{ "name": "Яд детонации/Poison Of Detonation", "type": "consumable", "system": { "description": { "value": "

If you use this device to produce a drop of shimmering liquid as an action, and successfully adulterate the food or drink of a potential target who consumes it within a week, they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or become explosively poisoned. Explosive poison does not incur the regular poisoned condition, but instead concentrates itself in the victim's brain and activates when a specific detonation mechanism occurs anytime within 1 month. When detonated, the victim takes 50 fire damage. If this kills the victim, all creatures within a 10-foot sphere centered on the victim take 5d6 fire damage on a failed DC 13 Reflex saving throw, or half that if successful. Each explosive poison cypher has a predetermined detonation mechanism; roll for it when the cypher is discovered.

Detonation Trigger
[[/r d100]]Detonation Trigger
01-25A detonator on the original poison-distilling device is activated (must be within 120 feet).
26-40A specified amount of time passes.
41-50The victim takes a specific action.
51-55A specific note is sung or played on an instrument within short range.
56-60The victim smells a specific scent within immediate range.
61-80The victim comes within 120 feet of the detonator on the original poison-distilling device.
81-100The victim is no longer within 120 feet of the detonator on the original poison-distilling device.
", "chat": "", "unidentified": "" }, "source": "AotA", "quantity": 1, "weight": 0, "price": { "value": 0, "denomination": "gp" }, "attunement": 0, "equipped": false, "rarity": "uncommon", "identified": true, "activation": { "type": "action", "cost": 1, "condition": "" }, "duration": { "value": "", "units": "" }, "cover": null, "crewed": false, "target": { "value": null, "width": null, "units": "", "type": "" }, "range": { "value": null, "long": null, "units": "" }, "uses": { "value": null, "max": "", "per": null, "recovery": "", "autoDestroy": false }, "consume": { "type": "", "target": null, "amount": null }, "ability": null, "actionType": "", "attackBonus": "", "chatFlavor": "", "critical": { "threshold": null, "damage": "" }, "damage": { "parts": [], "versatile": "" }, "formula": "", "save": { "ability": "", "dc": null, "scaling": "spell" }, "consumableType": "trinket" }, "img": "modules/plutonium/media/icon/crossed-swords.svg", "flags": { "plutonium": { "page": "items.html", "source": "AotA", "hash": "poison%20of%20detonation_aota", "propDroppable": "item" }, "rsr5e": { "quickDesc": { "value": true }, "quickFooter": { "value": true }, "consumeQuantity": { "value": true } } }, "effects": [], "_stats": { "systemId": "dnd5e", "systemVersion": "2.2.1", "coreVersion": "12.327", "createdTime": 1686210626225, "modifiedTime": 1686647020650, "lastModifiedBy": "dnd5ebuilder0000", "duplicateSource": null }, "_id": "hSb4N5t40KkAB33G", "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0 }, "_key": "!items!hSb4N5t40KkAB33G" }