{ "name": "Генератор помех/Mental Scrambler", "type": "consumable", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This complex metal and glass device can be held in one hand by one of several metallic loops. Two rounds after being activated as an action, the device creates an invisible field, filling a 60-foot sphere centered on the device that lasts for one minute. The field scrambles the mental processes of all thinking creatures. The effect lasts as long as they remain in the field and for [[/r 1d6]] rounds after, although a DC 15 Wisdom saving roll is allowed each round to act normally (both in the field and after leaving it). Roll for the effect the scrambler has each round:

[[/r d100]]Effect
01-30Victims cannot act.
31-40Victims cannot speak.
41-50Victims move slowly (no more than 10 feet) and clumsily (actions have disadvantage).
51-60Victims cannot see or hear.
61-70Victims lose all sense of direction, depth, and proportion.
71-80Victims do not recognize anyone they know.
81-88Victims suffer partial amnesia.
89-94Victims suffer total amnesia.
95-98Victims lose all inhibitions, revealing secrets and performing surprising actions.
99-100Victims' ethics are inverted.
", "chat": "", "unidentified": "" }, "source": "AotA", "quantity": 1, "weight": 0, "price": { "value": 0, "denomination": "gp" }, "attunement": 0, "equipped": false, "rarity": "rare", "identified": true, "activation": { "type": "action", "cost": 1, "condition": "" }, "duration": { "value": "", "units": "" }, "cover": null, "crewed": false, "target": { "value": null, "width": null, "units": "", "type": "" }, "range": { "value": null, "long": null, "units": "" }, "uses": { "value": null, "max": "", "per": null, "recovery": "", "autoDestroy": false }, "consume": { "type": "", "target": null, "amount": null }, "ability": null, "actionType": "", "attackBonus": "", "chatFlavor": "", "critical": { "threshold": null, "damage": "" }, "damage": { "parts": [], "versatile": "" }, "formula": "", "save": { "ability": "", "dc": null, "scaling": "spell" }, "consumableType": "trinket" }, "img": "modules/plutonium/media/icon/crossed-swords.svg", "flags": { "plutonium": { "page": "items.html", "source": "AotA", "hash": "mental%20scrambler_aota", "propDroppable": "item" }, "rsr5e": { "quickDesc": { "value": true }, "quickFooter": { "value": true }, "consumeQuantity": { "value": true } } }, "effects": [], "_stats": { "systemId": "dnd5e", "systemVersion": "2.2.1", "coreVersion": "12.327", "createdTime": 1686210624619, "modifiedTime": 1686644962759, "lastModifiedBy": "dnd5ebuilder0000", "duplicateSource": null }, "_id": "XB4F6GtUXjd0oUDO", "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0 }, "_key": "!items!XB4F6GtUXjd0oUDO" }