{ "name": "Глаз психического контакта/Eye Of Mental Contact", "type": "equipment", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This prosthesis replaces one of your eyes with a slightly oversized metallic version that you can see with normally. In addition, all creatures with minds you can sense within a 100 feet are limned (in your sight) with a glowing aura, allowing you to gauge a creature's relative strength of mind (weak, moderate, strong, godlike), and see its

silhouette in otherwise lightless conditions.

The eye has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. You can speak telepathically with others who are within 60 feet, by using 1 charge per contact. Communication is two-way, but the other party must be willing and able to communicate. You don't have to see the target of telepathy, but you must know that it's within range. You can have more than one active contact at once, but you must establish contact with each target individually as an action. Each contact lasts up to 10 minutes.

", "chat": "", "unidentified": "" }, "source": "AotA", "quantity": 1, "weight": 0, "price": { "value": 0, "denomination": "gp" }, "attunement": 1, "equipped": true, "rarity": "uncommon", "identified": true, "activation": { "type": "", "cost": 0, "condition": "" }, "duration": { "value": "", "units": "" }, "cover": null, "crewed": false, "target": { "value": null, "width": null, "units": "", "type": "" }, "range": { "value": null, "long": null, "units": "" }, "uses": { "value": null, "max": "", "per": null, "recovery": "" }, "consume": { "type": "", "target": null, "amount": null }, "ability": null, "actionType": "", "attackBonus": "", "chatFlavor": "", "critical": { "threshold": null, "damage": "" }, "damage": { "parts": [], "versatile": "" }, "formula": "", "save": { "ability": "", "dc": null, "scaling": "spell" }, "armor": { "value": null, "type": "trinket", "dex": null }, "hp": { "value": 0, "max": 0, "dt": null, "conditions": "" }, "baseItem": "", "speed": { "value": null, "conditions": "" }, "strength": null, "stealth": false, "proficient": true }, "img": "modules/plutonium/media/icon/crossed-swords.svg", "flags": { "plutonium": { "page": "items.html", "source": "AotA", "hash": "eye%20of%20mental%20contact_aota", "propDroppable": "item" }, "rsr5e": { "quickDesc": { "value": true }, "quickFooter": { "value": true }, "consumeQuantity": { "value": false } }, "cf": { "id": "temp_oez0ha3jxfk", "path": "aota#/CF_SEP/железная плоть", "color": "#000000" } }, "effects": [], "_stats": { "systemId": "dnd5e", "systemVersion": "2.2.1", "coreVersion": "12.327", "createdTime": 1686656280576, "modifiedTime": 1686656373061, "lastModifiedBy": "DIenO1f7rrLOjj4w", "compendiumSource": null, "duplicateSource": null }, "_id": "QyOtMkQAptlP0wM3", "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0, "DIenO1f7rrLOjj4w": 3 }, "_key": "!items!QyOtMkQAptlP0wM3" }