предмету, такому как дерево или колышек, вбитый в землю. Существо, наступившее в центр, должно преуспеть в спасброске Ловкости Сл 13, иначе оно получает колющий урон 1к4 и прекращает перемещение. Впоследствии, пока существо не высвободится из ловушки, его перемещения ограничены длиной цепи (обычно 1 метр). Любое существо может действием совершить проверку Силы Сл 13, чтобы высвободить себя или другое существо, находящееся в пределах досягаемости. Каждая проваленная проверка причиняет пойманному существу колющий урон 1.</p></div>"
"id": "Ink (1-ounce bottle)",
"name": "Чернила",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Ink (1-ounce bottle)</p></div>"
"id": "Ink Pen",
"name": "Перо",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Iron Pot",
"name": "Котелок, чугунный",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>An iron pot holds 1 gallon of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Iron Spike",
"name": "Шип железный",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Iron Spikes (10)",
"name": "Шипы железные (10)",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Jug",
"name": "Кувшин",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A jug holds 1 gallon of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Ladder (10-foot)",
"name": "Лестница (10-foot)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Ladder (10-foot)</p></div>"
"id": "Lamp",
"name": "Лампа",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Лампа испускает яркий свет в пределах 15 футов и тусклый свет в пределах еще 30 футов. Зажжённая лампа горит 6 часов от одной фляги (1 пинта [0,5 литра]) масла.</p></div>"
"id": "Lock",
"name": "Замок",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вместе с замком идёт и ключ. Без ключа существо, владеющее воровскими инструментами, может вскрыть замок успешной проверкой Ловкости Сл 15. Мастер может решить, что есть более качественные замки, стоящие больше.</p></div>"
"id": "Magnifying Glass",
"name": "Увеличительное стекло",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Эта линза позволяет разглядывать маленькие предметы. Линзу также можно использовать для замены кремня и кресала. Разжигание огня увеличительным стеклом требует света, яркого как свет солнца, трута для розжига и примерно 5 минут. Увеличительное стекло позволяет совершать с преимуществом проверки характеристик, сделанных для оценки или исследования мелких и высокодетализированных предметов.</p></div>"
"id": "Malice",
"name": "Malice",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become @condition[poisoned] for 1 hour. The @condition[poisoned] creature is @condition[blinded].</p></div>"
"id": "Manacles",
"name": "Кандалы",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Each set of manacles comes with one key. Without the key, a creature proficient with @item[thieves' tools|PHB] can pick the manacles' lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Manacles have 15 hit points.</p></div>"
"id": "Map or Scroll Case",
"name": "Тубус (для свитков и карт)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В этом цилиндрическом кожаном тубусе может храниться до десяти скрученных @item[paper (one sheet)|phb|sheets of paper] или пять скрученных @item[parchment (one sheet)|phb|sheets of parchment].</p></div>"
"id": "Merchant's Scale",
"name": "Весы, торговые",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В набор входят рычажные весы, чашки и набор грузиков на 2 фунта. С их помощью можно точно измерять вес небольших предметов, таких как драгоценные металлы или товары.</p></div>"
"id": "Mess Kit",
"name": "Столовый набор",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В этой небольшой коробке находится чашка и простые столовые приборы. Коробка раскрывается, и одна сторона может использоваться как сковорода, а другая — как тарелка или неглубокая миска.</p></div>"
"id": "Midnight Tears",
"name": "Midnight Tears",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature that ingests this poison suffers no effect until the stroke of midnight. If the poison has not been neutralized before then, the creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 31 ([[/r 9d6]]) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p></div>"
"id": "Miner's Pick",
"name": "Кирка",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Oil (flask)",
"name": "Масло",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Обычно масло продаётся в глиняных флягах по 1 пинте (0,5 литра). Вы можете действием облить маслом из фляги существо, находящееся в пределах 5 футов, или кинуть её на 20 футов, ломая при ударе. Совершите дальнобойную атаку по целевому существу или предмету, считая масло импровизированным оружием. При попадании цель покрывается маслом. Если цель получает урон огнём, пока масло не высохло (1 минута), она получает дополнительный урон огнём 5 от горящего масла. Вы можете также вылить фляжку масла на землю, покрыв площадь 5 × 5 футов, при условии, что пол ровный. Если теперь масло поджечь, оно горит 2 раунда и причиняет урон огнём 5 всем существам, входящим в эту область или оканчивающим в ней ход. Существо может получить этот урон только один раз за ход.</p></div>"
"id": "Oil of Taggit",
"name": "Oil of Taggit",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become @condition[poisoned] for 24 hours. The @condition[poisoned] creature is @condition[unconscious]. The creature wakes up if it takes damage.</p></div>"
"id": "Pale Tincture",
"name": "Pale Tincture",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 3 ([[/r 1d6]]) poison damage and become @condition[poisoned]. The @condition[poisoned] creature must repeat the saving throw every 24 hours, taking 3 ([[/r 1d6]]) poison damage on a failed save. Until this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can't be healed by any means. After seven successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can heal normally.</p></div>"
"id": "Paper (one sheet)",
"name": "Бумага",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Parchment (one sheet)",
"name": "Пергамент",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Perfume (vial)",
"name": "Духи",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Pitcher",
"name": "Кувшин",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A pitcher holds 1 gallon of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Piton",
"name": "Колышек",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Pole (10-foot)",
"name": "Шест (10-foot)",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Portable Ram",
"name": "Таран, ручной",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Вы можете вышибать портативным тараном двери. Вы получаете бонус +4 к проверкам Силы. Если другой персонаж помогает вам использовать таран, вы совершаете проверку с преимуществом.</p></div>"
"id": "Pouch",
"name": "Кошель",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В кожаном или тканевом кошеле поместится 20 @item[sling bullet|phb|sling bullets] или 50 @item[blowgun needle|phb|blowgun needles], а также другие вещи. Кошель с отделениями для хранения компонентов заклинаний называется @item[component pouch|phb]. Кошель может содержать до 6 фунтов вещей.</p></div>"
"id": "Priest's Pack",
"name": "Набор священника",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[backpack|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[blanket|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 @item[candle|phb|candles]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[tinderbox|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">an alms box</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 blocks of incense</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a censer</li><li class=\"rd__li \">vestments</li><li class=\"rd__li \">2 days of @item[Rations (1 day)|phb|rations]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[waterskin|phb].</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Purple Worm Poison",
"name": "Purple Worm Poison",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This poison must be harvested from a dead or @condition[incapacitated] @creature[purple worm]. A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 ([[/r 12d6]]) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p></div>"
"id": "Quiver",
"name": "Колчан",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В колчан помещается 20 @item[arrow|phb|arrows].</p></div>"
"id": "Rations (1 day)",
"name": "Сухой паёк",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Рационы состоят из обезвоженной пищи, подходящей для путешествий, включая вяленое мясо, сухофрукты, галеты и орехи.</p></div>"
"id": "Robes",
"name": "Мантия",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Sack",
"name": "Мешок",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A sack can hold up to 1 cubic foot or 30 pounds of gear.</p></div>"
"id": "Scholar's Pack",
"name": "Набор учёного",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Includes:</p><ul class=\"rd__list\"><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[backpack|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[book|phb] of lore</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a @item[Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|bottle of ink]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">an @item[ink pen|phb]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">10 @item[Parchment (one sheet)|phb|sheets of parchment]</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a little bag of sand</li><li class=\"rd__li \">a small knife.</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Sealing Wax",
"name": "Сургуч",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Serpent Venom",
"name": "Serpent Venom",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This poison must be harvested from a dead or @condition[incapacitated] @creature[giant poisonous snake]. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 ([[/r 3d6]]) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p></div>"
"id": "Shovel",
"name": "Лопата",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Signal Whistle",
"name": "Свисток",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Signet Ring",
"name": "Перстень-печатка",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Silk Rope (50 feet)",
"name": "Верёвка шёлковая (50 feet)",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check.</p></div>"
"id": "Sledgehammer",
"name": "Молот, кузнечный",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Soap",
"name": "Мыло",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Spellbook",
"name": "Книга заклинаний",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Книги заклинаний очень важны для волшебников. Это переплетённые кожей тома, содержащие 100 пустых пергаментных страниц, на которых можно записывать заклинания.</p></div>"
"id": "Spyglass",
"name": "Подзорная труба",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Предметы, на которые смотрят в подзорную трубу, увеличиваются в два раза.</p></div>"
"id": "Steel Mirror",
"name": "Зеркало, стальное",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Tankard",
"name": "Кружка",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A tankard holds 1 pint of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Tinderbox",
"name": "Трутница",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В этом небольшом контейнере находится кремень, кресало и трут (обычно это сухая тряпка, вымоченная в масле), используемые для разжигания огня. Использование его для разжигания факела — или чего-нибудь другого, легковоспламеняющегося — требует одного действия. Разжигание другого огня требует 1 минуты.</p></div>"
"id": "Torch",
"name": "Факел",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>Факел горит 1 час, испуская яркий свет в пределах 20 футов и тусклый свет в пределах еще 20 футов. Если вы совершаете рукопашную атаку горящим факелом и попадаете, он причиняет урон огнём 1.</p></div>"
"id": "Torpor",
"name": "Torpor",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become @condition[poisoned] for [[/r 4d6]] hours. The @condition[poisoned] creature is @condition[incapacitated].</p></div>"
"id": "Traveler's Clothes",
"name": "Одежда путешественника",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Trinket",
"name": "Trinket",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>When you make your character, you can roll once on the Trinkets table to gain a trinket, a simple item lightly touched by mystery. The DM might also use this table. It can help stock a room in a dungeon or fill a creatures pockets.</p><table class=\"rd__table stripe-odd-table\"><caption>Player's Handbook Trinket Table</caption><thead><tr><th class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-rd-isroller=\"true\">[[/r d100]]</th><th class=\"col-11\" data-rd-isroller=\"false\">Trinket</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"1\" data-roll-max=\"1\">01</td><td class=\"col-11\">A mummified goblin hand</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"2\" data-roll-max=\"2\">02</td><td class=\"col-11\">A piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"3\" data-roll-max=\"3\">03</td><td class=\"col-11\">A gold coin minted in an unknown land</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"4\" data-roll-max=\"4\">04</td><td class=\"col-11\">A diary written in a language you don't know</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"5\" data-roll-max=\"5\">05</td><td class=\"col-11\">A brass ring that never tarnishes</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"6\" data-roll-max=\"6\">06</td><td class=\"col-11\">An old chess piece made from glass</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"7\" data-roll-max=\"7\">07</td><td class=\"col-11\">A pair of knucklebone dice, each with a skull symbol on the side that would normally show six pips</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"8\" data-roll-max=\"8\">08</td><td class=\"col-11\">A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"9\" data-roll-max=\"9\">09</td><td class=\"col-11\">A rope necklace from which dangles four mummified elf fingers</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"10\" data-roll-max=\"10\">10</td><td class=\"col-11\">The deed for a parcel of land in a realm unknown to you</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"11\" data-roll-max=\"11\">11</td><td class=\"col-11\">A 1-ounce block made from an unknown material</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"12\" data-roll-max=\"12\">12</td><td class=\"col-11\">A small cloth doll skewered with needles</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"13\" data-roll-max=\"13\">13</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tooth from an unknown beast</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"14\" data-roll-max=\"14\">14</td><td class=\"col-11\">An enormous scale, perhaps from a dragon</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"15\" data-roll-max=\"15\">15</td><td class=\"col-11\">A bright green feather</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"16\" data-roll-max=\"16\">16</td><td class=\"col-11\">An old divination card bearing your likeness</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"17\" data-roll-max=\"17\">17</td><td class=\"col-11\">A glass orb filled with moving smoke</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"18\" data-roll-max=\"18\">18</td><td class=\"col-11\">A 1-pound egg with a bright red shell</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"19\" data-roll-max=\"19\">19</td><td class=\"col-11\">A pipe that blows bubbles</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"20\" data-roll-max=\"20\">20</td><td class=\"col-11\">A glass jar containing a weird bit of flesh floating in pickling fluid</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"21\" data-roll-max=\"21\">21</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a song you dimly remember from your childhood</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"22\" data-roll-max=\"22\">22</td><td class=\"col-11\">A small wooden statuette of a smug halfling</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"23\" data-roll-max=\"23\">23</td><td class=\"col-11\">A brass orb etched with strange runes</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"24\" data-roll-max=\"24\">24</td><td class=\"col-11\">A multicolored stone disk</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"25\" data-roll-max=\"25\">25</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny silver icon of a raven</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"26\" data-roll-max=\"26\">26</td><td class=\"col-11\">A bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth, one of which is rotten</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"27\" data-roll-max=\"27\">27</td><td class=\"col-11\">A shard of obsidian that always feels warm to the touch</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"28\" data-roll-max=\"28\">28</td><td class=\"col-11\">A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"29\" data-roll-max=\"29\">29</td><td class=\"col-11\">A pair of old socks</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"30\" data-roll-max=\"30\">30</td><td class=\"col-11\">A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance or marking</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"31\" data-roll-max=\"31\">31</td><td class=\"col-11\">A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed star</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"32\" data-roll-max=\"32\">32</td><td class=\"col-11\">A knife that belonged to a relative</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"33\" data-roll-max=\"33\">33</td><td class=\"col-11\">A glass vial filled with nail clippings</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"34\" data-roll-max=\"34\">34</td><td class=\"col-11\">A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal cups on one end that throws sparks when wet</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"35\" data-roll-max=\"35\">35</td><td class=\"col-11\">A white, sequined glove sized for a human</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"36\" data-roll-max=\"36\">36</td><td class=\"col-11\">A vest with one hundred tiny pockets</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"37\" data-roll-max=\"37\">37</td><td class=\"col-11\">A small, weightless stone block</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"38\" data-roll-max=\"38\">38</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny sketch portrait of a goblin</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"39\" data-roll-max=\"39\">39</td><td class=\"col-11\">An empty glass vial that smells of perfume when opened</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"40\" data-roll-max=\"40\">40</td><td class=\"col-11\">A gemstone that looks like a lump of coal when examined by anyone but you</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"41\" data-roll-max=\"41\">41</td><td class=\"col-11\">A scrap of cloth from an old banner</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"42\" data-roll-max=\"42\">42</td><td class=\"col-11\">A rank insignia from a lost legionnaire</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"43\" data-roll-max=\"43\">43</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny silver bell without a clapper</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"44\" data-roll-max=\"44\">44</td><td class=\"col-11\">A mechanical canary inside a gnomish lamp</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"45\" data-roll-max=\"45\">45</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny chest carved to look like it has numerous feet on the bottom</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"46\" data-roll-max=\"46\">46</td><td class=\"col-11\">A dead @creature[sprite] inside a clear glass bottle</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"47\" data-roll-max=\"47\">47</td><td class=\"col-11\">A metal can that has no opening but sounds as if it is filled with liquid, sand, spiders, or broken glass (your choice)</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"48\" data-roll-max=\"48\">48</td><td class=\"col-11\">A glass orb filled with water, in which swims a clockwork goldfish</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"49\" data-roll-max=\"49\">49</td><td class=\"col-11\">A silver spoon with an 'M' engraved on the handle</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"50\" data-roll-max=\"50\">50</td><td class=\"col-11\">A whistle made from gold-colored wood</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"51\" data-roll-max=\"51\">51</td><td class=\"col-11\">A dead scarab beetle the size of your hand</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"52\" data-roll-max=\"52\">52</td><td class=\"col-11\">Two toy soldiers, one with a missing head </td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"53\" data-roll-max=\"53\">53</td><td class=\"col-11\">A small box filled with different-sized buttons</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"54\" data-roll-max=\"54\">54</td><td class=\"col-11\">A candle that can't be lit</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"55\" data-roll-max=\"55\">55</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny cage with no door</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"56\" data-roll-max=\"56\">56</td><td class=\"col-11\">An old key</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"57\" data-roll-max=\"57\">57</td><td class=\"col-11\">An indecipherable treasure map</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"58\" data-roll-max=\"58\">58</td><td class=\"col-11\">A hilt from a broken sword</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"59\" data-roll-max=\"59\">59</td><td class=\"col-11\">A rabbit's foot</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"60\" data-roll-max=\"60\">60</td><td class=\"col-11\">A glass eye</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"61\" data-roll-max=\"61\">61</td><td class=\"col-11\">A cameo carved in the likeness of a hideous person</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"62\" data-roll-max=\"62\">62</td><td class=\"col-11\">A silver skull the size of a coin</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"63\" data-roll-max=\"63\">63</td><td class=\"col-11\">An alabaster mask</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"64\" data-roll-max=\"64\">64</td><td class=\"col-11\">A pyramid of sticky black incense that smells very bad</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"65\" data-roll-max=\"65\">65</td><td class=\"col-11\">A nightcap that, when worn, gives you pleasant dreams</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"66\" data-roll-max=\"66\">66</td><td class=\"col-11\">A single caltrop made from bone</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"67\" data-roll-max=\"67\">67</td><td class=\"col-11\">A gold monocle frame without the lens</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"68\" data-roll-max=\"68\">68</td><td class=\"col-11\">A 1-inch cube, each side painted a different color</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"69\" data-roll-max=\"69\">69</td><td class=\"col-11\">A crystal knob from a door</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"70\" data-roll-max=\"70\">70</td><td class=\"col-11\">A small packet filled with pink dust</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"71\" data-roll-max=\"71\">71</td><td class=\"col-11\">A fragment of a beautiful song, written as musical notes on two pieces of parchment</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"72\" data-roll-max=\"72\">72</td><td class=\"col-11\">A silver teardrop earring made from a real teardrop</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"73\" data-roll-max=\"73\">73</td><td class=\"col-11\">The shell of an egg painted with scenes of human misery in disturbing detail</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"74\" data-roll-max=\"74\">74</td><td class=\"col-11\">A fan that, when unfolded, shows a sleeping cat</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"75\" data-roll-max=\"75\">75</td><td class=\"col-11\">A set of bone pipes</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"76\" data-roll-max=\"76\">76</td><td class=\"col-11\">A four-leaf clover pressed inside a book discussing manners and etiquette</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"77\" data-roll-max=\"77\">77</td><td class=\"col-11\">A sheet of parchment upon which is drawn a complex mechanical contraption</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"78\" data-roll-max=\"78\">78</td><td class=\"col-11\">An ornate scabbard that fits no blade you have found so far</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"79\" data-roll-max=\"79\">79</td><td class=\"col-11\">An invitation to a party where a murder happened</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"80\" data-roll-max=\"80\">80</td><td class=\"col-11\">A bronze pentacle with an etching of a rat's head in its center</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"81\" data-roll-max=\"81\">81</td><td class=\"col-11\">A purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful @creature[archmage]</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"82\" data-roll-max=\"82\">82</td><td class=\"col-11\">Half of a floorplan for a temple, castle, or some other structure</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"83\" data-roll-max=\"83\">83</td><td class=\"col-11\">A bit of folded cloth that, when unfolded, turns into a stylish cap</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"84\" data-roll-max=\"84\">84</td><td class=\"col-11\">A receipt of deposit at a bank in a far-flung city</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"85\" data-roll-max=\"85\">85</td><td class=\"col-11\">A diary with seven missing pages</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"86\" data-roll-max=\"86\">86</td><td class=\"col-11\">An empty silver snuffbox bearing an inscription on the surface that says \"dreams\"</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"87\" data-roll-max=\"87\">87</td><td class=\"col-11\">An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"88\" data-roll-max=\"88\">88</td><td class=\"col-11\">A book that tells the story of a legendary hero's rise and fall, with the last chapter missing</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"89\" data-roll-max=\"89\">89</td><td class=\"col-11\">A vial of dragon blood</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"90\" data-roll-max=\"90\">90</td><td class=\"col-11\">An ancient arrow of elven design</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"91\" data-roll-max=\"91\">91</td><td class=\"col-11\">A needle that never bends</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"92\" data-roll-max=\"92\">92</td><td class=\"col-11\">An ornate brooch of dwarven design</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"93\" data-roll-max=\"93\">93</td><td class=\"col-11\">An empty wine bottle bearing a pretty label that says, \"The Wizard of Wines Winery, Red Dragon Crush, 331422-W\"</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"94\" data-roll-max=\"94\">94</td><td class=\"col-11\">A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"95\" data-roll-max=\"95\">95</td><td class=\"col-11\">A @condition[petrified] mouse</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"96\" data-roll-max=\"96\">96</td><td class=\"col-11\">A black pirate flag adorned with a dragon's skull and crossbones</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"97\" data-roll-max=\"97\">97</td><td class=\"col-11\">A tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves about when it's not being observed</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"98\" data-roll-max=\"98\">98</td><td class=\"col-11\">A glass jar containing lard with a label that reads, \"Griffon Grease\"</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"99\" data-roll-max=\"99\">99</td><td class=\"col-11\">A wooden box with a ceramic bottom that holds a living worm with a head on each end of its body</td></tr><tr><td class=\"col-1 text-center\" data-roll-min=\"100\" data-roll-max=\"100\">100</td><td class=\"col-11\">A metal urn containing the ashes of a hero</td></tr></tbody></table></div>"
"id": "Truth Serum",
"name": "Truth Serum",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become @condition[poisoned] for 1 hour. The @condition[poisoned] creature can't knowingly speak a lie, as if under the effect of a @spell[zone of truth] spell.</p></div>"
"id": "Two-Person Tent",
"name": "Палатка",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>В палатке, простом парусиновом жилище, могут спать двое.</p></div>"
"id": "Vial",
"name": "Пузырёк",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A vial can hold up to 4 ounces of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Waterskin",
"name": "Бурдюк",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>A waterskin can hold up to 4 pints of liquid.</p></div>"
"id": "Whetstone",
"name": "Точильный камень",
"description": "\n\t\t"
"id": "Wyvern Poison",
"name": "Wyvern Poison",
"description": "\n\t\t<div class=\"rd__b rd__b--2\"><p>This poison must be harvested from a dead or @condition[incapacitated] @creature[wyvern]. A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 ([[/r 7d6]]) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p></div>"