{ "name": "Сердце бури(шторм)/Stormheart Tempest", "type": "equipment", "system": { "description": { "value": "

This sphere is permanently implanted in your chest in exactly the same way as a stormheart, with the same chance of death.

The tempest has 40 charges and regains 2d20 expended charges daily at dawn. It has the same additional lightning damage function as the stormheart, plus a couple more abilities. You can move 120 feet instantaneously as your move, carried by a bolt of lightning (4 charges). You must be able to see the new location, and there must be no intervening barriers.

When you expend 4 charges as an action, lightning crackles across your body for 10 minutes, granting you a +1 bonus to AC. While so empowered, you have lightning resistance, and you deal +1d8 lightning damage on any creature that touches you or attacks you with a melee weapon that conducts lightning. When you expend 7 charges as an action, you discharge a lightning bolt 100 feet long and 5 feet wide. Targets in the area must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw and take 12d6 lightning damage on failure, or half as much damage on a successful save. Flammable objects not worn or carried in the line of the lightning ignite. Finally, when you expend 7 charges as an action, you can flash across the miles, moving to an open location on the earth that you're familiar with almost instantaneously, transformed into a bolt of lightning. If you expend 3 additional charges, you can attempt to penetrate covered locations that you're aware of as long as a route exists from the open air to the area you want to reach that electricity can easily follow.

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