{ "name": "Фазированная кожа/Skin Of Phasing", "type": "equipment", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This artificial skin of thin glistening material lays itself in strange patterns and disquieting glows across large sections of your natural skin, ultimately replacing those sections with prosthetic skin. It has 20 charges and regains 5d4 charges daily at dawn. When you expend 1 charge as a bonus action when you begin taking your move, you can slowly pass through physical barriers at a rate of 1 inch per round (minimum of one round to pass through any barrier) for one minute, or until you make it all the way through. You can't act (other than moving, or using this iron flesh implant again) or perceive anything until you pass entirely through the barrier. You can't pass through energy or magical barriers. (If you expend 3 charges, you can move at your speed through barriers.)

If you expend 2 charges as an action (or 3 charges as a reaction you can take when attacked), you can change your phase so that some attacks pass through you harmlessly. For the next 10 minutes, attacks targeting you have disadvantage.

If you expend 3 charges as an action, you become invisible for up to 30 minutes; if you attack or do something else requiring serious attention, the effect ends at the beginning of your following turn.

If you expend 5 charges as a bonus action as part of an attack, your attack partly phases through your foe's armor or tough skin, doubling the total proficiency bonus you would normally apply to that attack, unless your foe is also partially or completely incorporeal.

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