{ "name": "Сумеречная кожа/Twilight Skin", "type": "equipment", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This artificial skin of thin ultra-black material lays itself in swaddling, tight ribbons of darkness across large sections of your natural skin, ultimately replacing those sections with prosthetic skin. It has 13 charges and regains 1d12 + 1 charges daily at midnight. When you expend 1 charge as an action, darkness adheres to you, transforming you into an utterly featureless silhouette for 10 minutes, granting you advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks and a +1 bonus to AC.

If you expend 2 charges as an action, darkness so thick that it has a sort of substance condenses within an area 30 feet in diameter within 120 feet of you, manifesting as a swarm of hungry black ribbons for one minute. Creatures in the area have disadvantage on all actions, and leaving the area requires that the creature succeed on a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check, and even if successful, requires their entire turn to complete. All tasks attempted by creatures in the area gain disadvantage. Leaving the area requires the creature's entire action to move. You can dismiss the dark matter early as an action.

If you expend 3 charges as an action, you form dark matter into a large structure occupying a volume that would fit into ten 10-foot cubes. The structure can be somewhat complex, though everything has the same matte black color from which no light shines. Otherwise, the structure can possess different densities, textures, and capacities. This means it can include windows, doors with locks, furnishings, and even decor, as long as it is all black as pitch. For example, you could shape the dark matter into a large, defensible structure; a sturdy 100-foot bridge; or anything similar. The structure lasts for one day, unless destroyed. (Treat the structure's walls as if made of stone for purposes of withstanding damage. Each 10-foot section has AC 15 and 60 hit points. You can't keep more than one such structure solid at any one time.

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