{ "name": "Каонный хранитель/Kaon Preserver", "type": "consumable", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This crystal handheld device is filled with tiny glowing blue vortices of concentrated force. If activated as your action, a target within 5 feet of you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become locked in temporal stasis for an amount of time you specify when you activate it, with no apparent maximum value. Another kaon preserver can prematurely break this stasis. (Temporal stasis is a state in which the flow of time stops for the subject, but not for everyone else around subject.) Attacks against a subject in stasis are ineffective unless they are transdimensional in nature.

", "chat": "", "unidentified": "" }, "source": "AotA", "quantity": 1, "weight": 0, "price": { "value": 0, "denomination": "gp" }, "attunement": 0, "equipped": false, "rarity": "uncommon", "identified": true, "activation": { "type": "action", "cost": 1, "condition": "" }, "duration": { "value": "", "units": "" }, "cover": null, "crewed": false, "target": { "value": null, "width": null, "units": "", "type": "" }, "range": { "value": null, "long": null, "units": "" }, "uses": { "value": null, "max": "", "per": null, "recovery": "", "autoDestroy": false }, "consume": { "type": "", "target": null, "amount": null }, "ability": null, "actionType": "", "attackBonus": "", "chatFlavor": "", "critical": { "threshold": null, "damage": "" }, "damage": { "parts": [], "versatile": "" }, "formula": "", "save": { "ability": "", "dc": null, "scaling": "spell" }, "consumableType": "trinket" }, "img": "modules/plutonium/media/icon/crossed-swords.svg", "flags": [], "rsr5e": { "quickDesc": { "value": true }, "quickFooter": { "value": true }, "consumeQuantity": { "value": true } } }, "effects": [], "_stats": { "systemId": "dnd5e", "systemVersion": "2.2.1", "coreVersion": "12.327", "createdTime": 1686210623765, "modifiedTime": 1686603528078, "lastModifiedBy": "dnd5ebuilder0000", "duplicateSource": null }, "_id": "davjZ7Wzo1IJsbp5", "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0 }, "_key": "!items!davjZ7Wzo1IJsbp5" }