{ "name": "Маска из плоти/Fleshy Head Disguise", "type": "consumable", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This adhesive patch of synth has a yellow side and a green side. To use it, you must first press the yellow side against a creature and activate it, which scans that creature. When you activate the green side, the cypher creates a lifelike fleshy model of that creature's head that can be worn as a full- head prosthetic mask.

The model has muscles, nerves, and blood vessels that react to your face and head movements, including speech, facial expressions, blushing, and blinking, but does so with the copied creature's appearance (including scars and retinal scans). The worn model gives you proficiency and advantage on checks to

disguise yourself as the copied creature, although if the wearer has a very different shape than the copied creature, it is unlikely that anyone will believe it. The model lasts for four hours, after which it melts into harmless goo.

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